Scones cu cirese si ciocolata neagra

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cherry chocolate scones

Suntem in plin sezon al cireselor si e o placere sa mergi la piata – cirese negre, amarui, albe, mai carnoase, mai putin carnoase ori visine, oferta e variata. E imposibil sa nu te inspire varietatea asta de fructe disponibila in aceasta perioada. Si pagina mea de Facebook e plina de deserturi cu cirese – creme, cheesecake, clafoutis, crumble si lista continua. Asa ca m-am gandit sa fac ceva diferit si asa au iesit aceste scones. Scones sunt un fel de biscuiti de origine englezeasca care se servesc la ceaiul de la ora 5 alaturi de o cana din ceaiul preferat. Mie una mi se pare ca scones se situeaza la granita dintre desert si snack, cu toate ca reteta de azi merge mai degraba spre decadenta intrucat pe langa cirese am adaugat si ceva picaturi de ciocolata. Ce a iesit e un desert care chiar m-a impresionat.. si eu nu sunt usor de impresionat. Am mancat scones cu unt in nestire (guilty as charged) si mi-am promis ca voi mai face si in alte combinatii.

Scones cu cirese

Sezonul cireselor nu putea trece fara un desert cu cirese, cu toate ca aceste scones sunt mai degraba la limita intre biscuiti si desert. Delicioase oricum ar fi insa!
Rezultat –8 scones


  • 100 g faina integrala
  • 180 g faina alba 000
  • 1 g sare
  • 5 g praf de copt
  • 2 g bicarbonat
  • 60 g zahar alb granulat
  • 80 g unt (rece)
  • 125 g lapte (rece)
  • 125 g smantana fermentata (rece)
  • 150 g cirese fara samburi (tocate)
  • 50 g picaturi de ciocolata (sau bucati)


  • Pre-incalziti cuptorul la 190°C si tapetati o tava mare cu hartie de copt. Presarati putina faina pe suprafata tavii si dati deoparte.
  • Amestecati faina integrala, faina alba, sarea, praful de copt, bicarbonatul si zaharul intr-un bol. Adaugati ciresele si ciocolata.
  • Scoateti untul din congelator si radeti-l pe razatoarea mare. Adaugati untul peste faina si amestecati cu o furculita pana obtineti un amestec nisipos.
  • Incorporati laptele si smantana reci si amestecati tot cu furculita doar cat sa obtineti un aluat cat de cat omogen. Nu framantati aluatul!
  • Transferati aluatul pe tava de copt si formati cu mainile infainate un cerc gros de 2.5-3cm grosime aproximativ.
  • Taiati aluatul in tringhiuri cu un cutit infainat si separati scones pe tava de copt pentru a avea loc sa creasca.
  • Coaceti pentru 12-15 minute pana cresc bine si devin aurii.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in tava.
Keyword Ciocolata, Ciocolata neagra, Cirese, Unt
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Cherries are in full season here – red, pink, white, dark red, all sorts of colors are available. My favorites are the Amarena cherries, dark and slightly bitter, with plenty of flesh and juice, the kind of cherries that stain your fingertips and clothes… stains that bring many childhood memories back, the kind of stains that I don’t mind anymore. I loved climbing trees to pick these up when I was a kid and the taste of freshly made cherry jam is something that I will never forget.

I couldn’t let the season go by without making some dessert with cherries – my Facebook feed is loaded with cherry desserts, from clafoutis, crumble, ice creams or cheesecakes and I felt inspired. And thus these cherry chocolate scones were born. I do think cherries and chocolate are a match made in heaven so a few chocolate chips were thrown in the batter just to melt during baking and take these scones more to the decadent side rather than the healthy, breakfast kind of snack. I enjoyed these more than I should have (guilty as charged for eating them with plenty of butter) and scones is something I’ll surely be making again in a different combination – such a versatile dessert!

{Cherry Chocolate Scones}

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –8 scones


  • 100 g whole wheat flour
  • 180 g all-purpose white flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 60 g white sugar
  • 80 g butter (chilled)
  • 125 ml milk (chilled)
  • 125 g cour cream (chilled)
  • 150 g cherries (pitted and chopped)
  • 50 g dark chocolate chips


  • Pre-heat your oven to 375F – 190C and line a large baking tray with parchment paper. Sprinkle the parchment paper with a thin layer of flour and place aside.
  • Combine the flours, salt, baking powder, baking soda and sugar in a bowl and mix well.
  • Add the cherries and chocolate chips and mix.
  • Grate the chilled butter (I chilled mine in the freezer for 30 minutes before use) on a large grater and place it in the flour mix.
  • Using a fork, mix the butter with the flour until the mix looks sandy.
  • Stir in the milk and sour cream and give it a quick mix with the fork until a dough forms. Don’t knead the dough at all!
  • Transfer the dough on your prepared baking pan and gather it into a round without kneading it, as thick as 1-inch. Add a sprinkle of flour if the dough it’s sticky.
  • Using a knife sprinkled with flour, cut the round of dough into triangles and carefully separate the scones out on your baking tray.
  • Bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown and well risen.
  • Allow them to cool in the pan before serving.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
cherry chocolate scones
scones cu cirese si ciocolata neagra

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  1. Love this recipe so much. It looks absolutely yummy and very easy to make. Thank you for sharing this amazing cherry chocolate scones.

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