Macarons cu busuioc si zmeura

Mergi direct la reteta Macarons cu busuioc si zmeura

Lume, lume, iata prima reteta de macarons pe Pastry Workshop! V-am facut sa asteptati ceva timp, stiu, dar va promit ca a meritat! Caci reteta de mai jos e absolut delicioasa! Cojile ies minunate, iar crema… oh crema e angelica! Aroma intensa de busuioc, zmeura dulce-acrisoara si delicat parfumata fac casa excelenta, astfel incat acesti macarons se topesc in gura!

Recunosc ca daca ma intreba cineva acum cateva luni daca imi plac macarons, as fi zis ca nu. Dar banuiesc ca nu mancasem macarons de unde trebuie caci in momentul in care i-am gustat pe cei facuti de Diego Lozano in cadrul masterclass-ului, am avut revelatia texturii macaron-ului perfect! Inca incerc sa reproduc exact acea dulceata, acea umiditate si textura pe care le-am gustat atunci!

macarons cu zmeura si busuioc

Incercarea de azi e timida, foarte timida, dar e un inceput bun. Reteta folosita de mine apartine lui Pierre Herme si foloseste ca baza o bezea italiana foarte stabila. Dupa suficiente incercari ratate, am ajuns la concluzia ca secretul consta in cuptor. Asa incat temperaturile date de mine astazi ar trebui luate ca ghid de plecare – va recomand sa faceti cateva incercari cu diverse temperaturi si pozitii ale tavii in cuptor pana ajungeti la un rezultat care sa va satisfaca.

Tineti minte insa ca un macaron perfect are un piciorus frumos, vizibil, o crusta usor crocant, care se sparge cu usurinta cand musti si un interior umed, cremos, aromat, care se musca usor si se topeste in gura!

Nu indraznesc insa sa va dau sfaturi pentru a realiza macarons perfect, e un proces de invatare si pentru mine, asa ca va propun sa parcurgem impreuna acest drum. Va invit sa impartasiti cu mine experienta voastra cu aceste mici minuni colorate in sectiune de comentarii de mai jos! 🙂

Macarons cu busuioc si zmeura

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Macarons aromati cu busuioc si zmeura, moi la interior si crocanti la exterior.
Rezultat –35 pieces



  • 150 g faina de migdale
  • 150 g zahar pudra
  • 55 g albus de ou A
  • 55 g albus de ou B
  • 150 g zahar alb
  • 37 ml apa rece
  • Colorant pudra (verde in cazul meu)

Ganache de busuioc:

  • 190 g ciocolata alba
  • 150 ml smantana pentru frisca
  • 10 g busuioc proaspat
  • 25 g unt de cacao
  • 50 g unt (temperatura camerei)

Gem de zmeura:

  • 150 g piure de zmeura (fara samburi)
  • 20 g sirop de glucoza
  • 5 g pectina NH
  • 35 g zahar alb
  • 5 ml suc de lamaie



  • Cerneti faina de migdale si zaharul pudra de doua ori. Dati deoparte. Rezervati albusul A alaturi de ingredientele uscate.
  • Combinati zaharul alb cu apa intr-un vas si puneti pe foc.
  • Intre timp, mixati albusul B pana devine spumos. Cand siropul de zahar si apa a ajuns la 119C, incepeti sa-l turnati in fir subtire peste albus, mixand continuu. Mixati pana obtineti o bezea lucioasa si suficient de ferma. Adaugati colorantul si amestecati bine.
  • Amestecati ingredientele uscate cu albusul A pana obtineti o pasta.
  • Incorporati 1 lingura de bezea in pasta obtinuta, apoi adaugati si restul de bezea. Amestecati usor pana obtineti un aluat destul de gros dar care curge totusi de pe lingura sau spatula intr-o panglica.
  • Turnati aluatul intr-un pos echipat cu dui rotund, mica poi posati macarons pe o folie de silicon sau hartie de copt. Va ajuta mult o folie de silicon imprimata cu cercuri pentru macarons, dar pe hartie de copt puteti trasa voi aceste cercuri cu un creion si un cutter de fursecuri!
  • Loviti usor tava de masa de lucru pentru a scapa de eventualele bule de aer apoi lasati macarons sa se usuce la temperatura camerei pentru 10-30 minute, in functie de temperaturi sau umiditatea din camera. Stiti ca sunt gata de copt cand suprafata fiecaruia a format o crusta care atinsa, nu se rupe sau lipeste.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 130C cu vantilatie pentru 15-20 minute.
  • Cand sunt gata, scoateti din cuptor si lasati sa se raceasca in tava.

Ganache de busuioc:

  • Combinati ciocolata si untul de cacao intr-un bol.
  • Turnati smantana intr-un vas si aduceti la punctul de fierbere. Adaugati busuiocul si luati de pe foc. Acoperiti cu folie de plastic si lasati sa infuzeze 10 minute. Blenduiti apoi strecurati printr-o sita fina.
  • Reincalziti smantana pana la punctual de fierbere apoi turnati-o peste ciocolata.
  • Lasati deoparte 2 minute apoi blenduiti cu un blender de mana/blender stick.
  • Lasati crema sa vina la 40C, apoi adaugati untul la temperatura camerei si blenduiti din nou.
  • Dati crema la rece cateva ore, acoperita cu folie pentru a preveni formarea crustei.

Gem de zmeura:

  • Combinati piureul de zmeura si glucoza intr-un vas si incalziti la 40C.
  • Amestecati zaharul si pectina intr-un vas apoi turnati-o peste siropul cald, amestecand continuu.
  • Dati in clocot apoi gatiti 2 minute de cand incepe sa fiarba.
  • Adaugati sucul de lamaie si luati de pe foc.
  • Acoperiti cu folie si lasati sa se raceasca.

Pentru a asambla macarons:

  • Puneti cele doua crema in posuri.
  • Grupati macarons dupa marime, doi cate doi, perechi.
  • Posati ganache pe marginea exterioara a fiecarui macarons (doar unul dintr-o pereche de doi, nu e nevoie sa puneti crema pe ambii). Umpleti centrul cu gem de zmeura apoi acoperiti cu cel de-al doilea macarons.
  • Puneti in casserole si dati la rece.
  • Sunt mult mai buni dupa o zi la rece.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Hold your seat tight as here comes the very first recipe of macarons on Pastry Workshop! It took me a while to finally have the guts to dive into the world of macarons a little bit more. I used to find macarons quite bland and too sweet, not something I wanted to taste too often. I guess I just didn’t taste the right ones as when I finally had the chance to see them done by Diego Lozano and tasted them, I was hooked. They were moist, fragrant, not overly sweet and simply melt-in-your-mouth! From all the varieties he’s made, there’s one that totally crawled under my skin – basil! Basil macarons are amazing! But imagine having them combined with raspberry! Pure joy for your taste buds!

basil raspberry macarons

Basil Raspberry Macarons – fragrant, delicious, moist, beautiful!

These basil raspberry macarons are so surprising that one won’t be enough to tell why they are so good or so fragrant! The basil aroma is just the right amount so when you bite into them, it floods your taste buds with its intensity and then it slowly leaves room for the tangy raspberry to wash off the feel and make room for one more macarons! It’s a quite addictive combination of flavors, one that yields a lovely color contrast as well!

basil raspberry macarons

The recipe below belongs to the one and only Pierre Herme. It’s one of the two  recipes (together with Diego Lozano’s) that worked in my home oven. The recipe uses Italian meringue as a base and the meringue in itself is the most stable one so the rate of success with this particular ingredient list is quite high.

basil raspberry macarons

Basil Raspberry Macarons

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –35 pieces


Macaron shells:

  • 150 g almond flour
  • 150 g powdered sugar
  • 55 g egg whites A
  • 55 g egg whites B
  • 150 g white sugar
  • 37 ml water
  • Powder food coloring

Basil ganache:

  • 190 g white chocolate
  • 150 ml heavy cream
  • 10 g fresh basil leaves
  • 25 g cocoa butter
  • 50 g butter (softened)

Raspberry jam:

  • 150 g seedless raspberry puree
  • 20 g glucose syrup
  • 5 g pectin NH
  • 35 g white sugar
  • 5 ml lemon juice


Macaron shells:

  • Sift the almond flour and powdered sugar twice. Place aside in a bowl. Reserve the egg whites A next to the bowl of dry ingredients.
  • Combine the white sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • In the meantime, begin whipping the egg whites B until foamy. When the sugar syrup reaches 119C, start pouring it over the egg whites B, mixing all the time while pouring. Continue mixing until the meringue cools down slightly and it looks stiff and glossy. Add the food coloring and mix well.
  • Mix the dry ingredients with the reserved egg whites (A) to form a paste.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of meringue into this paste and mix well then add the remaining meringue and mix carefully until the batter is thick, but runs off the spatula into a ribbon like stream. That’s how we know the batter is ready to pipe and bake!
  • Spoon the batter in a pastry bag fitted with a small round pastry tip then pipe small (or larger) macarons on a silicone baking mat.
  • Gently tap the baking tray on your countertop to remove air bubbles then allow to dry at room temperature for 10 to 30 minutes, depending on weather and temperature. You know they are ready to bake when the surface of each macaron has formed a skin, if you touch gently, the macaron batter won’t stick to your fingertip.
  • Bake the macarons in the preheated oven at 130F with the fan on for 15-20 minutes.
  • When done, remove from the oven and allow them to cool down in the pan.

Basil ganache:

  • Combine the chocolate and cocoa butter in a bowl.
  • Pour the heavy cream in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point. Add the basil leaves and remove from heat.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and allow to infuse for 10 minutes then blend with a hand blender.
  • Strain the heavy cream through a fine sieve then heat the cream once again to the boiling point.
  • Pour the cream over the chocolate. Allow to rest for 2 minutes then blend well.
  • Allow the ganache to come to 40C then add the butter and blend until smooth and creamy.
  • Cover the ganache with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Raspberry jam:

  • Combine the raspberry puree and glucose in a small pot and heat to 40C.
  • Mix the sugar with the pectin NH then add it to the puree pot and mix well. Bring to a boil then cook for 2 minutes from the moment it begins to boil.
  • Add the lemon juice and remove from heat.
  • Allow to cool down to room temperature, covered with plastic wrap.

To finish the macarons:

  • Pair the macarons shells two by two, considering their shape and size.
  • Spoon the ganache and jam into two small pastry bags.
  • Pipe an outer layer of ganache on the macarons. Fill the center with raspberry jam then cover with another macaron and press gently to make sure they’re sandwiched.
  • Store in the fridge for 24 hours before serving.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
basil raspberry macarons

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  1. Buna…de abia astept sa incerc reteta! Dar as avea o intrebare…unde gasesc pectina?
    Multumim pt reteta

  2. It looks so pretty and delicious.
    I love the color and shape of macarons but it’s tooo sweet for my taste.
    I have tried to reduce the amount of sugar without much success.
    As always, love your work.

  3. Buna seara,felicitări pentru macarons,as dori sa intreb daca pot folosi fulgi de migdale făcuți pudra si daca da ,cantitatea este aceiasi,iar daca nu am termometru pt sirop cam cat trebuie sa fiarba,multumesc din suflet.

  4. Bună!As dori sa fac si varianta de ciocolata .Cate gr din pudra de migdale se înlocuiește cu pudra de cacao?Multumesc frumos!Ramona

  5. Bună ziua!Este nevoie să mai râșnesc zahărul pudră și faina de migdale?Chiar daca faina si zaharul sunt super fine?Apoi să cern cele două produse?Mulțumesc mult!Succes în noul an!☘️?❤️

  6. Bună seara!Care sa fie cauza compoziției prea moi a macaronajului?Oare nu am bătut suficient bezeaua?Care într-adevăr nu era foarte fermă.Sau poate ar mai fi trebuit amestecat macaronajul ?Mulțumesc mult!

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