Friands cu fructe de padure
Friands sau financiers, asta e intrebarea! Unele surse sustin ca cele doua sunt una si acelasi lucru, alte surse sustin ca micile diferente sunt suficient de notabile incat sa le consideram doua produse diferite. Cercetarile mele au descoperit ca friands ar avea mai degraba origini australiene si se coc de obicei intr-o forma rotunda, ovala sau de oblong, avand deasupra fructe, in timp ce financiers sunt frantuzesti, au forma unui lingou de aur si felii de migdale deasupra (se pare ca au devenit celebre in faimosul district financiar al Parisului). Insa indiferent de forma sau topping, ambele au in comun partea cea mai importanta: ingredientele. Ambele au la baza faina de migdale, zaharul pudra, untul (beurre noisette pentru mai multa aroma), albusurile si diverse arome, la acestea adaugandu-se fructele in cazul friands si nucile sau nuca de cocos in cazul financiers.
Am dat peste aceasta reteta citind cartea lui Margaret Fulton, Baking Basics, si primul gand citind lista de ingrediente a fost ca seamana foarte mult cu mult mai celebrii macarons. Ce e diferit insa e aroma, textura si forma – gustand si una si alta, pot spune ca prefer friands sau financiers, insa e doar o chestiune de gusturi si preferinte personale.
Friands cu fructe de padure
- 175 g unt (82% grasime)
- 100 g faina de migdale
- 5 g coaja de lamaie
- 260 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- 75 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
- 1 g sare
- 5 albusuri
Fructe de padure proaspete sau congelate
- Puneti untul intr-un vas pe foc si gatiti pana se topeste complet. Tineti pe foc pana devine usor auriu, apoi dati deoparte.
- Intr-un bol, combinati faina de migdale, coaja de lamaie, zaharul, faina alba si sarea.
- Adaugati albusurile si untul topit si amestecati bine.
- Turnati aluatul in forme mici de muffins (de silicon pentru ca se scot mai usor din forme dupa coacere), puneti cateva fructe deasupra si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 200°C pentru 5 minute apoi dati cuptorul la 180°C si continuati sa coaceti inca 15-20 minute pana devin aurii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in forme cateva minute apoi scoateti-le cu grija.
- Sa aveti pofta!
Friands or financiers, this is the question! Some sources, such as Margaret Fulton, say they are exactly the same, other sources say they’re only similar, the differences being notable. After a bit of research, here’s what I’ve concluded: friands are round, oval or oblong shaped and are flavored with fruits, while financiers look like tiny bars of gold topped with sliced almonds. But they do have in common one very important part: the ingredients. Both friands and financiers are made using almond meal, melted butter (beurre noisette is often used for more flavor), egg whites, powdered sugar, flavorings and toppings – fruits for friands, nuts or coconut for financiers. Another difference I stumbled across is the fact that friands seem to be more specific to Australia, while financiers are definitely French. Either way, they are crusty, delicious, almondy and moist, sweet perfect bites for a party!
I’ve come across this recipe while reading Margaret Faulton’s book, Baking Classics, and it struck me at first how similar the ingredient list is to the more famous macarons. It this was intriguing enough for me to try it right away – mostly because I’m not too fond on macarons and an alternative was more than welcomed. The verdict you may ask – well, I think it’s safe to say I like friands more than macarons – the flavor is intense, the texture is delicate, the possibilities are endless. Sure, it’s just a matter of personal taste at the end of the day, but I think these tiny tea cakes do deserve a spot on the walk of fame of the pastry world.
Berry Friands
- 175 g butter 82%
- 100 g almond flour
- 2 g lemon zest
- 260 g icing sugar (sifted)
- 75 g all-purpose white flour (sifted)
- 1 g salt
- 150 g egg whites
- 2 handfuls fresh or frozen mixed berries
- Place the butter in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Cook until the butter is melted and it starts to look golden brown. Be careful as it burns easily. This is beurre noisette. Place aside.
- In a bowl, mix the almond flour, lemon zest, sugar and flour. Add a pinch of salt.
- Stir in the egg whites and butter and mix just until combined.
- Spoon the batter into small muffin cups (silicone muffin cups in my case) and top each friand with a few berries.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 200F for 5 minutes then reduce to 180C and bake for another 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and crusty.
- Allow to cool for a few minutes in the cups then remove on a platter.
Buna Olguta,
am incercat si eu o data financier dar cred ca am gresit undeva ca mi-au iesit cam gumate.Incerc totusi reteta ta, ca am mai multa incredere in ce faci,dat fiind faptul ca am incercat multe retete si mi-au iesit.
Revenind la reteta fructele cd se pun ?
O zi buna!
Alina, multumesc pentru incredere.
Sa stii ca totusi sunt usor gumoase, lipicioase, nu stiu cum sa explic, mai ales cat sunt calde. Cand se racesc insa devin mai mult fragede. Eu zic sa incerci si reteta asta si sa hotarasti, stiind cum ti-au iesit data trecuta, ai termen de comparatie 🙂
Thanks so much for sharing, I love making friands, Oana! Such a great way to use up egg whites too! xx
Indeed, Louise! They are great for those leftover egg whites 🙂
Buna Olguta,te urmaresc cu interes de multa vreme,am incercat unele retete si cam toate au iesit ! However am o nelamurire privind reteta asta,albusurile se adauga asa pur si simplu sau batute spuma ?! Merci 🙂
Multumesc pentru incredere, Lavinia. Spor!