Entremet Padurea Neagra

Aceasta reteta e departe de a fi un tort Padurea Neagra clasic – este compus din straturi de ciocolata si jeleu de cirese insiropate cu putin brandy si anason, avand la baza un blat sable Breton care se afla la granita dintre biscuite si blat pufos si nu e nici crocant, nici foarte aerat, nici uscat. E un blat versatil si mi se pare foarte potrivit in aceasta combinatie.

entremet padurea neagra

Este a doua sau a treia incercare de a face Padurea Neagra, insa mereu sfarsesc departe de reteta originala care e ceva mai simpla. Si totusi, cu ceva organizare nici acest tort nu e complicat si nu te tine in bucatarie ore in sir. Insa reultatul merita! E un tort sofisticat, ciocolatos si consistent si nu ai nevoie de mai mult de o feliuta sa te saturi.

Straturile tortului sunt: sable Breton, jeleu de cirese, cremeux de ciocolata, mousse de ciocolata cu lapte si decor de ciocolata.

Sable Breton:

  • 100g faina alba
  • 25g cacao
  • 1 lingurita praf de copt
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 115g unt
  • 65g zahar
  • 3 galbenusuri

Mod de preparare:

  1. Cerneti faina, cacaoa, praful de copt si sarea intr-un bol si dati departe.
  2. Mixati untul cu zaharul pana devine cremos, apoi adaugati cele 3 galbenusuri si mixati bine.
  3. Incorporati amestecul de faina apoi transferati aluatul intr-o tava rotunda tapetata cu hartie de copt. Tava mea a avut 24cm diametru. Dati la congelator pentru 1 ora.
  4. Coaceti la 170C pentru 25-30 minute maxim sau pana creste frumos si trece testul scobitorii.
  5. Scoateti tava din cuptor si lasati-o sa se raceasca apoi montati blatul intr-un inel de tort.

Jeleu de cirese:

  • 400g cirese fara samburi
  • 2 linguri brandy
  • 150ml apa
  • 50g zahar
  • 1 stea de anason
  • 8g gelatina
  • 45ml apa rece

Mod de preparare:

  1. Amestecati apa, zaharul si steaua de anason intr-un vas si dati in clocot. Fierbeti siropul 5 minute apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciresele si brandy-ul.
  2. Acoperiti vasul si lasati sa se raceasca si sa infuzeze.
  3. Amestecati gelatina cu 45ml apa rece si lasati sa se inmoaie 10 minute.
  4. Asezati jumatate din cirese intr-o tava rotunda (16-18cm diametru) tapetata cu folie de plastic.
  5. Scoateti anasonul stelat si blenduiti restul de cirese si siropul ramas.
  6. Treceti amestecul printr-o sita fina si adaugati gelatina topita in prealabil.
  7. Turnati jeleul peste cirese si dati la congelator cel putin 1 ora.
  8. Cand jeleul s-a prins si e usor de manevrat, transferati-l in inelul de tort, peste blatul Breton si dati la rece.

Cremeux de ciocolata:

  • 180ml frisca lichida
  • 50ml lapte
  • 40g zahar
  • 4 galbenusuri
  • 3g gelatina
  • 15ml apa rece
  • 50g ciocolata neagra, bucati

Mod de preparare:

  1. Combinati gelatina cu apa rece si lasati sa se hidrateze.
  2. Amestecati frisca si laptele intr-un vas pe foc mic si aduceti la punctul de fierbere.
  3. Intre timp, mixati zaharul si galbenusurile pana devin cremoase. Turnati laptele fierbinte peste galbenusuri, amestecand continuu apoi puneti vasul inapoi pe foc si fierbeti pana incepe sa se ingroase.
  4. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amestecati pana se topeste.
  5. Topiti gelatina cateva secunde pe baie de aburi si amestecati-o cu crema de ciocolata.
  6. Turnati cremeux-ul in acelasi vas in care ati facut jeleul si dati la congelator cel putin 1 ora.
  7. Transferati cremeux-ul peste jeleu si dati la rece.

Mousse de ciocolata:

  • 400ml frisca lichida
  • 2 linguri zahar pudra
  • 250g ciocolata cu lapte
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 50g zahar
  • 25ml apa
  • 4g gelatina
  • 20ml apa rece

Mod de preparare:

  1. Amestecati gelatina cu 20ml apa rece si lasati sa se hidrateze cel putin 10 minute.
  2. Bateti frisca cu zaharul pudra pana sta bat si dati la rece.
  3. Topiti ciocolata pe baie de aburi si dati deoparte.
  4. Amestecati zaharul si 25ml apa intr-un vas pe foc mediu. Fierbeti acest sirop 5 mintue pana incepe sa se ingroase.
  5. Intre timp, mixati galbenusurile cu mixerul pana devin cremoase, apoi turnati siropul fierbinte in fir subtire, mixand continuu pana isi tripleaza volumul.
  6. Adaugati gelatina topita, apoi ciocolata topita. Amestecati bine si lasati sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei.
  7. Incorporati frisca batuta si turnati mousse-ul peste cremeux de ciocolata, avand grija sa curga si peste blat si sa fie bine nivelat.
  8. Dati tortul la rece cel putin cateva ore, de preferabil peste noapte.

Decor din ciocolata

  1. Pentru decorul de ciocolata, topiti 100g ciocolata neagra.
  2. Taiati o fasie de hartie de copt care masoara exact cat diametrul total al tortului.
  3. Intindeti hartia de copt pe blatul de lucru si realizati diverse modele.
  4. Lasati sa se intareasca ciocolata putin apoi cu grija infasurati laturile tortului in aceasta fasie de hartie gata decorata.
  5. Dati la rece 15 minute apoi cu grija inlaturati hartia de copt.
  6. Pentru decorul de deasupra, realizati din ciocolata topita un cerc care are diametrul mai mic decat tortul.
  7. Cu un pos, puneti cateva moturi de frisca pe tort apoi asezati cu grija cercul de ciocolata.

Sa aveti spor la treaba!

Black Forest Gateau


The Black Forest Gateau may be a classic, but this recipe steps out of the classic with multiple layers of chocolate creams and a cherry jelly with spiced cherries. Despite what it looks like, the cake is not complicated at all and the final result is sophisticated. Be brave and give it a try! You will love the exquisite taste, the stunning look and the airy, light texture! It’s totally worth every minute spent making it!

It’s not my first try at Black Forest Gateau and probably not the last either. The first time I made the simplest of the versions, using whipped cream, cherries and chocolate, but I couldn’t stop there and felt the need to create a new recipe based on that – a cake fitted for every chocoholic out there, a rich cake that emphasizes the chocolate and cherry combination in the best possible way. And I think I managed to do just that. And you can do it too! It’s a recipe that uses more components but if there is one great thing about this kind of cakes is that you can organize your time and tasks so that the cake is finished in only a few hours or you can spread its making over the course of a few days, it’s all up to you!

The layers of the cake are as follows: sable Breton, cherry jelly, chocolate cremeux, milk chocolate mousse and chocolate decorations.

Sable Breton:

  • 100g all-purpose flour
  • 25g cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 115g butter, softened
  • 85g sugar
  • 3 egg yolks


  1. Mix the butter with the sugar until creamy then stir in the egg yolks.
  2. Add the flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder and mix well.
  3. Spoon the batter into a round cake pan (24cm diameter) lined with parchment paper. Level the batter well and freeze for 1 hour.
  4. Bake the sable Breton in the preheated oven at 170C for 30-35 minutes.
  5. When done, remove from the oven and let it cool down then place the sable Breton on a platter and arrange a cake ring around it. Set aside.

Cherry jelly:

  • 400g pitted cherries
  • 2 tablespoons brandy
  • 150ml water
  • 50g sugar
  • 1 star anise
  • 8g gelatin
  • 45ml cold water


  1. Mix the water, sugar and star anise in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook this syrup for 5 minutes then remove from heat and stir in the brandy and cherries.
  2. Let them marinate for 1 hour or until chilled.
  3. Combine the gelatin with 45ml cold water and let it bloom 10 minutes.
  4. Remove half of the cherries from the syrup and place them in a round cake pan (16-18cm diameter) lined with plastic wrap. The pan needs to be smaller in diameter than the sable Breton to obtain the same sliced pattern as in the picture.
  5. Remove the star anise from the saucepan then pour the remaining cherries and syrup in a blender and puree until smooth.
  6. Pass the mixture through a fine sieve then melt the gelatin for a few seconds in the microwave and mix them together.
  7. Pour the cherry puree over the whole cherries into the pan and freeze for 1 hour.
  8. When the jelly is set and frozen, remove it from the pan and place it over the sable Breton. Place the cake in the fridge and continue with the other layers.

Chocolate cremeux:

  • 180ml heavy cream
  • 50ml milk
  • 40g sugar
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 3g gelatin
  • 15ml cold water
  • 50g dark chocolate, chopped


  1. Combine the heavy cream and milk in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point.
  2. In a bowl, mix the sugar and egg yolks until creamy then pour in the hot milk.
  3. Transfer the mixture back into the saucepan and cook over low heat until thick and creamy.
  4. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until melted and set aside.
  5. Combine the gelatin with the cold water and let it bloom 10 minutes. Melt the gelatin in the microwave or over a water bath for a few seconds and combine it with the chocolate cremeux.
  6. Pour the cremeux into a round pan that has the same diameter as the one you made your jelly into (16-18cm diameter). Line the pan with plastic wrap to ensure an easier transfer later on.
  7. Freeze the cremeux for 1 hour.
  8. Once the cremeux is set and easy to handle, remove it from the pan and place it over the cherry jelly.
  9. Place the cake in the fridge and continue with the chocolate mousse.

Chocolate mousse:

  • 400ml heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 250g milk chocolate, chopped
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 50g sugar
  • 25ml water
  • 4g gelatin
  • 20ml cold water


  1. Combine the gelatin with 20ml cold water and let it bloom 10 minutes.
  2. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a water bath or in the microwave.
  3. Mix the sugar with 25ml water and bring the mixture to a boil to form a syrup.
  4. Mix the egg yolks with light then gradually pour in the hot syrup. Turn the speed of the mixer on high and mix until creamy.
  5. Melt the gelatin in the microwave or over a water bath for a few seconds. Mix the gelatin with the egg cream.
  6. Stir in the melted chocolate and let the mixture cool down.
  7. Whip the heavy cream with the powdered sugar until stiff. Fold the whipped cream into the chocolate then pour the mousse into the cake ring, around the cherry jelly and cremeux.
  8. Refrigerate a few hours then remove the cake from the ring.

Chocolate decorations

For the chocolate decorations I used 100g dark chocolate, melted.

Measure and cut a strip of baking paper that is as high as your cake and as long as the total diameter of your cake. I recommend you to measure properly before cutting the strip of paper.

Spoon the melted chocolate into a plastic bag (more convenient to use in my opinion) and cut a small hole at one corner. Drizzle the chocolate over the paper strip then carefully wrap the paper strip around the cake, making sure the ends come together well. Refrigerate 30 minutes then carefully remove the paper strip.

For the top decoration I measured the cake and marked a round on a sheet of baking paper. Then I traced the round with melted chocolate. To place the chocolate round on top of the cake, I piped small dots of whipped cream then arrange the chocolate round over them. The cherries and cocoa powder in the center were the final touch.

Refrigerate the cake for a few hours before serving.

Black Forest gateau
Black Forest gateau

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    1. Thank you!
      Good luck making the cake, I’m sure it will look amazing. I’m here if you have any questions. 🙂

  1. arata senzational tortul tau! felicitari! era cel mai aratos din deserturile postate recent pe foodgawker 🙂 ma bucur ca am dat peste blogul tau si am sa revin

  2. Buna, as vrea sa fac acest tort pt ziua baietelului meu. Vreau sa te intreb daca merge sa folosesc cirese din compot sau daca nu visine puse la congelator?
    Multumesc mut, Roxana

  3. I usually top the cake with whipped cream but your version using chocolate mousse is much much more refined! As I’m a chocolohic, I’m sure I will also prefer the taste of your version as there’s more chocolate inside yours than in mine! Thanks for sharing the recipe 🙂

  4. Doamna, am facut tortul acesta si nu-mi venea sa cred ce am reusit sa realizez. E absolut DIVIN! MULTUMESC

  5. Buna, arata demential tortul si as vrea sa il fac pentru ziua sotului meu, dar am doua intrebari: de care ciocolata sa cumpar in cazul celei negre si celei cu lapte ca sa iasa impecabil la gust? Si a doua intrebare: merg visine din visinata si in loc de brandy as putea sa folosesc visinata?

  6. Am facut tortul pentru petrecerea de revelion respectand intocmai reteta si a fost un triumf. In ciuda laudelor musafirilor, ca baker experimentat si exigent cu propriile creatii, cred ca baza de sable breton, desi adauga o textura crocanta, nu e cea mai potrivita. Dupa mine, o baza de brownie sau orice alta prajitura de ciocolata fara faina se potriveste mai bine cu textura delicata a celorlalte straturi. Ce crezi, Olguta?

    1. Monica, cred ca e o chestie de gust. Mie una imi place sable breton, dar stiu ca nu e pe placul tuturor. Poti incerca o baza de brownie sau blat fara faina, sigur. Brownie totusi parca e prea intens pentru tortul asta, brownie in general la rece devine cam tare din cauza untului din compozitie, mai degraba un blat de ciocolata fara faina, dar acela s-ar contopi complet cu restul tortului fiind foarte delicat. Mai e si varianta de dacquoise sau genoise (pandispan), acetsa din urma fiind aerat si delicat. E loc de imbunatatit insa, intotdeauna este, la orice reteta 🙂 Ma bucur ca v-a placut.

  7. Buna seara. Azi am facut reteta aceasta. Din pacate am avut ceva probleme la mousse de ciocolata. In momentul in care am adaugat ciocolata topita cu lapte (milka). S-a format ca o pasta foarte densa, elistica, o puteam modela. Iar dupa ce am lasat o sa se raceasca la temp camerei, am adaugat frisca batuta. Si nu s-a mai putut incorpora, deoarece amestecul era foarte compact. Am aruncat tot. Unde am gresit? Multumesc. Roxana

    1. Milka e una dintre cele mai proaste ciocolate de pe piata – nu se topeste cum trebuie, e plina de zahar si alte ingrediente extra care o fac fina la gust, dar prea putin utilizabila pentru prajituri. Parerea mea e ca acolo a fost problema.

  8. Hi, I just finished making this over 2 evenings. Mine held together fine and was very close to the picture in appearance which indicated to me that the textures were as they should be but the taste was very disappointing and not at all worth the calories, let alone the time and money to prepare. The final
    Layer (chocolate mousse) I felt ruined it mostly being sickly tasting and too creamy, Whilst the base so tough every spoonful was an effort to retrieve. Surprisingly could not taste either of the middle layers (cherry jelly or chocolate cremeux). I am familiar with making entremets and this recipe compared to most was very basic so I assumed it would be successful. Black Forrest I imagine should have a richer more refined flavour where unfortunately all I could taste here was cream and sickly milk chocolate and too much of it. Pardon me for being direct, just after that many hours to prepare I am quite annoyed but I suppose lucky this time the cake was not for an occassion. That would have been a disaster. Will be interesting to see if you have the courage to post my reply for others to see. If someone else had written something alike it would have save me the time.

    1. Of course I have the courage to post comments like this, why wouldn’t I?!
      I am sorry you didn’t like the cake, but maybe there is a reason no else posted a comment like this before: they simply liked the cake. It is a matter of taste, a matter of ingredients used so the fact that you didn’t like it doesn’t mean this recipe is not good. Again, I am sorry you didn’t like the final product, but we are not all alike and what you don’t enjoy, some people may love, either taste wise or texture wise.

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