
Tort brownie cu ciocolata

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Ca tot veni vorba de retete usoare, iata o reteta simpla, simpla, dar delicioasa. Din pacate nu am o sectiune cu tortul pentru ca a plecat in deplasare, dar am inteles ca a fost devorat, asa ca eu una ma declar fericita. Blatul e o negresa veritabila, densa, ciocolatoasa, delicioasa, iar toppingul e cat se poate de simplu – ganache, frisca vanilata si capsune din belsug. Mai simplu de atat nu se poate!

tort brownie cu ciocolata

Tort brownie cu ciocolata

Tort brownie cu ciocolata este un desert la indemana oricui, dar delicios tocmai prin simplitatea cu care combina ciocolata neagra cu fructele si frisca.
Rezultat –1 tort
Dimensiuni: 18cm round



  • 175 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
  • 100 g unt (cuburi)
  • 100 g zahar alb granulat
  • 2 oua
  • 40 g faina
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 60 g alune/miez de nuca/fistic/migdale (tocate sau chiar fulgi de ciocolata (optional))


  • 80 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
  • 80 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 150 g smantana pentru frisca (spumata ferm)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 2 cani capsune (feliate)

Picaturi de ciocolata

Makes: 18cm round



  • Topiti untul cu ciocolata intr-un bol pe baie de aburi.
  • Luati de pe foc si adaugati zaharul, ouale, faina si sarea. Mixati doar pana la incorporare apoi adaugati miezul de nuca daca folositi.
  • Turnati blatul intr-o forma rotunda de tort cu diametrul de 18-20cm si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit pentru 25-30 minute.
  • Scoateti din cuptor si lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi transferati pe un platou.


  • Faceti un ganache din 80g ciocolata neagra si 80g smantana pentru frisca (incalziti frisca intr-un vas pe foc mic apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amestecati pana se topeste complet).
  • Lasati ganache-ul sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei apoi turnati-l peste blat.
  • Aromati frisca cu vanilie si decorati tortul cu frisca, capsune si picaturi de ciocolata.
Keyword Capsune, Ciocolata neagra, Fructe, Ganache de ciocolata neagra, Smantana
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
brownie cake


A new chocolate recipe on pastry Workshop should never surprise you – it surprises me instead and I’m not kidding. What I mean is that this cake wasn’t planned at all, but I really wanted a chocolate dessert to cheer me up so I mixed this up quickly – funny thing is I didn’t get the chance to taste it as I ended up sending it to my cousin for his birthday. I heard he and his guests totally loved it and I couldn’t be happier I managed to make his day brighter.

The brownie base is rich and dense and literally loaded with chocolate. It really is an easy to make cake, but amazing in its simplicity. Once the brownie base is done, I simply topped it with a silky ganache, an airy vanilla whipped cream and plenty of fresh and fragrant strawberries. The chocolate drops were like the cherry on top and they only made the cake richer and more chocolatey. Sometimes less is more and I believe this cake proves the truth in that saying. It’s the perfect balance of richness and freshness, it’s the classic combination of chocolate and strawberries, everything brought to a whole new level with plenty of vanilla whipped cream.

Brownie Cake

Rezultat –1 cake
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


  • 175 g dark chocolate (chopped (I))
  • 100 g butter (cubed)
  • 100 g white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 40 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 g salt
  • 60 g walnuts/pistachio/almonds/peanuts (optional)
  • 80 g dark chocolate (chopped (II))
  • 80 g heavy cream (I)
  • 150 g heavy cream (whipped (II))
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 2 cups fresh strawberries
Makes: 18cm round


  • Pre-heat your oven to 350°F-180℃ and lined a round cake pan (18cmØ) with baking paper.
  • Melt the chocolate (I) with butter until smooth (over a hot water bath or in the microwave).
  • Stir in the sugar and eggs and give it a quick mix then add the flour and salt and stir again.
  • Fold in the walnuts if you’re using any then pour the batter in your round cake pan.
  • Bake for 30 minutes then allow the cake to cool completely.
  • For the chocolate ganache, bring the heavy cream (I) to the boiling point and stir in the chocolate (II). Mix until smooth then let the glaze cool and set slightly.
  • Top the cake wih chocolate ganache and decorate with whipped cream flavored with vanilla extract, strawberries and chocolate drops.
  • Serve the cake chilled.
Keyword Brownie, Ciocolata neagra
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
brownie cake
tort brownie cu ciocolata

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  1. Felicitari pt site 🙂 arata f bine toate retetele.. si as vrea sa incep cu acest tort de ciocolata. Am o intrebare, sau doua… cam la ce temperatura se coace? si in 25-30 min ramane umed pe interior? nu e putin cam lung timpul? Multumesc!

    1. Multumesc, Anca. Il poti verifica dupa 20 minute daca crezi ca timpul e lung. Dar eu zic ca 25 minute e suficient, poate 30 daca ai un cuptor pe gaz si nu stii concret temperatura. Dar verificatul e sfant.

      1. Am reusit sa fac tortul azi. Pana la urma l-am lasat 20 de minute si a fost bine asa… poate se putea chiar mai putin cu vreo cateva minute.. deoarece pe margini era putin uscat… dar oricum a fost bine. Oricum cuptorul meu e pe gaz deci nu stiu la ce temperatura l-am copt 😛 asa ca depinde foarte mult si acest lucru. L-am facut intr-o forma patrata de 18X18 cm, deci cam aceeasi suprafata si grosime ca si a tortului facut de tine. A fost delicios! 🙂

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