Inghetata cu ciocolata si brownies
E vara (inca) si e cald, nicio surpriza aici! August nu e neaparat luna mea preferata, dar incerc pe cat posibil sa ma bucur de aceste ultime saptamani de vara din acest an. Cumva inca nu-mi vine sa cred ca e deja august, dar asta e alta poveste!
Intre timp insa cautam variante delicioase pentru a ne racori si ne-am refugiat in jurul masinii de inghetata. Va propun astazi inghetata preferata a piciului meu – inghetata cu ciocolata si brownies. E cremoasa, fina, aromata si va spun sincer ca m-a convins si pe mine – va spuneam nu demult ca nu mai sunt o ciocolatoasa convinsa, dar iata ca papilele mele gustative cer din cand in cand o portie din acest ingredient minune al cofetariei. Si chiar de nu as mai manca ciocolata deloc, nu cred ca voi inceta vreodata din a o folosi in deserturi – supletea si versatilitatea ei sunt superbe si dau dependenta!
Inghetata cu ciocolata si brownie
- 400 g lapte condensat indulcit
- 180 g lapte integral
- 175 g smantana pentru frisca
- 175 g ciocolata neagra (60-70%)
- 25 g cacao pudra
- 10 g amidon + 25g apa rece
- 25 g rom brun (optional)
- 150 g bucati brownies
- Combinati laptele condensat, laptele si smantana pentru frisca intr-un vas si incalziti pe foc mic.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata si cacao. Omogenizati.
- Dizolvati amidonul in apa rece apoi turnati-l peste crema de ciocolata, amestecand continuu cu un tel.
- Puneti din nou pe foc mic si gatiti pana se ingroase, apoi tineti pe foc inca un minut pentru a va asigura ca amidonul este complet gatit.
- Luati de pe foc si strecurati crema intr-un bol. Acoperiti cu folie alimentara si dati la rece cel putin 4 ore.
- Adaugati romul brun.
- Turnati in cuva masinii de inghetata si procesati conform indicatiilor producatorului.
- Aproape de finalul procesarii, adaugati bucatile de brownies.
- Transferati inghetata intr-un vas, sigilati bine si dati la congelator pana la servire.
When your little man says: mum I love chocolate, I love ice cream and I adore brownies; why don’t you combine them into one dessert?!… you answer yes right away. Especially when the mix of flavors sounds so intense and delicious, so silky and refreshing at the same time. So this recipe is for my little man, the biggest chocoholic I know!
This Brownies Chocolate Ice Cream is so smooth and creamy, the chocolate taste is so intense that a single serving is not enough. And it’s me saying it – I haven’t been quite a chocolate lover lately as you may know! But there is something about this ice cream that soothes even my strongest dessert cravings! The brownie bits add not only texture but an even intenser chocolate taste. Mind you, I used this particular recipe for brownies, which has a double dose of chocolate (no raspberries for this batch of ice cream). No wonder my little man said it is the perfect ice cream for him!
Brownies Chocolate Ice Cream
- 400 g sweetened condensed milk
- 180 g whole milk
- 175 g heavy cream
- 175 g dark chocolate (60-70%)
- 25 g cocoa powder
- 10 g cornstarch + 25g cold water
- 25 g dark rhum (optional)
- 150 g previously baked brownie chunks
- Combine the condensed milk, whole milk and heavy cream in a saucepan and heat over low flame.
- Remove from heat and add the dark chocolate and cocoa powder. Stir until smooth.
- Dissolve the cornstarch in cold water then stir it in the chocolate mixture, whisking all the time.
- Place back on heat and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring all the time, until it begins to thicken slightly. Cook for 1 minute from the moment it starts to simmer.
- Remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve into a clean bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to cool down for at least 4 hours.
- When chilled, stir in the rhum then pour the mixture into your ice cream machine and churn according to your manufacturer’s instructions.
- When the churning time is almost over, add the brownie chunks.
- Spoon the ice cream into a container and freeze.