Entremet Caramel si Cafea
A fost incredibila ultima luna de zile! Pot zice fara urme de indoiala ca inceputul lui 2017 a fost minunat! Si pentru asta tot voi sunteti responsabili, ma inclin! Nu va pot promite decat ca vom repeta aceste cursuri intr-un format din ce in ce mai bun! Ce imi place cel mai mult insa e faptul ca voi luati informatia, o procesati si se vad rezultatele, dovada stand fotografiile pe care mi le trimiteti. Progresul vostru este evident!

Ragazul din perioada urmatoare imi permite insa sa ma intorc pe blog cu retete noi, incepand cu acest entremet cu cafea si caramel, o reteta pe care o am demult in sertar si careia i-a venit timpul sa vada lumina zilei.
Desi nu sunt o mare iubitoare de cafea dimineata, o ador in deserturi. Face casa buna cu multe ingrediente, de la ciocolata la banane, la nuci, alune ori, in cazul nostru, caramel. Intotdeauna reuseste sa surprinda prin aroma ei, sa potenteze celelalte gusturi ale unui tort ori prajitura, fara sa iasa in evidenta prea tare! Caramelul la randul lui e delicat si cumva cele doua arome principale se sustin reciproc, tortul final fiind usor pentru papilele gustative din punctul de vedere al gustului!

Entremet Caramel si Cafea
Biscuite cu migdale:
- 60 g zahar pudra
- 65 g faina de migdale
- 40 ml lapte integral
- 150 g albusuri
- 25 g zahar alb
Crocant cu pralina:
- 60 g pasta de pralina
- 30 g ciocolata cu lapte (topita)
- 30 g paillete feuilletine
Mousse mascarpone:
- 30 g galbenus
- 45 g zahar alb
- 90 ml lapte
- semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 2 g gelatina + 10ml apa
- 85 g mascarpone
- 100 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Cremeux caramel:
- 80 ml smantana pentru frisca
- 30 g gabenus
- 50 g zahar alb
- 20 ml apa
- 10 g glucoza lichida
- 20 g smantana pentru frisca (fierbinte)
- 2 g gelatina + 10ml apa rece
- 5 ml Amaretto
Mousse Dulcey si cafea:
- 70 g galbenus
- 15 g zahar alb
- 90 ml lapte
- 4 g gelatina + 20ml apa rece
- 2 g cafea instant
- 195 g ciocolata Dulcey (topita)
- 10 ml lichior de cafea
- 250 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Glazura oglinda:
- 75 ml apa
- 150 g zahar alb
- 150 g glucoza lichida
- 12 g gelatina + 60ml apa rece
- 100 ml lapte condensat
- 150 g ciocolata alba
- Colorant alimentar rosu
Biscuite cu migdale:
- Combinati zaharul pudra, faina de migdale si laptele intr-un bol pentru a obtine o pasta.
- Mixati albusurile pana devin spuma apoi adaugati 25g zahar si mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma.
- Incorporati treptat bezeaua in pasta de migdale.
- Intindeti un strat subtire intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180C pentru 10-12 minute sau pana devine usor auriu.
- Lasati la racit apoi taiati blatul folosind cutterul din Mr. Pillow. Dati deoparte.
Crocant de pralina:
- Mixati ingredientele intr-un bol.
- Intindeti acest amestec intre doua foi de copt apoi congelati.
- Taiati foaia de crocant folosind cutterul Jr. Pillow. Pastrati in congelator pana veti avea nevoie.
Cremeux de caramel:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Combinati 80ml smantana si galbenusurile intr-un vas. Puneti pe foc mic si gatiti pana atinge 82C. Dati deoparte.
- Combinati zaharul alb, glucoza si apa intr-un vas si fierbeti pana obtineti o culoare aurie.
- Deglasati cu smantana fierbinte. Luati de pe foc si combinati cu sosul gatit mai devreme. Adaugati gelatina apoi Amaretto.
- Turnati cremeux in forma Jr. Pillow si congelati.
Mousse de mascarpone:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele si vanilia intr-un vas.
- Amestecati galbenusurile si zaharul in alt vas. Turnati laptele fierbinte peste acest amestec apoi intoarceti pe foc si gatiti, amestecand continuu, pana atinge 82C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi lasati sa ajunga la o temperatura neutra.
- Incorporati mascarpone si la final smantana batuta.
- Turnati mousse-ul peste cremeux, apoi asezati deasupra crocantul.
- Congelati cateva ore.
Mousse Dulcey si cafea:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele itr-un vas.
- Separat, amestecati galbenusurile cu zaharul intr-un bol apoi turnati laptele fierbinte peste. Intoarceti inapoi pe foc si gatiti pana atinge 82C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina si cafeaua instant.
- Adaugati lichiorul de cafea, apoi lasati sa vina la o temperatura neutra.
- Incorporati smantana batuta.
- Turnati jumatate din mousse in forma Mr. Pillow. Scoateti insertul din Jr. Pillow si asezati-l peste mousse. Umpleti cu restul de mousse si finisati cu blatul decupat mai devreme.
- Congelati cateva ore bune, preferabil peste noapte.
Glazura oglinda:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Combinati apa, zaharul si glucoza intr-un vas si aduceti la 103C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina, apoi turnati laptele condensat.
- Adaugati ciocolata si dati deoparte cateva minute apoi blenduiti pana la omogenizare, adaugand si colorantul preferat.
- Lasati glazura sa se raceasca la 35-40C inainte de a o folosi.
Pentru a finisa tortul:
- Scoateti tortul din congelator si inlaturati forma de silicon.
- Asezati-l pe un gratar apoi turnati uniform glazura peste tort.
- Lasati sa se scurga bine apoi transferati pe un platou.
- Decorati dupa dorinta.
Cantitatile sunt suficiente pentru forma Jr. Pillow + Mr. Pillow de la Silikomart.
This past month has been incredibly busy with classes (you can check out pictures here and here), but here I am finally able to catch up on posting recipes. It’s so refreshing to be able to seat at my desk again and write a post, answer comments and just enjoy this world of blogging at its fullest!

What I have for you today is a recipe that combines two flavors I have begun to love: coffee and caramel. They work so well together and yet are so delicious separately as well. I am not a huge coffee drinker, but I will never say no to a coffee dessert. There’s something about its delicacy in desserts that make me fall for it every single time! So it’s no surprise that you’ve seen it quite a lot on the blog, like in this amazing Opera cake or in this pretty and delicious banana coffee entremet. So here it is stealing the show once again! Paired with the glossy, creamy caramel this time! Doesn’t that sound delicious?!
Despite its flavors and creaminess, the final taste of this caramel coffee entremet felt somehow light, airy, easy on the taste buds. The coffee lingers on the palate, being washed away by a lovely caramel aroma that combines so well with the mascarpone’s velvety consistency! Every bite melts in your mouth, combining the layers perfectly without forgetting about the crunchy paillete feuilletine layer!

I’ve chosen a bright mirror glaze for the cake simply because it offers an ever green look. Even though mirror glazes went somehow viral over the past year (social media is such an incredible tool), I have the feeling that their era in the public eye will soon fade away. Not in the pastry shops though – it’s an amazing technique, one that offers so many options of colours, patterns, designs, a technique that has earned its place in the pastry lab!
These quantities are enough for Jr. Pillow and Mr. Pillow silicone moulds from Silikomart, but feel free to play around with the shape of your moulds, keeping in mind that you might have to double the quantities if the moulds are bigger.

{Caramel Coffee Entremet}
Almond biscuit:
- 60 g powdered sugar
- 65 g almond flour
- 40 ml whole milk
- 150 g egg whites
- 25 g white sugar
Praline croustillant:
- 60 g praline paste
- 30 g milk chocolate (melted)
- 30 g paillete feuilletine
Mascarpone mousse:
- 30 g egg yolks
- 45 g white sugar
- 90 ml whole milk
- Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
- 2 g gelatin + 10ml cold water
- 85 g mascarpone cheese
- 100 ml heavy cream (whipped)
Caramel cremeux:
- 80 ml heavy cream
- 30 g egg yolks
- 50 g white sugar
- 20 ml water
- 10 g liquid glucose
- 20 ml heavy cream (hot)
- 2 g gelatin + 10ml cold water
- 5 ml Amaretto
Coffee Dulcey mousse:
- 70 g egg yolks
- 15 g white sugar
- 90 ml whole milk
- 4 g gelatin + 20ml cold water
- 2 g instant coffee
- 10 ml coffee liqueur
- 195 g Dulcey chocolate (melted)
- 250 ml heavy cream (whipped)
Mirror glaze:
- 75 ml water
- 150 g white sugar
- 150 g liquid glucose
- 12 g gelatin + 60ml cold water
- 100 ml sweetened condensed milk
- 150 g white chocolate
- Red food coloring
Almond biscuit:
- Combine the powdered sugar, almond flour and milk in a bowl to form a paste.
- Whip up a meringue from the egg whites and 25g white sugar until it’s firm and glossy.
- Fold the meringue into the almond flour mixture.
- Spread the batter in a baking tray lined with parchment paper. It should be a thin layer of batter.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 10-12 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
- Allow to cool down then cut out the needed shape.
Praline croustillant:
- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
- Roll this mixture between two sheets of baking paper then freeze.
- Using the cutter provided by the Jr. Pillow mould, cut a piece of croustillant to fit the insert. Place back in the freezer.
Caramel cremeux:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Combine 80ml heavy cream and egg yolks in a pot and place over low heat. Cook until it reaches 82C.
- Combine the white sugar, water and glucose in a saucepan and cook to a golden brown caramel.
- Deglaze with the hot heavy cream.
- Mix the caramel with the cooked cream and yolks then stir in the gelatin, followed by Amaretto.
- Pour the mixture in your insert mould.
- Freeze for a few hours.
Mascarpone mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat the milk and vanilla in a saucepan.
- Mix the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. Pour the hot milk over then return back on heat and cook until it reaches 82C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Allow the mixture to cool down slightly then add the mascarpone.
- Fold in the heavy cream then pour the mousse over the caramel cremeux.
- Place the praline croustillant on top.
- Freeze the insert for a few hours.
Coffee mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat the milk in a saucepan.
- Combine the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl then pour the hot milk over. Return back on heat and cook until thickened or it reaches 82C. Add the instant coffee as well.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Pour over the Dulcey chocolate and mix until smooth.
- Stir in the coffee liqueur then add the heavy cream, whipped.
- Pour half of the mousse in the Mr. Pillow mould. Remove the insert from the Jr. Pillow mould and place it over the coffee mousse.
- Fill the mould with the remaining mousse then place a layer of almond biscuit on top.
- Freeze for a few hours.
Mirror glaze:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Combine the water, sugar and glucose in a saucepan and bring them to 103C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin then pour in the condensed milk.
- Pour this mixture over the white chocolate and allow to sit for 5minutes.
- Mix well with a spatula just until smooth then add the oil and food coloring and mix the glaze with an immersion blender, making sure not to incorporate too much air – air bubbles in the glaze are annoying and they take away the beauty of the glaze.
- Allow the glaze to cool to 35-40C before using.
To finish the entremet:
- Remove the cake from the freezer and unmould it.
- Place the cake on a cake grill then evenly pour the glaze over the cake, covering all its sides.
- Allow the glaze to drip off then place it on a cake board.
- Decorate as you wish!
If you wish to avoid almond biscuit leftovers, only make half of a batch!
Replace Dulcey chocolate with white or milk chocolate.

Hi could you please tell me if you’ve used leaf gelatine or powdered gelatine for the cremeux?
Thank you
Buna ziua, Olguta! As vrea sa fac entremet-ul acesta de ziua fiicei mele intr-o tava cu diametrul de 26 cm, dar nu stiu cum sa modific cantitățile…ma ajuți, te rog?
Cred ca iti trebuie undeva la 3 portii de mousse, dar cred ca blatul si crocantul iti vor fi suficiente dublate.
Looking delicious and beautiful dessert