Pavlova cu pere si caramel
Acest desert e ceea ce fratele meu a numit „mancarea zeilor”, atat de mult i-a placut! Si e intr-adevar un desert minunat, pe cat de simplu de facut, pe atat de bun. Singurul lucru care va poate da de furca este bezeaua – un cuptor electric este mult mai indicat pentru o bezea care isi pastreaza culoarea alba si devine usor crocanta la exterior si umeda, pufoasa la interior. Nu va descurajati daca aveti cuptor pe gaz insa – daca lasati usa intredeschisa obtineti un efect asemanator.
As putea zice ca am trisat putin la sosul de caramel – in loc de clasicul zahar topit – frisca, am folosit ciocolata cu gust de caramel, obtinand un fel de ganache caramel gros, aromat, delicios!
Pavlova este un desert de origine australiana sau neozeelandez, adesea asociat cu vara, soare, fructe proaspete racoritoare, insa eu cred cu tarie ca e doar o chestie de topping. Pere, sos caramel si frisca batuta sigur nu ma duc cu gandul la vara, ci la o zi racoroasa de toamna tarzie sau iarna. E o combinatie de arome clasica, intensa, o combinatie care imi incanta papilele de fiecare data. Perele sunt printre fructele mele preferate, asa ca nu e de mirare ca imi plac atat de mult in acest desert. Au ele o prestanta aparte, un aer regal daca vreti si acoperite cu fire de caramel, devin adevarate vedete!
Pavlova cu pere si caramel
- 4 albusuri
- 200 g zahar alb
- 1/4 lingurita sare
- 1 lingurita otet
- 1 lingura amidon de porumb
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
Sos caramel:
- 100 ml smantana pentru frisca
- 100 g ciocolata cu aroma de caramel
Pere posate in vin alb:
- 6-8 pere mici (coapte dar ferme)
- 2 cani vin alb demi-sec
- 1 cana apa
- 150 g zahar alb
- 1 baton scortisoara
- 3 stele anason
- 2 cuisoare
- In plus (veti mai avea nevoie de cel putin 1 cana smantana pentru frisca, batuta bine si fulgi de ciocolata ori fire de caramel pentru decor)
- Mixati albusurile cu un praf de sare pana devin pufoase.
- Adaugati zaharul, lingura dupa lingura, mixand bine cateva minute pana obtineti o bezea ferma, lucioasa si zaharul e topit complet.
- Incorporati otetul, amidonul si vanilia.
- Puneti bezeaua cu lingura intr-o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie, formand 6-8 mici cuiburi de bezea sau o pavlova mai mare.
- Coaceti pavlova in cuptorul preincalzit la 100C pentru 1 ora, apoi stingeti sursa de caldura si lasati pavlova in cuptor sa se raceasca.
Sos caramel:
- Incalziti smantana pentru frisca intr-un vas, apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata.
- Amestecati pana la incorporarea completa si dati deoparte.
Pere posate in vin alb:
- Combinati vinul, apa zaharul si condimentele intr-un vas adanc si dati in clocot.
- Intre timp, curatati perele de coaja si scoateti-le cotorul. Pastrati perele intr-un vas cu apa si lamaie pentru a impiedica oxidarea.
- Puneti perele in lichidul fierbinte apoi acoperiti-le cu un capac din hartie de copt – taiati hartia de copt intr-un cerc si acoperiti lichidul chiar la suprafata. Acest disc de hartie ajuta perele sa ramana in lichid si sa se gateasca uniform.
- Fierbeti pe foc mic pentru 30 minute, apoi stingeti sursa de caldura si lasati perele sa se raceasca in lichid.
- Pentru a asambla desertul, puneti un cuid de bezea pe o farfurie, acoperiti cu frisca si sos caramel, apoi puneti deasupra o para posata. Decorati cu fire de caramel si fulgi de ciocolata.
- Sa aveti pofta!
My love for meringues is unimaginable. I know there aren’t many clues of this on my blog, but this is about to change with the arrival of my new electric oven. The way electric ovens works allows me to make, you guessed it, meringues. It was one of the reasons I bought the oven in the first place. So expect to see more similar recipes on the blog in the near future.
But for now I went back to a recipe I tried many years ago and failed to master it – Pavlova. My oven back then, gas one, had troubles keeping the temperature stable so a dessert of this kind was impossible. My first try involved raspberries and whipped cream so I decided I should upgrade my game a bit and chose a mix of flavors I absolutely love – white wine poached pears, caramel chocolate sauce and whipped cream, decorated with spun sugar threads and dark chocolate shavings.
This caramel pear Pavlova is what my brother called it “the food of the Gods”. The mellow meringue, the rich caramel sauce, the airy cream and the texturized pun sugar threads lead to a tasting experience that is hard to forget. Plus, it’s a dessert that totally fits with the season – pears are easy to find, wine seems to be a permanent ingredient in my kitchen during winter, caramel is heart warming and the whipped cream is like a fluffy winter cloud. What a great way to spend a winter day!
The dessert itself, named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova, has a long history behind. This meringue like nest, topped with whipped cream and all sorts of sauces or fruits, it is said to have been created in the honor of the famous dancer during or after one of her tours in Australia or New Zeeland. It is looked at as a summer dessert, but I believe it’s just a matter of what you top it with. Pears, thick caramel and whipped heavy cream surely doesn’t sound like summer to me, but a rich late fall or winter day, the kind of comfort food that I absolutely adore!
{Caramel Pear Pavlova}
- 4 egg whites
- 200 g white sugar
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Caramel sauce:
- 100 ml heavy cream
- 100 g caramel flavored chocolate chips (butterscotch chips)
White wine poached pears:
- 6-8 small pears (ripe but firm)
- 2 cups white wine
- 1 cup water
- 3 star anise
- 2 whole cloves
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 150 g sugar
- In addition to this (you will also need at least 1 cup of heavy cream, whipped to stiff peaks)
- Spun sugar and chocolate flakes to decorate
- Mix the egg whites and salt in a bowl until fluffy.
- Star adding the sugar, spoon by spoon, mixing well after each addition. Continue mixing for a few minutes until the meringue is thick, stiff and glossy.
- Stir in the vinegar, cornstarch and vanilla.
- Line a baking tray with parchment paper then drop 2-3 tablespoons of meringue on the tray to form small nests.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 100C for 1 hour then turn the oven off and let them cool down in the oven.
Caramel sauce:
- Bring the cream to the boiling point in a small saucepan.
- Remove from heat and stir in the butterscotch chips. Mix until melted and smooth then place aside.
White wine poached pears:
- Combine the wine, water, sugar and spices in a deep saucepan.
- Pour a few cups of water in a bowl and add 2-3 lemon slices. Carefully peel the pears and core them then drop them in the lemon water to prevent browning.
- When the wine mixture begins to boil, drop the pears in.
- Cover the pears with a lid made of baking paper (a round sheet of baking paper placed on the surface of the water) and cook for 30 minutes on low flame. Turn the heat off and allow the pears to cool down in the syrup.
To assemble:
- Place a pavlova nest on a plate. Cover the meringue nest with dollops of whipped cream then drizzle with the caramel sauce.
- Place a pear on top and decorate with spun sugar and chocolate flakes or shavings. Enjoy!
I really thought I’d commented on this? strange.
Well this looks wonderful Olguta, a very inventive recipe that looks so tasty!
How pretty your meringue looks with the spun sugar, Oana! I always make such a mess in the kitchen when I try it, there is sticky caramel everywhere! x
Felicitari!Aici.asa cum am vazut oriunde mi-a fost servita,se folosesc mult fructele de padure.Foarte bune,nu zic,insa ceeace ne-ai prezentat este diferit,frumos prezentat(DECORAT),iar de gust nu am nici o indoiala.
Vreau sa iincerc reteta, dar vreau o pavlova mare; cam ce diametru sa o fac? iar la cuptor, sa las pe ventilatie sau caldura sus-jos?
Nu as sti sa-ti spun exact o marime – incearca pur si simplu sa o faci cam de 5-7cm inaltime si diametru cat iti va iesi din cantitatile date. Rotunda, asta e forma ei traditionala.
Caldura sus si jos folosesc eu de obicei, dar fiind mai mare, timpul de coacere trebuie ajustat.