Cream Cheese Spritz Cookies
Christmas is over, right?! I guess I did not get the memo! 😀 Leaving the jokes aside, I just…
Fursecurile sunt privite ca retete simple, dar pot fi atat de complexe de fapt, mai ales daca le privesti din punct de vedere al chimiei alimentare. Asa ca iata o colectie de retete minunate, delicioase, crocante sau moi, pufoase sau gumoase.
Christmas is over, right?! I guess I did not get the memo! 😀 Leaving the jokes aside, I just…
I find that lavender is one of the toughest flavors to use in desserts. Too much of it and…
Walnut Kipferl – German Walnut Cookies: Are you guys ready for Christmas this year? I sure am not, but…
How I love chocolate chip cookies! They must be my favorite type of cookies – not too chocolatey, but…
Let’s add one more recipe to the large list of chocolate chip cookies, shall we?! Not just any recipe…
Pecan Fondants – Cookies Collection – delicious cookie recipe to share! The beginning of 2020 has been slow for…
I rarely bake anything that starts with „whole wheat” nowadays. Pastry is rarely about making something healthy. It’s focusing…
There are plenty of chocolate chip cookie recipes on this blog, from my favorites to these brown butter chocolate…
The fact that I love Momofuku recipes is no surprise to anyone. But it’s been a while since my…
Nowadays served during the Anzac Day (25th April) in Australia and New Zealand, Anzac biscuits are said to have…
Until this Christmas I never thought about myself as being the kind of baker/pastry chef that bakes cookies. For…
It has become a family tradition the last couple of years to make gingerbread for Christmas, but most of all…
Viennese Chocolate Sable Cookies Recipe: No doubt that Pierre Herme is the Picasso of Pastry, the one that totally…