Blondies cu picaturi de ciocolata si tahini

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Ma gandesc ca brownies ati mai incercat, dar ce ziceti de blondies? Va propun astazi o reteta de blondies cu pasta de tahini si picaturi de ciocolata, un desert delicios, aromat, umed. Sigur, nu e (chiar) un desert dietetic, dar din cand in cand ne putem alinta simturile si provoca papilele gustative cu gusturi altfel decat de obicei.

Puteti folosi pasta de tahini gata cumparata sau puteti sa va faceti voi pasta de tahini acasa, urmatorul meu proiect fiind sa incerc aceasta pasta si cu susan negru. Iata cum: prajiti usor o cana de seminte de susan in tigaie pana devin usor aurii. Lasati la racit apoi puneti in vasul robotului de bucatarie. Adaugati o lingura de ulei vegetal neutru apoi procesati pana obtineti o pasta destul de lichida. Folositi imediat sau pastrati intr-un borcan inchis etans.

Blondies cu tahini si ciocolata

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Blondies sunt varianta mai putin ciocolatoasa a brownies si sunt delicioase, mai ales datorita adaosului de pasta tahini – pasta de susan.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Rezultat –1 bucata
Dimensiuni: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • 120 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 110 g zahar alb
  • 80 g zahar brun inchis
  • 100 g pasta de tahini
  • 1 oua
  • 1 galbenus
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
  • 150 g faina alba 000
  • 3 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 2 g sare
  • 250 g picaturi de ciocolata
Makes: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • Combinati untul, zaharul alb, zaharul brun si pasta de tahini intr-un bol si mixati scurt.
  • Adaugati oul si galbenusul, apoi vanilia. Mixati.
  • Incorporati faina cernuta cu bicarbonatul de sodiu si sarea.
  • Adaugati picaturile de ciocolata si omogenizati apoi puneti aluatul intr-o tava de 25x25cm si dati la frigider pentru 1 ora.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 25 minute.
  • Lasati la racit in tava apoi taiati dupa dorinta.
  • Sa aveti pofta!

Ustensile si echipamente

Cantar bucatarie


Puteti folosi pasta de tahini cumparata sau o puteti face acasa din seminte de susan procesate in robotul de bucatarie pana devin pasta.
Folositi ciocolata neagra pentru a echilibra gradul de dulce al prajiturii.
Keyword Susan
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Brownies are delicious, no surprise there! But how about blondies? Have you ever tried a gooey, rich, moist piece of chocolate chip tahini blondies? I can surely say they are surprisingly incredible! Their texture is amazing , but their delicate tahini aroma combined with melted chocolate bits is even better! There’s nothing I would change in this recipe!

Tahini is something I’ve wanted to incorporate in my baking for quite some time now. I like to make my own tahini when I have the time, but store bought is just as good! Here’s how you can make tahini at home though: slightly roast 1 cup of sesame seeds just until golden. Transfer the seeds in a food processor, allow to cool down then add 1 tablespoon of neutral vegetable oil followed by processing it a few minutes until liquidy. My next project has got to be trying this with black sesame seeds – delish!

Chocolate Chip Tahini Blondies

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Chocolate chip tahini blondies are so gooey and fragrant! The perfect little sweet treat!
Rezultat –1 piece
Dimensiuni: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • 120 g butter (softened)
  • 110 g white sugar
  • 80 g brown sugar (dark)
  • 100 g tahini paste
  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 150 g all-purpose white flour
  • 3 g baking soda
  • 2 g salt
  • 250 g dark chocolate chips
Makes: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • Combine the butter, white sugar, brown sugar and tahini paste in a bowl and mix well for a few minutes.
  • Stir in the egg and egg yolk, as well as vanilla and give it a good mix.
  • Sift in the flour, baking soda and salt then add the chocolate chips and mix gently with a spatula.
  • Transfer the dough into a 25x25cm square pan lined with baking paper.
  • Level the dough and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 25 minutes.
  • Allow to cool down in the pan before slicing and serving.

Ustensile si echipamente

Kitchen scale
25x25cm square baking tray
Baking paper
Baking oven


  • Use store-bought sesame seed paste or make your own at home by roasting plain sesame seeds until golden brown then, once cooled, processing them in a food processor until a silky paste forms..
  • Use dark chocolate to balance out the sweetness of the recipe.
Keyword Butter, Tahini paste
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
blondies cu picaturi de ciocolata

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  1. Am facut prajitura asta de cateva ori pana acum. Este extraordinara. Pasta tahini o face sa fie foarte speciala. Nu este doar parerea mea, dar si a prietenilor cu care am impartit-o. Multumesc pentru reteta.

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