Pots de creme cu ciocolata neagra

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pots de creme cu ciocolata neagra

Toamna si-a intrat in drepturi cu racoarea diminetii si soarele cu dinti. Si totusi, vremea a fost placuta, perfecta pentru plimbari lungi si stat pe canapea cu o cana de ceai cald si un fursec. O carte buna ar completa tabloul nemaipomenit de bine, dar si coptul face asta la fel de bine. Sa dai drumul la cuptor acum e o placere – caldura, arome intense si atmosfera atat de placuta din bucatarie fac bine sufletului, iti reincarca bateriile si te pun pe picioare cum nimic altceva o face.

Desertul de astazi e unul extrem de simplu, unii ar zice chiar banal. Dar el straluceste prin simplitatea lui, cheia fiind folosirea unor ingrediente de calitate. Smantana pentru frisca si ciocolata buna sunt esentiale pentru o crema fina, delicata, cu aroma subtila de cafea si o textura care te face sa mai ceri inca o portie. Cafeaua insa nu este obligatorie – o puteti inlocui cu vanilie din belsug, coaja de citrice, levantica, trandafir sau pur si simplu adaugati mai multa ciocolata.

Pot de creme e un desert de origine frantuzeasca, asemanator celebrelor creme caramel sau creme brulee, cu toate ca nu e atat de inchegat ca acestea din urma, neputand fi rasturnat pe o farfurie. Se serveste obligatoriu din formele in care a fost copt, adesea cu frisca deasupra sau fructe proaspete din belsug.

Pots de creme cu ciocolata neagra

Rezultat –6 bucati


  • 400 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 100 g lapte integral
  • 2 g cafea instant
  • 100 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
  • 5 galbenusuri
  • 80 g zahar alb granulat
  • 1 g sare
  • 5 ga extract de vanilie


  • Pregatiti 4-6 ramekins si asezati-le intr-o tava adanca pentru ca le veti gati pe bain marie mai tarziu.
  • Aduceti laptele si zaharul la punctul de fierbere, apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata si cafeaua. Amestecati bine pana la omogenizare apoi incorporati smantana pentru frisca, galbenusurile, un praf de sare si vanilia.
  • Turnati amestecul in ramekins apoi umpleti tava cu apa fierbinte, avand grija sa acoperiti ramekins 3/4 cu apa.
  • Puneti in cuptor si coaceti la 160°C pentru 30 minute sau pana centrul arata usor inchegat. Lasati sa se raceasca in apa fierbinte.
  • Se servesc in forme, cu fructe sau frisca deasupra.
Keyword Ciocolata, Ciocolata neagra
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Happy (end of) October, everyone! We’ve been having such a lovely weather here the last couple of days. It’s just perfect for long walks in the park, snuggled up under a blanket or drinking hot tea or enjoying a cookie and a glass of milk. If you add a good book in between, you could easily call this pure happiness. Oh wait, I totally forgot about baking – turning on the oven these days is pure pleasure. The warmth and the scents coming out of the oven are perfect to set up the mood for a great autumn day.

I’ve been craving for a chocolate coffee desserts for ages now and when I realized I had some leftover heavy cream in the fridge, I knew what I was going to make. Pot de cremes refer to the dessert itself, but also to the pots it is being baked in. It’s a French dessert that has a custard like consistency, but it’s looser than creme brulee or creme caramel, therefore it must be served from the pots. The main ingredients are milk, cream and egg yolks and this base can be flavored with chocolate, vanilla, coffee, caramel, citrus zest or flowery flavors. The sky is the limit!

pots de creme cu ciocolata neagra

Due to its simplicity, the key to a great chocolate coffee pot de creme is great quality ingredients, starting with a rich heavy cream and dark chocolate of at least 70% cocoa content. The coffee is optional, you can easily replace it with citrus zest or just a touch of vanilla, although for the latter option, you better consider adding more chocolate as well.

Chocolate coffee pot de creme is a delicate dessert that gets addictive after the first teaspoon. The texture is so creamy and so rich that your taste buds will be asking for another spoonful of happiness… then another.. and another.

Chocolate Coffee Pot de Creme

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –6 pieces


  • 400 ml heavy cream
  • 100 ml whole milk
  • 80 g white sugar
  • 2 teaspoons instant cofee
  • 100 g dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract


  • Arrange the ramekins in a deep dish baking pan and place aside.
  • Bring the milk and sugar to the boiling point then remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth then stir in the coffee and mix well.
  • Add the cream and give it a quick mix then stir in the egg yolks, salt and vanilla.
  • Pour the mixture into your prepared ramekins.
  • Pour hot water in the deep dish baking pan around the ramekins until it cover the ramekins 3/4.
  • Place in the preheated oven at 320F for 30 minutes or until the center looks slightly wobbly. Allow to cool in the hot water before serving.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate coffee pot de creme
chocolate coffee pot de creme

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