Tarte cu ciocolata si mango
Sa tot fie cateva luni de cand imi doresc o astfel de tava sub forma de dom pentru deserturi. Si iata ca in sfarsit mi-am cumparat-o si am si pus-o la treaba. Planul initial a fost sa creez un desert cu note tropicale – mango si nuca de cocos – dar undeva la jumatatea prepararii m-am gandit ca putina zmeura ar fi o alegere mai buna avand in vedere ca desertul are multa ciocolata si e deja destul de bogat in arome. Gustul acrisor al zmeurii balanseaza bine celelalte componente ale desertului, in special ciocolata alba.
Ce obtineti la final este un desert elegant, cu un aer distins si un design interesant. Cu greu am reusit sa-l tai si nu din vreun motiv tehnic, ci pentru ca mi s-a parut atat de delicat si simpatic incat nu ma mai saturam sa-l privesc. Streuselul de matcha m-a dus cu gandul pentru o secunda la primavara, desi abia daca am mai vazut soarele in ultimele saptamani. Insa adevarata surpriza vine atunci cand iti faci curaj si incep sa-l mananci. Straturi de blat crocant, cremeux de ciocolata si zmeura, mousse de ciocolata alba si un insert simplu din piure de mango care sa se prelinga peste celelalte componente dupa ce introduci lingurita in domul dulce, asta numesc eu desert. Sunt elemente care se completeaza una pe cealalta, creand un desert bine echilibrat. Staful meu este sa folositi ingrediente de calitate pentru a fi siguri de reusita. E esential ca ciocolata neagra sa fie cel putin 70%, iar cea alba sa fie calitativa, cu un gust nu prea intens. Un mango bine copt si o zmeura aromata sunt indispensabile acestui desert.
Tarte cu ciocolata si mango
Aluat fraged:
- 140 g unt moale
- 70 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- 1 ou
- 300 g faina alba 000
- 2 g sare
Cremeux de ciocolata si zmeura:
- 3 galbenusuri
- 50 g zahar alb granulat
- 100 g frisca lichida
- 80 g piure de zmeura
- 115 g ciocolata neagra (70%+)
- 30 g unt
Insert de mango:
- 1 mango mic (dar bine copt)
- 50 g zahar alb granulat
- 1 lingura zeama de lamaie
Mousse de ciocolata alba:
- 2 galbenusuri
- 40 g zahar alb granulat
- 20 g apa
- 100 g ciocolata alba
- 200 g smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
- 3 g gelatina+18g apa rece
- 5 g extract de vanilie
Glazura de ciocolata alba:
- 100 g smantana pentru frisca
- 130 g ciocolata alba (tocata)
- 2 g gelatina+12g apa rece
Streusel de matcha:
- 25 g unt (topit)
- 50 g faina alba 000
- 15 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- 1 g sare
- 4 g pudra de matcha
Aluat fraged:
- Mixati untul si zaharul pudra pana devine cremos. Adaugati oul si mixati bine.
- Incorporati faina si sarea si amestecati usor pana formati un aluat omogen, dar nu lucrati aluatul prea mult, nu e paine, ci un aluat fraged.
- Infasurati aluatul in folie alimentara si dati la rece 30 minute, apoi transferati aluatul pe o masa de lucru infainata si intindeti o foaie subtire.
- Taiati cercuri de aluat si puneti-le in tavile de mini tarte, presand aluatul usor pe marginile tavilor/formelor. Veti obtine 6-8 mini tarte sau mai multe chiar, depinde cat de mari sunt formele voastre.
- Coaceti la 180C pentru 10-12 minute sau pana marginile incep sa devina aurii. Lasati se se raceasca inainte de a le umple.
Cremeux de ciocolata si zmeura:
- Combinati smanana pentru frisca si piureul de zmeura si puneti pe foc. Incalziti usor, dar nu dati in clocot.
- Intre timp, mixati galbenusurile cu zaharul pana isi dubleaza volumul. Turnati peste ele amestecul fierbinte de smantana si amestecati bine. transferati intr-un vas si puneti inapoi pe foc mic. Gatiti 2-3 minute pana incepe sa se ingroase si se acopere spatele unei linguri.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amestecati bine pana la incorporare apoi adaugati untul.
- Lasati sa se raceasca usor apoi turnati cremeux in crustele de tarte facute mai devreme. Dati la rece.
Insert de mango:
- Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un vas si gatit pe foc mediu pentru 5 minute. Transferati intr-un blender si pulsati pana obtineti un piure fin.
- Turnati piureul in forme de silicon foarte mici (3cm diametru) – eu am niste forme speciale sub forma de dom, dar puteti folosi inclusiv o forma de gheata. Dati la congelator cateva ore.
Mousse de ciocolata alba:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru cel putin 10 minute.
- Combinati zaharul si apa intr-un vas si puneti pe foc mic. Dati in clocot si fierbeti 1-2 minute.
- Intre timp, mixati galbenusurile pana devin albicioase. Turnati siropul de zahar in fir subtire si continuati sa mixati cateva minute pana compozitia devine spumoasa.
- Topiti gelatina si incorporati-o in amestec, apoi adaugati si ciocolata alba topita, urmata de vanilie.
- Lasati sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei apoi incorporati frisca.
- Turnati 2-3 linguri de mousse in formele de dom, puneti un “banut” de mango in centru si completati cu mousse de ciocolata alba.
- Dati la congelator mousse-ul pentru cateva ore.
Streusel de matcha:
- Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecati pana obtineti o compozitie nisipoasa.
- Transferati amestecul intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180C pentru 10 minute maxim.
- Lasati sa se raceasca inainte de a-l folosi. E probabil eficient sa-l coaceti in acelasi timp cu crustele.
Glazura de ciocolata alba:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti smantana intr-un vas, dar fara a o da in clocot.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amstecati pana la incorporare completa.
- Topiti gelatina si adaugati-o in glazura. Amestecati bine si lasati sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei.
Pentru a finisa tartele:
- Scoateti domurile de mousse de ciocolata alba de la congelator si puneti-le pe un gratar.
- Turnati glazura peste domuri si lasati-le sa se scurga bine.
- Folosind o spatula, transferati fiecare dom peste tartele umplute cu cremeux.
- Decorati marginile domurilor cu streusel de matcha.
- Dati la rece pana la servire.
Chocolate is the answer to any question, worry or sadness, isn’t it?! At least that’s what my thought was when I first designed these miniature tarts. The idea came to me after buying a silicone dome mold – I wanted one for months and it’s finally mine. Now I have no excuse for not making this kind of desserts – it’s such a versatile pan. But the one thing that I most look forward to is various creams and mousses, layered in a dome form then covered with a shiny, mirror glaze if possible. I find these desserts to be so elegant and exquisite, so cute if I may say so. They are like blank boards and you can literally fill and decorate them with anything you want.
These chocolate mango tartlets feature a melt in your mouth crust, a dark chocolate raspberry cremeux, white chocolate mousse, mango insert, white chocolate glaze and a matcha streusel. The initial plan was to use coconut instead of raspberry, but I rarely stick to the plan when it comes to desserts and I thought raspberry would match mango just as well as coconut. Plus, raspberry has a tangy taste that brings out the best of chocolate and balances the sweetness of the final dessert better than coconut. You are then left with a dessert that first of all impresses with its classic lines in terms of design. The colors are soft and delicate as well and for a second, these tarts made me think of spring which we all long for this time of the year. Then as you bite into it, an intense chocolate taste is revealed, only to reach the mango core a few spoonfuls later and allow your taste buds to be flooded with a refreshing, tropical aroma. The raspberry is the last flavor to be noticed, but it lingers on your palate beautifully.
{Chocolate Mango Mini Tarts}
- 140 g butter (softened)
- 70 g powdered sugar
- 1 egg
- 300 g all-purpose flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
Chocolate raspberry cremeux:
- 3 egg yolks
- 50 g white sugar
- 80 ml heavy cream
- 80 ml raspberry puree
- 115 g dark chocolate (chopped (70%+))
- 30 g butter
Mango insert:
- 1 small (but ripe mango, peeled and cubed)
- 50 g sugar
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
White chocolate mousse:
- 2 egg yolks
- 40 g sugar
- 20 ml water
- 100 g white chocolate (melted)
- 200 ml heavy cream (whipped)
- 3 g gelatin+15ml cold water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
White chocolate glaze:
- 100 ml heavy cream
- 130 g white chocolate (chopped)
- 2 g gelatin+10ml cold water
Matcha streusel:
- 25 g butter (melted)
- 50 g all-purpose flour
- 1 tablespoon powdered sugar
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 teaspoon matcha powder
- Mix the butter and powdered sugar in a bowl until creamy. Stir in the egg and mix well.
- Add the flour and salt and mix to form a dough.
- Wrap the dough into plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Transfer on a floured working surface and roll into a thin sheet. Cut small rounds of dough and transfer in your mini tart pans, pressing the dough slightly on the bottom and edge of the pans.
- Bake the crusts in the preheated oven at 180C – 350F for 10-12 minutes until golden brown on the edges. Allow to cool.
Chocolate raspberry cremeux:
- Bring the cream and raspberry puree to the boiling point in a saucepan.
- In a bowl, mix the egg yolks and sugar until pale and creamy.
- Gradually pour in the hot cream and mix well then transfer in the saucepan and place over low flame. Cook for 2-3 minutes until it begins to thicken and it coats the back of a spoon. Don’t let it boil and bubble up, just slowly heat it.
- Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth then add the butter and mix well.
- Allow the cremeux to cool slightly then spoon it into the baked tart crusts. Place in the fridge to set.
Mango insert:
- Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and place over low heat. Cook for 5 minutes until softened then puree the mixture in a blender.
- Spoon the mango puree into small dome molds (3cm diameter) and freeze for a few hours.
White chocolate mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.
- Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. In the meantime, mix the egg yolks until pale. Pour in the hot sugar syrup, mixing all the time. Continue mixing for 5 minutes until fluffy and pale.
- Melt the gelatin and mix it with the egg yolks then add the vanilla.
- Stir in the melted chocolate then allow to cool to room temperature.
- Fold in the whipped cream.
- Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of mousse into your dome molds (7cm diameter). Place one small mango dome inside and top with the remaining mousse.
- Freeze the mousse domes for a few hours.
White chocolate glaze:
- Heat the cream to the boiling point. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until smooth.
- Bloom the gelatin in water for 10 minutes then melt it and stir it into the glaze. Place aside.
Matcha streusel:
- Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until grainy.
- Spread the mixture on a baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes at 180C-350F just until dried out and crunchy. Allow to cool before using.
To finish the tarts:
- Remove the white chocolate mousse domes from the mold and place them on a wire rack while still frozen. Top each dome with white chocolate glaze.
- Carefully pick the domes up with a spatula and place them over the tart crusts that have been filled with cremeux earlier.
- Decorate the sides of the tarts with matcha streusel.
- Place in the fridge before serving.
Aaahhhh, that filling looks amazing. If I could just… take… one… bite…. 🙂
Thank you!
You are absolutely right, Oana, chocolate is the answer to everything! Your little tartlets are SO beautiful, I love the addition of mango, such a gorgeous combination! <3 x
Superba combinatia
De unde ai achizitionat tava? Sunt vreo cateva luni de cand si eu imi doresc una.
De la Cofetarul istet, online.
Vai de mine…. Am ramas cu gura cascata. Este absolut superb ce faci tu aici. Te aplaud. Felicitari!
Multumesc mult!
I made these a couple days ago and everyone asked for seconds They loved the mango/raspberry inserts. all your measurements were so spot on. Hope to look into more of your dessert recipes.
When I made the mouse and white chocolate glaze, I kept thinking there wasn’t enough and I’d have to make second batches haha, but It all worked out just right. I didn’t have matcha, so instead I used a mortar and prestle to crush some early grey leaves.
Love looking at your desserts. They are all mouth watering. Can you substitute frozen mango and how much would I use?
Thank you!
I would say around 150g mango