{Chocolate Tablets} – Tablete de ciocolata

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homemade chocolate tablets

My latest recipe post mentioned a series of „how to have fun with chocolate” posts simply because there are so many easy little things you can do with chocolate. I’m literally in love with how versatile chocolate is! In my previous post we talked about hot chocolate lollipops – these little fun, melting, sweet and fragrant lollies to make your own hot chocolate in a flash – and today we’re gonna move on to tablets. Yes, tablets! Because you can actually make your own tablets, customize them any way you want, flavor them with pretty much anything!

Once chocolate is tempered, all you need for tablets is a mold – either plastic or polycarbonate – and your favorite toppings. Toppings can include: sprinkles, candies, dried fruits, nuts, crushed biscuits, marshmallows, macarons or salt flakes. In addition to these fun things to sprinkle on top, you can go wild with fillings as well, slowly stepping on bonbons territory. Fillings can mean anything from a simple and efficient ganache to caramel, fruit sauces or jams and so on. Now, doesn’t that sound fun?!!?

homemade chocolate tablets

Now that we’ve got chocolate, toppings and fillings covered, let’s go back to something I mentioned earlier: molds. These are the perfect tools for making your own chocolate tablets. The good news is that you have various options available, starting with plastic molds which are considered to be hobby molds. The thing about them is that yes, they are quite cheap, but their quality is not the best and the tablets you get are not very shiny, they sometimes bend or break because the mold is quite flexible. Professionals mostly use polycarbonate molds simply because they are sturdy, not too expensive, versatile and they yield a properly shiny surface on the molded chocolate. Plus, you can buy different shapes – you would be surprised to see how many options there are! I used Decora Italy polycarbonate molds which are great for a beginner because they are a little bit smaller, easy to handle and very easy to hold on to due to their shape. Plus, they come in quite a few shapes and patterns which I find quite lovely. Look at these cute little pattern!! Find details about these molds, plus recipes and tips and tricks on Decora website or follow them on their Facebook page!

homemade chocolate tablets

The recipe is not even a proper recipe, but here are the details of how to make your own chocolate tablets:

{Chocolate Tablets}

Olguta - Pastry Workshop


  • Chocolate (melted and tempered, as needed)
  • Toppings: candies (nuts, dried fruits, sprinkles, crushed biscuits, macarons, seeds etc.)


  • Fill each chocolate mold with tempered chocolate.
  • Gently shake and tap the mold on your working surface to remove the air bubbles trapped in chocolate (trust me, there's nothing more annoying than air bubbles on your chocolates) then carefully top the chocolate tablets with your favorite toppings.
  • Allow the chocolate to crystallize properly before removing from the molds.


You can use any type of chocolate, from white to milk or dark or in between. Consider mixing various types of chocolates in one single bar, not only for taste, but also for the color contrast!
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!

homemade chocolate tablets


Intr-una dintre postarile trecute incepusem o serie despre ceea ce puteti face cu ciocolata topita si temperata si va aduceam atunci in atentie acadele pentru ciocolata calda, acele mici si delicioase ciocolate usor de topit in lapte cald pentru a obtine o ciocolata calda aromata. Astazi insa am pentru voi tablete de ciocolata. Da, ati auzit bine! Puteti sa va faceti propriile tablete de ciocolata acasa, folosind ciocolata, topita si obligatoriu temperata, matrite pentru tablete de ciocolata (din plastic sau policarbonat) si topping-urile voastre preferate.

homemade chocolate tablets

Dar haideti sa analizam fiecare element in parte, pornind de la baza noastra, respectiv ciocolata. Eu personal prefer ciocolata de 50-60% masa de cacao pentru tablete caci gustul e intens, amarui, dar nu intrece limita suportablitatii, insa retineti ca puteti folosi orice tip de ciocolata, de la alba la cea cu lapte sau neagra, in functie de preferintele fiecaruia. Ba mai mult, puteti combina mai multe tipuri de ciocolata intr-o singura tableta. Topping-ul poate insemna orice, de la bombonele colorate la nuci ori fructe uscate sau confiate, biscuiti faramitati sau intregi, turta dulce, condimente, seminte si lista poate continua. Cred ca asta imi place cel mai mult la a-mi face propriile tablete de ciocolata: posibilitatile de a le aromatiza sau interveni cu diverse texturi sunt nenumarate!

homemade chocolate tablets

Insa pentru a obtine tableta perfecta mai aveti nevoie si de matrite pentru tablete de ciocolata. Aceste matrite pot fi realizate fie din plastic, fie din policarbonat. Cele din plastic sunt matrite pentru amatori, considerate matrite hobby – au avantajul ca sunt mai ieftine, dar dezavantajul e ca sunt flexibile ceea ce poate insemna tablete usor deformate, dar mai ales tablete care nu au un luciu perfect, indiferent de cat de bine a fost temperata ciocolata. Profesionistii folosesc matrite din policarbonat pentru tablete si bomboane – acestea sunt mult mai grele, deloc flexibile, dar mai ales confera un luciu frumos produselor finale. Partea frumoasa e ca si ele vin in diverse forme si marimi. Pentru aceste tablete eu am folosit matrite marca Decora Italia pe care le consider perfecte pentru incepatori datorita marimii usor mai reduce, usurintei cu care pot fi manuite si manerelor ergonomice.

Tablete de ciocolata

Olguta - Pastry Workshop
Ciocolata este minunata! Poti crea cu ajutorul ei aceste tablete minunate!


  • Ciocolata alba/neagra/cu lapte (topita si temperata)
  • Topping: bombonele crocante (sprinkles, nuci, alune, fructe uscate, fructe confiate, biscuiti, turta dulce, macarons etc)


  • Turnati ciocolata in matrita de tableta, suficient cat sa o umpleti pana sus. Nivelati daca e nevoie apoi loviti usor matrita de suprafata de lucru pentru a scapa de eventualele bule de aer prinse intre ciocolata si matrita.
  • Presarati deasupra topping-urile preferate si lasati sa cristalizeze.
  • Scoateti din matrita cu grija si ambalati.


E obligatoriu ca ciocolata sa fie temperata, in caz contrar nu veti putea scoate tabletele din matrita.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!

homemade chocolate tablets

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