Fursecuri cu ciocolata neagra si alba

Mergi direct la reteta Fursecuri cu ciocolata neagra si alba

A trecut si Craciunul lui 2015 si cu el s-au dus si fursecurile pregatite cu aceasta ocazie. Insa am pentru voi astazi o reteta a unor fursecuri pe care le-am pregatit cu ocazia evenimentului caritabil de la Simbio – un eveniment care a adunat o mana de bloggeri culinari inimosi care au gatit pentru a ajuta asociatia Ajungem Mari. S-au adunat peste 3000 lei pe parcursul a catorva ore, motiv pentru care as vrea sa multumesc atat celorlalti blogger prezenti – Kiss the Cook, Diva in Bucatarie si Andie.ro – dar si celor care ati fost prezenti si ati cumparat de la noi fursecuri, batoane granola, dulceata de portocale, rilettes, cupcakes, turta dulce, caramele si o multime de alte bunatati. You rock!

chocolate thumbprint cookies

Cat despre fursecuri, reteta e pur ciocolatoasa, cu multa cacao in compozitia aluatului si ciocolata alba drept umplutura. La decor m-am jucat putin cu bombonele de ciocolata si putina pudra de ceai verde, dar e doar o chestie de gust personal.

Fursecuri cu ciocolata neagra si alba

Aceste fursecuri contin atat cacao, cat si ciocolata alba si sunt minunate pe un platou dedicat acestor tipuri de deserturi, mai ales in perioada sarbatorilor.


  • 140 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 70 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 1 ou
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 250 g faina alba 000
  • 30 g cacao (cernuta)
  • 1 g sare
  • 2g g praf de copt
  • 100 g ciocolata alba (topita)


  • Preincalziti cuptorul la 170C si tapetati 2 tavi cu hartie de copt.
  • Mixati untul si zaharul pudra pana devin cremoase. Adaugati oul si vanilia si mixati bine.
  • Incorporati faina, sarea, cacaoa si praful de copt pana obtineti un aluat omogen, pe care insa nu-l framantati prea mult.
  • Luati bucati mici de aluat si formati cateva bilute mici pe care asezati-le pe tavile pregatite.
  • Folosind varful degetelor sau coada unei linguri de lemn, formati cate o gropita in fiecare bila de aluat.
  • Coaceti pentru 10-14 minute apoi lasati fursecurile sa se raceasca complet.
  • Umpleti fursecurile cu ciocolata alba topita si decorati dupa dorinta.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
cursecuri cu ciocolata neagra si alba


Day three of Christmas and we finished our cookie stash already! How it happened I don’t know! I’m not going to bake anything these days though. Instead, I decided to go through the older recipes I had and these chocolate thumbprint cookies really stood out! The dough recipe is pretty basic, inspired from a recipe by Pierre Herme and it’s one of the recipes that I make pretty often because it bakes into a melt-in-your-mouth cookie that is at the same time crunchy, but silky, buttery and delicious. The filling is pure white chocolate with a few coffee chocolate candies on top, decorated with a dusting of matcha powder for a color contrast.

It’s a recipe I believe it deserves a spot on the blog, moreover since it was one of the products I presented myself with at a charity fair a few weeks back. It was so much fun! Just a bunch of food bloggers cooking for a great cause – helping kids in orphanages have access to education. And we manage to raise quite a lot of money which is great! Apart from these cookies, I also brought a chocolate bacon cake to the party and a gingerbread house, plus these vegan muffins. I would do it again without thinking twice, it was an experience I learnt a lot from, but most of all one that brought so much rewards back!

{Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies} – Fursecuri cu ciocolata

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –20 cookies


  • 140 g butter (softened)
  • 70 g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 250 g all-purpose flour
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100 g white chocolate (melted)


  • Preheat the oven to 170C and line two baking sheets with baking paper.
  • Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until light and creamy.
  • Add the egg and vanilla and mix well then stir in the flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder.
  • Mix until a dough forms. Shape the dough into a disc and wrap it in plastic wrap.
  • Refrigerate for 30 minutes then take small pieces of dough and shape them into balls.
  • Place the dough on the prepared pans and make a small indentation into each ball using your fingertip. The idea is to fill these indentations with chocolate later on.
  • Bake in the oven for 10-14 minutes until crisp.
  • Allow to cool in the pan then fill each cookie with melted white chocolate.
  • Decorate with chocolate shavings and matcha powder or as desired.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate thumbprint cookies

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