Fursecuri Empire cu zmeura
Mi s-a pus pata pe aceste fursecuri de foarte mult timp si iata ca in sfarsit m-am mobilizat si le-am facut. Ma amuza putin faptul ca acum cateva luni fursecurile erau mereu ultimele pe lista mea, insa in ultimul timp am postat destul de multe retete de fursecuri. Ce sa zic, e bine sa ai ce rontai cand ai pofta de ceva dulce. Adevarul e ca ultimele luni au fost un amestec de suisuri si coborasuri si entremet-urile au cazut pe un loc secund, orientandu-ma spre deserturi care nu iau zile intregi de pregatire. Pentru ceva timp am simtit inclusiv ca imi lipseste inspiratia, sentiment care nu e tocmai placut pentru o persoana atat de creativa ca mine. Dar sunt aici, alive and kicking.. and baking.. si am multe retete planificate, asa ca stati aproape.
Avand origini scotiene, aceste fursecuri sunt lipite intre ele cu gem de zmeura, apoi acoperite cu o glazura simpla de zahar pudra si zeama de lamaie pe care mi-am luat libertatea sa o imbogatesc cu putin unt topit. O data glazurate, fursecurile sunt decorate cu o jumatate de cireasa confiata. Au fost o revelatie pentru mine, nu ma asteptam sa fie atat de gustoase, sa se topeasca efectiv in gura. Gustand din aceste fursecuri mi-am adus aminte cat de norocoasa sunt ca am o astfel de pasiune, cat de norocoasa sunt ca pot face asa ceva si ca pot sa si gust din ceea ce fac, ce sentiment placut cand ii vezi pe ceilalti bucurandu-se de deserturile tale si cata fericire imi aduce gatitul si prajituritul. E una dintre minunile vietii mele dupa fiul meu si sunt extrem de recunoscatoare pentru aceste cadouri pe care viata si Cel de Sus mi le fac. Ce vreau eu sa spun, oricat de clisei ar suna, e urmatorul lucru: faceti ceea ce va place, pasiunile sunt cele care ne ofera provocarile cele mai mari si mai importante, acele provocari care ne ajuta sa crestem si tot ele sunt cele care ne aduc si cele mai mari satisfactii!
Fursecuri Empire cu zmeura
- 140 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 50 g zahar pudra (cernur)
- 1 ou
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 250 g faina alba 000
- 50 g amidon de porumb
- 1 g sare
Glazura si umplutura:
- Gem de zmeura fara samburi
- Cirese confiate
- 2 linguri unt topit
- 2 linguri zeama de lamaie
- 200 g zahar pudra
- Mixati untul si zaharul pana obtineti o compozitie cremoasa, albicioasa. Adaugati oul si vanilia si mixati bine.
- Incorporati faina, amidonul si un praf de sare si framantati cat de putin aluatul, doar cat sa-i dati forma unei bile. Infasurati in folie alimentara si dati la frigider 30 minute.
- Transferati aluatul pe masa de lucru infainata si intindeti o foaie dubtire de aproximativ 3mm grosime. Taiati fursecuri cu un cutter rotund si asezati fiecare fursec pe o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Coaceti in cuptorul pre-incalzit la 180C pentru aproximativ 10 minute sau pana cand marginile incep sa devina aurii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi lipiti biscuitii doi cate doi cu gem de zmeura fara seminte. Asezati biscuitii pe un grilaj sau o tava mare.
- Amestecati untul topit, zeama de lamaie si zaharul pudra intr-un bol. Adaugati zahar in plus daca glazura e prea lichida, sau zeama de lamaie daca e prea groasa. Consistenta ideala e curgatoare, dar nu extrem de lichida.
- Glaurati fiecare fursec in parte cu 1 lingura de glazura si decorati cu o jumatate de cireasa confiata.
Empire Biscuits, also known as Imperial Biscuits, German Biscuits or Double Shortbread, are sandwich cookies popular in UK, particularly Scotland. It is very similar to a linzer cookie, being formed by sandwiching 2 shortbread cookies together with raspberry jam. Nothing out of the ordinary till here, but then the cookie is glazed with a simple sugar glaze and decorated with half of glace cherry and that brings these cookies out of anonymity. Honestly, these biscuits shook my world the other day when I made them. I wasn’t expecting them to be this delicious, I thought they would turn out good, but nothing special and they blew me away.
And when I took the first bite I had a revelation – these tender, fragrant, sweet and tangy cookies are perfect and taste better than any store bought cookie you might ever have! The shortbread dough is easy to make and an absolute joy to work with, but the surprise comes when you bake it – it’s tender and melts in your mouth with every bite, leaving a rich, buttery taste behind. The cookies are filled with seedless raspberry jam and then topped with a tangy, delicate powdered sugar glaze which I chose to thicken with a touch of melted butter. And their taste made me remember what a lucky girl I am to have found a passion as strong as baking, how fortunate I am to be doing what I love and how happy this makes me.
{Empire Biscuits}
- 140 g butter (softened)
- 50 g powdered sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 250 g all-purpose flour
- 50 g cornstarch
- 1 pinch salt
Glaze and filling:
- Seedless raspberry jam as needed
- Candied cherries
- 2 tablespoons butter (melted)
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 200 g powdered sugar
- Combine the butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well with an electric mixer until fluffy and creamy.
- Add the egg and vanilla and mix well.
- Stir in the flour, cornstarch and salt and knead the dough just to bring it together into a ball. Wrap the ball into plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Remove from the fridge and place on a floured working surface.
- Roll the dough into a thin sheet, about 3mm thickness.
- Cut small rounds of dough with a cookie cutter and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
- Bake in the pre-heated oven at 350F – 180C for 10 minutes or until the edges begin to turn golden brown.
- Remove from the oven and allow to cool in the pan.
- Mix the melted butter and lemon juice in a bowl.
- Add the powdered sugar and mix well until the glaze is thick, but still runny. If needed, add more powdred sugar or lemon juice until the consistency is right.
- Sandwich the cookies two by two with 1/2 teaspoon of raspberry jam and place them on a wire rack or baking sheets.
- Drizzle the cookies with the sugar glaze and top with half of a candied cherry.
Trebuie incercati ! Ador biscuitii fragezi! Iti multumesc pentru reteta! Ai idee de o reteta de cirese confiate home made?
Anda, nu stiu nicio reteta. Oricum, sa le faci sa arate exact ca acestea din fotografie iti trebuie cirese Maraschino care inteleg ca sunt special pentru asta. Ai putea incerca cu cirese din dulceata poate sau niste fructe uscate ori o migdala deasupra daca chiar vrei sa-i faci si nu ai cirese confiate.
Those do look like incredible little cookies! Love the little glace cherries, looks like a red button 🙂
Thank you, June. yes, they look like red buttons, quite funny 😀
I’ve never heard of Empire Biscuits, and I’m not sure why not–they sound delicious! I love a good linzer cookie, and the cherry on top is literally the cherry on top, haha. 🙂
They are very similar to linzer, except the nutty flavor. But they are delicious.
These look amazing, I can tell by the pictures that they taste delicious! I would love to have a few with a hot cup of coffee!
Oh they would be great with a cup of coffee in the morning.
Oh my! These cookies look seriously delicious and I would eat a whole plate of them if they were in front of me now. Love the sugar glaze too. Perfection!
Thank you, Karrie.
Buna!Se pot face acesti biscuiti cu lavanda,fara glazura?Cat timp se pot pastra,in loc racoros?Multumesc!O zi frumoasa!
Da, sigur Cred ca tin in jur de 1 saptamana fara probleme, poate chiar putin mai mult.