Crema tartinabila de banane si alune
Pate a tartiner se refera la o crema ce poate fi intinsa pe paine cu usurinta. Cea mai cunoscuta pate a tartiner este in mod cert Nutella, insa nu e neaparat si cea mai sanatoasa. Asa ca sunt mereu in cautare de variante care sa o inlocuiasca. Aceasta crema de banana si alune de padure este un candidat excelent cu a sa cremozitate si gust intens de banana si alune de padure.
![hazelnut banana spread hazelnut banana spread](
O data adunate toate ingredientele, reteta este simpla – se omogenizeaza totul in vasul robotului de bucatarie, apoi se transfera in borcane. Intrucat contine banana, crema nu va rezista mai mult de 1 saptamana la frigider, insa se face extrem de usor, asa incat o puteti face ori de cate ori aveti nevoie.
Dincolo de a o folosi pe paine, poate servi si drept agent de aromatizare in creme daca doriti, ba chiar si drept crema in bomboanele de ciocolata.
Retineti insa ca banana necesita coacere inainte, iar pentru asta pur si simplu puneti cateva banane intregi la cuptor la 160C pentru 30 minute sau pana devin moi si se innegresc. Raciti apoi inlaturati pulpa si cantariti pentru a o folosi in reteta.
Crema tartinabila de banane si alune de padure
- 170 g pasta de pralina
- 85 g crema tartinabila Speculoos
- 355 g ciocolata caramel (topita)
- 80 g unt clarifiat
- 270 g piure banane coapte
- 1 g sare
- Combinati toate ingredientele in robotul de bucatarie si procesati pana obtineti o crema fina.
- Transferati in borcane si sigilati.
- Pastrati la frigider sau intr-un loc racoros pana la 1 saptamana.
Spreads aren’t really that popular in Romania. Well, maybe except Nutella, but let’s face it – as delicious as this famous spread might be, it is packed with sugar and powdered milk and vegetable oil. And even though I know some of these ingredients are harmless, I for one much rather make my own spread, be it Nutella type or different.
This Hazelnut Banana Spread has a great texture, it’s creamy and packed with so much flavor! Having no preservatives, for sure you cannot keep it fresh for as long, but it is very easy to make so you can just make smaller batches, but more often. I’m not gonna lie, it is sweet, it’s packed with calories and definitely not something to binge on with the spoonful, but spread on a slice of toasted bread, maybe with a touch of butter (don’t blame me, I cannot live without butter), it’s a feast for your taste buds.
The banana in the recipe must be baked before, but it’s quite simple. All you have to do is bake the whole bananas for 30 minutes at 160C or until they turn soft and brown. Let them cool down completely, then peel them and use just the pulp from the inside. Keep in mind to scale the bananas after baking!
Photography by my lovely Pupile Gustative <3
Hazelnut Banana Spread
- 170 g praline paste
- 85 g Speculoos paste
- 355 g caramel chocolate (topita)
- 80 g clarified butter
- 270 g roasted banana puree
- 1 g salt
- Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
- Turn the machine on and process until the mixture looks creamy and smooth.
- Transfer the pate a tartiner in glass jars and seal with the lid.
- Keep in the fridge or in a cooler place for up to 1 week.
Intrebare de nestiutor:ce este pasta de pralina?
E un amestec de 50% alune de padure coapte si 50% zahar caramelizat, omogenizate impreuna in robotul de bucatarie.
Buna Olguta.ce este crema tartinabila Speculos?
Hi! Why does the banana need to be baked/cooked before it goes in? What does the baking do? I can guess it removes excess water, but anything else?
Removing excess water means a longer shelf life. Also, if you want, it kinda sterilize it. Raw fruits have a tendency to ferment in a few days.