Realizarea unui decor de ciocolata
O lume fara ciocolata ar fi plictisitoare, nu credeti?! Iar de cofetarie nu mai zic! Cu siguranta exista cofetarie si fara ciocolata, dar mult mai restransa si mai putin creativa ori distractiva. Caci ciocolata are capacitatea de a transforma ceva super simplu intr-o opera de arta (comestibila). Nici nu trebuie sa fie ceva complicat de realizat. Putina ciocolata, putin colorant auriu metalizat si gata – frumusete in cea mai pura forma!
Pentru a realiza aceasta „panza” decorativa de ciocolata aveti nevoie de:
Sugerez sa incepeti sa experimentati cu ciocolata neagra intrucat se lucreaza cel mai usor dintre toate tipurile de ciocolata, oferind in acelasi timp si rezultate care rezista mai bine.

Incepeti prin a topi ciocolata neagra la 45C – prefer sa folosesc microundele, dar si o baie de aburi va functiona, caz in care aveti grija sa nu intre apa in bolul de ciocolata ori sa nu incalziti ciocolata prea mult. Incet si sigur e mai bine decat a creste temperatura repede si prea mult!
Cand ciocolata ajunge la 45C, trebuie sa o trecem printr-un proces numit temperare. Ce face temperarea este sa rearanjeze particulele din ciocolata, astfel incat rezultatul final sa fie lucios, ferm, sa isi pastreze forma la temperatura camerei si sa aibe acel sunet specific atunci cand rupi o bucata de ciocolata. Pentru a tempera efectiv, turnati 3/4 din ciocolata pe placa de marmura si agitati-o pana ajunge la 28-29C. Urmariti video-ul de mai jos pentru mai multe detalii.
Cand a ajuns la 28-29C, intoarceti ciocolata neagra inapoi in bol, amestecand-o bine cu 1/4 ramas in bol. Omogenizati bine cu o spatula. Masurati temperatura – trebuie sa fie 32C sau mai putin. Aceasta este temperatura ideala de lucru a ciocolatei. Daca are peste 32C, repetati procesul de temperare pe placa de marmura. Daca are mult sub 32C, o puteti reincalzi usor 3-4 secunde la microunde. Ciocolata este acum gata de folosit.
Pentru a realiza aceasta „panza” de ciocolata, pensulati o foaie de silicon cu colorant auriu metalizat. Cu o spatula, intindeti uniform ciocolata peste zona aurie. Folosind carlige sau alte elemente de prindere, dati forma siliconului pentru a crea niste valuri in ciocolata. Lasati la inchegat la temperatura camerei.
Decor de ciocolata
- Foaie silicon
- Placa marmura
- Termometru cofetarie
- Spatula silicon
- Bol
- Spatula unghiulara
- Pensula
- Racleta
- 1 colorant metalizat auriu
- 1 ciocolata alba/neagra/cu lapte
I suggest you start your experiments with dark chocolate as it is the easier to work with, but also offers the most resilient results.
A world without chocolate would be so boring, don’t you think?! Imagine a pastry kitchen without this delicious and versatile ingredient. It’s surely doable, but definitely not as fun! Because chocolate has the capacity of turning a plain and simple dessert into a stunning work of art. It doesn’t even have to be something complicated to make, just a bit of chocolate and some gold powder and there you have it – beauty in its purest form! So let’s learn how to make a chocolate sail together!
This chocolate sail actually takes very little to make. You will need:
- chocolate (white, dark or milk – any will work, but the way they are processed is different)
- gold powder (or any other metallic food coloring that comes as a powder)
- spatulas
- a piece of marble
- silicone sheet
- a cold environment (best for chocolate work is under 20C)
Start by melting the dark chocolate to 45C – I prefer using a microwave, but a hot water bath would work as well. Either way, make sure you don’t get any drops of water in the chocolate bowl nor you overheat the chocolate. Melt little by little, mixing as often as possible. The slow and steady way is better than the quick way where you use a temperature surge and break down your chocolate.
Once the chocolate has 45C, we must pass it through a process called tempering. What tempering does is basically rearranges its particles so the final result is shiny, sturdy, suitable for decors or other chocolate work, it doesn’t melt as easily at room temperatures and it has a nice snap when it breaks. To temper the dark chocolate for decor, pour 3/4 of it on the marble and start working it to cool it down to 28-29C. Check out the video below to see the kind of movements you are looking for when you are tempering.
Once it reaches 28-29C, return the chocolate back to the bowl and mix it well with the 1/4 that is still hot. Mix well then check the temperature. It should read 32C or less. This is the working temperature of chocolate. If it’s over 32C, repeat the cooling process on the marble. If it’s way lower than 32C, you can heat it up slightly in the microwave for 5-6 seconds at a time.

For the actual sail, start by brushing a silicone sheet with gold powder, making sure the color covers completely the silicone. Pour a bit of chocolate on top and spread it into a thin layer. Using something to pin the silicone, try shaping the sail the way you like it. (check the video above).
Let the sail set at room temperature for at least 2 hours. It is now ready to be used on your delicious cakes!
I really enjoyed that video. Thanku so much. I will be making a few of them for My Grandaughter 18th Birthday cake She wants creme -burnt orange an gold Can’t wait to try it
Thank you for your kind words!