Mini tarte cu vanilie

Mergi direct la reteta Tarte cu vanilie

Checul cu vanilie a fost doar primul dintr-o serie minunata de prajituri in care vanilia este vedeta principala. Astazi este randul unei tarte cu vanilie, muuuuuuulta vanilie adevarata, fie sub forma de pastai, fie sub forma de extract natural. De altfel, daca priviti cu atentie sectiune tartei veti vedea semintele de vanilie care parca te transpun intr-o explozie aromata vanilata. Imaginati-va gustul delicat al vaniliei adevarate apoi multiplicati-l cu fiecare strat al tartei. Caci da, aproape fiecare strat din aceasta tarta contine vanilie.

E destul de greu sa scoti vanilia in evidenta, mai ales cand ea este oricum folosita in toate deserturile, ca aroma de baza. Insa Pierre Herme, caci reteta este adaptata dupa retetele lui, reuseste! Si adevarul e ca aceasta tarta te ia prin surprindere! Aroma intensa de vanilie e o surpriza placut si o schimbare binevenita. Cumva aceasta tarta m-a facut sa ma reingradostesc de vanilie, sa o privesc altfel, sa o apreciez mai mult!

Tarte cu vanilie

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Reteta Adaptata dupa Pierre Herme, punand in evidenta perfectiunea vaniliei intr-un desert.
Rezultat –10 bucati



  • 150 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 30 g faina de migdale
  • 80 g zahar pudra
  • 1 ou
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
  • 300 g faina alba
  • 1 g sare

Crema de mascarpone:

  • 250 ml smantana pentru frisca
  • Seminte de la o pastaie de vanilie
  • 50 g galbenus
  • 65 g zahar alb
  • 4 g gelatina foi
  • 250 g mascarpone


  • 2 albusuri
  • 45 g zahar alb
  • 40 g galbenus
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
  • 25 g faina alba
  • 25 g amidon
  • 1 praf de sare

Sirop de vanilie:

  • 110 ml apa
  • 80 g zahar
  • 1 pastaie de vanilie (injumatatita, semintele inlaturate)

Ganache de vanilie:

  • 115 ml smantana pentru frisca
  • Semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie
  • 150 g ciocolata alba
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie

Glazura alba:

  • 100 g ciocolata alba
  • 30 g zahar alb
  • 1 g pectina NH
  • 60 ml apa
  • 40 ml smantana pentru frisca
  • Colorant alb
  • Semintele de la 1 pastaie de vanilie



  • Mixati untul cu faina de migdale si zaharul 5 minute.
  • Adaugati oul si mixati bine apoi incorporati faina si sarea.
  • Framantati scurt pana obtineti o bila de aluat apoi infasurati-o in folie alimentara si dati la frigider cel putin 1 ora.
  • Rulati o foaie subtire apoi realizati 10-12 coji de tarta in inele de 8cm diametru.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 10-12 minute sau pana devin usor aurii pe margini.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in tava.

Crema mascarpone:

  • Pregatiti 10-12 inele de tort de 8cm diametru tapetandu-le cu folie alimentara si acetat.
  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Incalziti smantana si semintele de vanilie.
  • Amestecati galbenusul si zaharul apoi turnati in fir subtire smantana fierbinte. Intoarceti pe foc si gatiti pana atinge 82C, amestecand continuu cu o spatula.
  • Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi strecurati totul printr-o sita fina intr-un bol. Lasati sa se raceasca la o temperatura neutra.
  • Mixati mascarpone pana devine cremos apoi adaugati in fir subtire crema de mai devreme.
  • Turnati compozitia in formele pregatite si congelati cateva ore.


  • Cerneti faina cu amidonul si sarea.
  • Mixati albusurile spuma apoi adaugati zaharul si continuati sa mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma.
  • Cu mixerul la viteza mica, incorporati galbenusul apoi faina cernuta.
  • Intindeti un strat subtire intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180C pentru 12-14 minute sau pana devine usor aurie, avand grija sa nu se usuce prea tare.
  • Lasati la racit, apoi decupati discuri suficient de mari incat sa incapa in cojile de tarta coapte. Dati deoparte.

Sirop de vanilie:

  • Combinati toate ingredientele apoi fierbeti 2 minute.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca acoperit cu folie alimentara.

Ganache de vanilie:

  • Incalziti smantana si semintele de vanilie intr-un vas.
  • Luati de pe foc si turnati peste ciocolata.
  • Omogenizati apoi incorporati extractul.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca.


  • Combinati zaharul si pectina intr-un bol.
  • Incalziti apa si smantana apoi adaugati pectina si gatiti pentru 2 minute.
  • Luati de pe foc si adaugati colorantul plus semintele de vanilie. Turnati peste ciocolata.
  • Blenduiti bine apoi acoperiti cu folie si dati la rece.

Pentru a finisa tartele:

  • Umpleti cojile de tarta pe jumatate cu ganache.
  • Asezati deasupra un disc de biscuite apoi insiropati-l usor cu sirop de vanilie (folositi o pensula).
  • Dati la frigider cateva ore.
  • Scoateti crema de mascarpone din congelator si inlaturati inelele si folia. Asezati fiecare disc de crema pe un grilaj de glazurat apoi turnati uniform glazura deasupra.
  • Lasati sa se scurga bine apoi asezati crema peste tartele umplute.
  • Decorati cu pastai de vanilie sau pudra de vanilie.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Following my last post focusing on vanilla, here comes what I believe to be one of the best tartlette recipes I have ever made and tasted! I’m not even sure what makes these infiniment vanille tartlets so delighful: maybe it’s the creamiest texture ever or the intense vanilla flavor or perhaps the vanilla studded filling combined with the crisp crust. There are so many reason to love them that is impossible to pick just one!

infiniment vanille tartlets

Pierre Herme – The Picasso of modern pastry

Pierre Herme is a constant presence here on Pastry Workshop: Infiniment Vanille Cake, Carrement au Chocolat, Viennese Spritz Cookies and the list can go on! His recipes are a guarantee for a great texture, amazing taste and lovely tasting experience so no wonder that I keep going back to his books. It’s fascinating how he always finds a way to impress you even though you think there’s nothing left to be impressed with! No wonder he’s been named the Picasso of pastry. The way he „paints” with flavors and textures is truly unique in modern pastry!

infiniment vanille tartlets

Infiniment Vanille Tartlettes

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Recipe adapted after Pierre Herme and his amazing vanilla desserts.
Rezultat –12 pieces



  • 150 g butter (softened)
  • 30 g almond flour
  • 80 g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 300 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 g salt

Mascarpone vanilla cream:

  • 250 ml heavy cream
  • Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
  • 50 g egg yolk
  • 65 g white sugar
  • 4 g gelatin sheets
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese

Biscuit a la cuillere:

  • 2 egg whites
  • 45 g white sugar
  • 40 g egg yolk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 25 g all-purpose flour
  • 25 g cornstarch
  • 1 pinch of salt

Vanilla syrup:

  • 80 g white sugar
  • 110 ml water
  • 1 vanilla pod (split lengthwise, seeds removed)

Vanilla ganache:

  • 115 ml heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Seeds from 1 vanilla pod
  • 150 g white chocolate

White glaze:

  • 100 g white chocolate
  • 30 g white sugar
  • 1 g pectin NH
  • 60 ml water
  • 40 ml heavy cream
  • White food coloring
  • Seeds from 1 vanilla pod



  • Mix the butter with the almond flour and sugar for 5 minutes until light and fluffy.
  • Stir in the egg and give it a good mix.
  • Add the flour and salt and knead the dough slightly to bring it together into a ball. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 1 hour.
  • Roll out the dough into a thin sheet then cut enough to line 10-12 8cm diameter tartlette rings.
  • Bake the crust in the preheated oven at 350F for 10-12 minutes or until slightly golden brown on the edges.
  • Allow to cool down in the pan.
  • Place aside.

Mascarpone cream:

  • Prepare 10-12 small tartlette rings by lining them with plastic wrap and acetate sheets.
  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
  • Heat up the cream and vanilla seeds in a saucepan.
  • In the meantime, mix the egg yolk with the sugar then stream in the hot cream.
  • Transfer the mixture back on heat and cook on low until it reaches 82C.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin then strain through a fine sieve.
  • Allow to cool down.
  • Whip up the mascarpone cheese until creamy then stream in the chilled mixture you made earlier.
  • Evenly pour into the prepared rings and freeze for a few hours.


  • Whip the egg whites until foamy then add the sugar and whip until stiff and glossy.
  • With the mixture on low speed, add the egg yolk, followed by the sifted flour, cornstarch and salt.
  • Spread a thin sheet of batter on a baking pan lined with parchment paper.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 12-14 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
  • When baked, allow to cool down then cut small discs, large enough to perfectly fit the inside of the inside of the baked tartlettes. Place aside.

Vanilla syrup:

  • Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan and cook for 2 minutes.
  • Allow to cool down covered with plastic wrap to allow infusion.

Vanilla ganache:

  • Heat the cream and vanilla seeds in a saucepan.
  • Remove from heat and pour over the chocolate.
  • Mix well until smooth.
  • Add the extract and mix well.
  • Allow to cool down before use.

White glaze:

  • Combine the sugar and pectin in a bowl.
  • Bring the cream and water to a boil. Add the pectin and sugar and cook for 1 minute, mixing all the time.
  • Remove from heat and pour over the chocolate.
  • Mix well then add the food coloring and vanilla seeds.
  • Blend with an immersion blender then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours before using.

To finish the tartlettes:

  • Fill half way the tartlette crusts with vanilla ganache.
  • Place a disc of biscuit on top then carefully slightly soak up the biscuit in syrup (use a brush).
  • Place in the fridge for a few hours.
  • Remove the frozen mascarpone cream from the freezer. Unmold each disc of cream and place them on a glazing grill.
  • Evenly pour the glaze over the frozen cream then allow it to drip off.
  • Carefully place the mascarpone cream over each tartlette.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
infiniment vanille tartlets
infiniment vanille tartlets

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