Kaiserschmarrn – Clatite sparte
Kaiserschmarrn, also known as torn pancake, scrambled pancake, shredded pancake or Emperor’s Mess, is an Austrian warm dessert first served to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria. There’s more than one story related to the appearance of this dessert, but the most famous one is connected to the Emperor’s wife, Elizabeth of Bavaria (also known as Sisi) – concerned about her waistline, she ordered the imperial chef to bake only light desserts, but when she was offered this particular pancake, she found it too rich and refused to eat it. It is then that her husband, Emperor Franz, tasted it and liked it so much that he ate her portion too.
But regardless of its true origin or story, Kaiserschmarrn is simple and comforting dessert that consists of a caramelized pancake made with eggs, milk, flour, a touch of sugar and raisins (optional). The ready-made batter is cooked in plenty of butter, shredded into smaller pieces and caramelized then topped with a fruit compote, the most common ones being plum or apple.
I found Kaiserschmarrn to be very therapeutic. I’ve been feeling rather down and totally uninspired when it came to baking for the last couple of weeks, plus time wasn’t really my friend with moving to a whole new town, sending my little man to school and so on. But then my mum bought these beautiful, ripe plums and here I was, whipping up the batter just 1 hour later. It was so calming and relaxing – the mixing and folding part, the baking, the scent in the kitchen and the color of the boiling plum compote totally lifted up my spirit. Then I tasted this torn pancake and things got even better – the rich, buttery taste is perfectly complemented by the tangy, zesty plum compote and you will be asking for a second portion, much like the Emperor did.
{Kaiserschmarrn} – Clatite sparte
- 4 eggs (separated)
- 2 tablepsoons white sugar
- 250 ml whole milk
- 125 g all-purpose flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 cup golden raisins
- 1/4 cup dark rum
- 3 tablespoons butter for frying
- Powdered sugar
Plum compote:
- 500 g plums (pitted and quartered)
- 70 g white sugar
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 star anise
- 2 orange peels
- Juice from 1 large orange
- Combine the raisins and rum in a bowl or mug and place in the fridge to soak up for a few hours, preferably overnight.
- Mix the egg yolks, sugar, milk and flour in a bowl.
- WHip the egg whites with salt until fluffy and stiff. Fold them into the batter using a spatula.
- In the end, add the raisins if you’re using any.
- Heat 2 tablespoons of butter in a large pan over medium flame. Pour the batter in the hot pan and lower the heat. Cover with a lid and cook for 5-7 minutes until golden then carefully flip it over.
- Cut the pancake into smaller pieces then sprinkle with powdered sugar and add the remaining butter. Continue cooking for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally to ensure an even cooking.
Plum compote:
- Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan.
- Place over medium flame and cook for 10-15 minutes until softened and thickened.
- Serve the pancakes topped with a sprinkle of powdered sugar and plenty of plum compote.
Cu toate ca nu mi-a fost prieten in ultimul timp… astazi m-am mobilizat si am facut un desert la care visam de mult timp si care parca m-a readus pe linia de plutire. Kaiserschmarrn, cunoscut si sub denumirea de clatite sparte sau Dezordinea Imparatului, e un desert cald, cu oua si unt, servit cu un compot delicios de prune (sau mere in unele cazuri). E un desert de sezon care pe langa gust divin, are si o istorie interesanta. De fapt, exista mai multe povesti ori legende care incearca sa explice aparitia acestui desert. Una dintre ele spune ca regina Elizabeta de Bavaria, cunoscuta si sub numele de Sisi, i-ar fi ordonat bucatarului regal sa gateasca doar deserturi usoare care sa nu-i influenteze in niciun fel silueta. Bucatarul a facut acest desert si l-a dus reginei sa guste, dar aceasta nu l-a considerat a fi un desert potrivit pentru silueta ei (nu e un desert dietetic, clar, nu stiu ce o fi gandit bucatarul) si a refuzat sa manance. Insa imparatul Franz Joseph I l-a gustat si i-a placut atat de mult incat a mancat si portia reginei. O alta poveste spune cum ca un bucatar ar fi ars usor o clatita si pentru a-si ascunde greseala, a rupt-o bucati si a pudrat-o cu zahar, apoi a acoperit-o cu gem de prune, atat pentru decor cat si pentru gust, iar imparatului i-a placut atat de mult incat i-a ramas denumirea Kaiserschmarrn care se traduce chiar prin debandada, dezordinea, ravaseala imparatului.
Cert e ca, indiferent de istorioara din spate, acest desert e perfect pentru toamna si numai bun pentru folosit fructe care stau in cos deja de cateva zile. Practic nu aveti nevoie decat de oua, lapte, faina si cateva fructe proaspete si desertul e deja pe jumatate facut. In plus, prune sau mere gasiti din plin in aceasta perioada a anului, asa ca ce mai asteptati?!
Kaiserschmarrn – clatite sparte
- 4 oua (separate)
- 2 linguri zahar alb granulat
- 250 g lapte integral
- 125 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
- 1 g sare
- 1/4 cana stafide aurii + 1/4 cana rom (optional)
- 3 linguri de unt
- Zahar pudra
Compot de prune:
- 500 g prune (fara samburi)
- 2 bucati coaja de portocala (fara partea alba)
- Sucul de la o portocala mare
- 70 g zahar alb granulat
- 1 baton scortisoara
- 1 stea anason
- Combinati stafidele si romul intr-un bol si dati la rece cateva ore pentru a hidrata stafidele. Eu nu am pus stafide de aceasta data, sunt optionale.
- Amestecati galbenusurile, zaharul, kaptele si faina intr-un bol.
- Mixati albusurile si sarea intr-un alt bol pana obtineti o spuma ferma. Incorporati aceasta bezea in baza de galbenus si faina, folosind o spatula si miscari usoare.
- Adaugati si stafidele inmuiate in rom daca folositi.
- Topiti 2 linguri de unt intr-o tigaie mare si turnati blatul in tigaie.
- Acoperiti cu un capac si coaceti 5-7 minute pe foc mic spre mediu, pana clatita devine aurie si incepe sa creasca.
- Folosindu-va de o spatula, intoarceti clatita cu grija apoi rupeti-o in bucati mai mici. Pudrati cu putin zahar pudra si adaugati si restul de unt. Continuati sa prajiti pana bucatile de clatita devin aurii.
Compot de prune:
- Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un vas si fierbeti pentru 10-15 minute pe foc mediu pana compotul e gros, consistent si fructele moi.
- Nu mai aveti de facut decat sa serviti clatita sparta cu putin zahar pudra si compot de prune din belsug. Sa aveti pofta!
This looks and sounds lovely Oana, perfect Autumn comfort food. x
Thank you, Louise. Perfect for autumn, indeed.