Tarta cu menta si fistic
Doua arome ador sa le folosesc in deserturi: fisticul si pralina. Astazi insa ne concentram putin pe fistic si spre pasta pura de fistic pe care o ador sub orice forma, dar mai ales in combinatie cu zmeura, capsune, citrice. Ceea ce nu pot spune si despre menta – cine ma cunoaste bine stie ca nu sunt un mare fan al acesteia. Si totusi, nici nu imi place sa spun nu, asa incat am inceput usor usor sa o folosesc in deserturi, sa invat sa imi placa, sa o inteleg si sa o dozez corect. Deocamdata doar menta proaspata, nu cred ca ma voi apropia de arome mai intense de menta vreodata. Dar cred ca are si menta suficiente de oferit si merita putina atentie.
Tarta cu menta si fistic
Sable Breton:
- 60 g galbenus
- 140 g zahar alb
- 150 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 2 g sare
- 200 g faina alba
- 17 g praf de copt
Cremeux de menta:
- 250 ml smantana pentru frisca
- 60 g galbenus
- 25 g zahar alb
- 3 g gelatina + 15ml apa rece
- 185 g ciocolata alba
- 5 g menta proaspata
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
Crema cu fistic:
- 300 ml lapte
- 60 g galbenus
- 100 g zahar
- 30 g amidon
- 3 g gelatina +15ml apa rece
- 60 g pasta de fistic
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
- 150 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
- Fructe proaspete: zmeura (capsune, mure, afine, frunze de menta, fistic maruntit)
Sable Breton:
- Cerneti faina cu praful de copt si sarea.
- Mixati galbenusul cu zaharul pana obtineti o spuma ferma.
- Adaugati untul moale, apoi incorporati faina cernuta.
- Intindeti o foaie de 1,5cm intre doua foi de hartie de copt. Congelati apoi decupati discurile de marimea dorita.
- Coaceti la 175C pentru 20-25 minute pana devine auriu.
- Cand e gata, lasati la racit in inel.
Cremeux de menta:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti smantana pentru frisca intr-un vas.
- Amestecati galbenusul cu zaharul. Turnati deasupra in fir subtire smantana calda apoi intoarceti pe foc si gatiti pana atinge 82C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi turnati peste ciocolata intr-un vas inalt.
- Adaugati frunzele de manta si blenduiti bine.
- Lasati cremeux sa se racoreasca apoi turnati intr-un bol si dati la frigider pentru a se raci. Amestecati cu o lingura sa redevina cremos apoi puneti intr-un pos si posati cremeux pe centrul discului de Sable Breton, lasand marginile libere, fara crema.
Crema de fistic:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
- Amestecati galbenusul cu zaharul pana devin cremoase. Adaugati amidonul.
- Turnati deasupra laptele cald, in fir subtire, apoi intoarceti pe foc si fierbeti pana se ingroase plus inca un minut in plus.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina.
- Lasati la racit acoperit cu folie alimentara.
- Mixati crema pentru a redeveni cremoasa, apoi adaugati pasta de fistic si vanilia.
- Incorporati smantana pentru frisca batuta.
- Puneti crema intr-un pos cu dui rotund.
- Posati crema peste cremeux de menta.
- Decorati cu fructe proaspete, menta si fistic.
There’s two things that I love a bit too much in pastry – pistachio and praline. I always fall for these two flavors, regardless of what dessert it is. It could be a cake, it could be an ice cream (oh my, ice cream!) or it could be a tart, it really doesn’t matter as long as I get to taste the intense aroma of pistachio and see its beautiful green color. I love pistachio combined with orange, with raspberry, strawberries, lemon or kalamansi, but here it is combined with a touch of mint as well. Now, I am not a huge fan of mint, but I am not one to say no either, so I began to use it a bit more in my desserts, I really want to learn to dose it properly, to love it, to enjoy it. For now though, it’s just fresh mint leaves and I don’t think it will ever be anything else. Any other mint flavor that doesn’t come from natural sources makes my taste buds cringe. So I give you this refreshing, creamy mint pistachio tart, a beauty from every point of view!
This mint pistachio tart is not your usual tart as you can see in the pictures. It’s more of a modern tart, comprising of layers of sable Breton, mint cremeux, pistachio chantilly and plenty of fresh berries to bring everything together. A slice of this tart is a joy in itself! So delicious, so packed with flavor!
Mint Pistachio Tart
Sable Breton:
- 60 g egg yolks
- 140 g white sugar
- 150 g butter (room temperature)
- 2 g saly
- 200 g all-purpose flour
- 17 g baking powder
Mint cremeux:
- 250 ml heavy cream
- 60 g egg yolks
- 25 g white sugar
- 3 g gelatin + 15ml cold water
- 185 g white chocolate
- 5 g fresh mint leaves
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pistachio cream:
- 300 ml milk
- 60 g egg yolks
- 100 g white sugar
- 30 g cornstarch
- 3 g gelatin +15ml cold water
- 30 g pistachio paste
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 150 ml heavy cream (whipped)
- Fresh berries (mint leaves, pistachio)
Sable Breton:
- Sift the flour with the salt and baking powder.
- Mix the egg yolks with the sugar until pale and light.
- Stir in the butter followed by the flour.
- Roll a 1.5cm thick sheet between two sheets of baking paper.
- Freeze the dough then use two tart rings to cut two discs of dough. Keep the rings around the dough.
- Bake at 175C for 25 minutes or until golden brown.
- Allow to cool down in the ring.
Mint cremeux:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat the cream in a small pot.
- Mix the egg yolk with the sugar. Pour the cream in a steady stream then place back on heat and cook until 82C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Pour over the chocolate.
- Add the mint and blend well.
- Allow the cremeux to cool down in a bowl then spoon into a pastry bag and pipe it on the center of the sable Breton, leaving the edges clear so you can still see the sponge.
- Place in the fridge.
Pistachio cream:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat up the milk in a pot.
- Mix the egg yolks with the sugar until creamy. Add the cornstarch.
- Pour in the milk in a steady stream, then place back on heat and cook until thickened.
- Remove off heat and add the gelatin.
- Allow to cool down in a bowl.
- Mix again until creamy then add the pistachio paste and whipped cream.
- Spoon in a pastry bag and pipe over the mint cremeux.
- Decorate the tart with fresh berries and mint leaves.
Imi plac la nebunie tartele cu finish de moturi de cremeaux/crema, dar nu ma incanta ideea ca in cateva h oxideaza, iar mai ales crema cu amidon capata un aspect neplacut, de aceea aleg sa fac moturi de ganache mixat. Ce pot face la acest gen de creme, in afara de a monta inainte de servire?
Din pacate asta e singura varianta viabila. Poate sa incerci sa adaugi mai multa grasime in crema. Unt sau mascarpone. Nu am incercat dar nu are cum sa ii strice daca ne luam dupa principiile altor creme care au si grasime si baza fiarta.
It’s gelatin sheet that you’re using OR gelatin powder? Thanks a lot! x
You can use either types of gelatin.
Buna, unde as putea gasi pasta de fistic si pasta de praline ? Multumesc !