Tort Momofuku cu mere si cidru
Momofuku Milk Bar nu necesita introducere. Numele in sine e o garantie a calitatii! Retetele create de Christina Tosi, noua membra a juriului Masterchef SUA, au un succes teribil, cu toate ca li s-a dus vorba ca sunt complexe si foarte greu de realizat. Pentru mine insa au fost o provocare pe care mi-am asumat-o si am tot facut retete Momofuku de cand le-am descoperit. Tortul cu zmeura si lamaie si Fursecurile cu fulgi de porumb sunt retetele care mi-au deschis apetitul spre lumea Momofuku.
Imi place sa incorporez fructe de sezon in deserturile mele, insa toamna/iarna nu sunt pre ofertante din punctul asta de vedere. Cel putin nu la fel de ofertante ca vara. Merele, perele, dovleacul au arome care sunt mai greu de combinat in deserturi si necesita de obicei si alte adaosuri, precum scortisoara, ghimbir, anason stelat sau cardamom, condimente pe care nu multa lume le agreeaza. Insa solutii se gasesc, iar acest tort e un exemplu perfect. Combinand merele cu gustul delicat al untului usor caramelizat, tortul e o adevarata delicatesa cu arome pamantii, un fel de tribut adus anotimpului care e pe cale sa ne paraseasca.
Straturile acestui tort sunt:
- Blat cu unt caramelizat
- Sirop de cidru de mere
- Cheesecake lichid
- Firimituri crocante
- Umplutura de mere
- Glazura de unt si firimituri crocante
Partea buna e ca fiecare dintre aceste elemente pot fi facute in avans, ceea ce usureaza munca enorm.
Tort Momofuku cu mere si cidru
Blat cu beurre noisette:
- 55 g unt 82% grasime
- 40 g beurre noisette
- 200 g zahar alb granulat
- 60 g zahar brun deschis
- 3 oua medii
- 110 g lapte batut
- 65 g ulei vegetal
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 185 g faina alba 000
- 4 g praf de copt
- 2 g sare
Sirop de cidru:
- 60 g cidru de mere
- 5 g zahar brun
- 0.5 g sare
Cheesecake lichid:
- 225 g crema de branza
- 150 g zahar alb granulat
- 5 g amidon
- 0.5 g sare
- 2 linguri lapte
- 1 ou
- 3 g extract de vanilie
Firimituri crocante:
- 240 g faina alba 000
- 20 g zahar alb granulat
- 2 g sare
- 115 g unt (topit)
- 20 g apa
Umplutura de mere:
- Sucul de la 1 lamaie
- 2 mere Granny Smith (curatate si taiate cuburi)
- 1 lingura unt
- 150 g zahar brun deschis
- 1 g scortisoara
- 1 praf de sare
Glazura de unt si firimituri crocante:
- ½ din reteta de firimituri crocante de mai sus
- 110 g lapte
- 1 praf de sare
- 3 g extract de vanilie
- 40 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 40 g zahar pudra
Blat cu beurre noisette:
- Praincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati o tava de 35x25cm cu hartie de copt.
- Combinati cele doua tipuri de unt si zaharul intr-un bol si mixati 2 minute pana obtineti o compozitie cremoasa.
- Adaugati ouale si continuati sa mixati alte 2 minute.
- Adaugati in fir subtire laptele batut, uleiul si vanilia si mixati la viteza mare 5-6 minute pana compozitia isi dubleaza volumul si devine pufoasa, aerate.
- Adaugati faina, praful de copt sis area si mixati la viteza mica doar pana la incorporare.
- Transferati blatul in tava pregatita si coaceti pentru 30 minute pana blatul creste uniform si trece testul scobitorii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava.
Sirop de cidru:
- Combinati ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecati pana la topirea zaharului.
Cheesecake lichid:
- Mixati crema de branza intr-un bol pentru 2 minute pana devine cremoasa.
- Adaugati zaharul si mixati alte 2 minute.
- Amestecati oul, laptele, vanilia, sarea si amidonul intr-un bol. Turnati amestecul peste crema de branza si mixati 2-3 minute.
- Transferati amestecul final intr-un vas adanc tapetat cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180C pentru 15 minute doar pana centrul arata inchegat usor, avand grija ca cheesecake-ul sa nu devina auriu maroniu pe margini.
- Lasati sa se raceasca apoi transferati intr-un bol si amestecati cu un tel pana devine cremos.
Firimituri crocante:
- Combinati faina, zaharul sis area intr-un bol.
- Adaugati untul si apa si amestecati bine.
- Intindeti firimiturile intr-o tava mare tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180°C pentru 15-20 minute pana devin aurii si crocante.
- Lasati sa se raceasca apoi impartiti firimiturile in doua. O jumatate va fi folosita in interiorul tortului, cealalata jumatate va devein parte a glazurii de deasupra.
Umplutura de mere:
- Puneti 1-2 cani de apa intr-un vas si adaugati sucul de lamaie.
- Taiati merele in cuburi mici si puneti-le in apa cu lamaie pentru a preveni oxidarea.
- Scurgeti merele si combinati-le cu restul ingredientelor intr-un vas.
- Puneti pe foc mic spre mediu si fierbeti 10-12 minute doar pana merele se inmoaie usor. Nu exagerati cu gatitul merelor intrucat au tendinta sa devina prea moi pe masura ce le gatiti mai mult. Ideea e ca ele sa ramana usor crocante.
- Lasati sa se raceasca.
Glazura de unt si firimituri crocante:
- Amestecati firimiturile crocante, laptele, sarea si vanilia intr-un bol. Lasati sa absoarba laptele apoi amestecati bine cu o spatula pana obtineti o pasta.
- Mixati untul cu zaharul intr-un bol pentru 3-4 minute pana devine cremos si se deschide la culoare.
- Adaugati pasta facuta mai devreme si amestecati doar pana la incorporare. Dati deoparte.
Pentru a asambla tortul:
- Taiati 2 discuri de blat de 16 cmØ. Pastrati resturile de blat.
- Tapetati un inel de tort de 16cm cu folie de acetat.
- Luati resturile de blat si formati un al treilea disc de blat la baza inelului de tort.
- Insiropati usor blatu cu sirop de cidru (folositi o pensula pentru a doza siropul cat mai corect).
- Puneti ½ din compozitia de cheesecake peste blat, urmata de ½ din compozitia de firimituri crocante si ½ din umplutura de mere.
- Continuati cu un disc de blat, sirop de cidru, cheesecake, firimituri, umplutura de mere si ultimul disc de blat.
- Insiropati blatul cu siropul de cidru ramas apoi acoperiti cu glazura de unt si firimituri crocante.
- Dati la rece cateva ore bune apoi scoateti tortul din inelul de tort si decorati cu firimituri crocante si miez de nuca.
I believe Momofuku Milk Bar needs no introduction! Supported and run by Christina Tosi, the new Masterchef judge, the Milk Bar has known a burst of success over the last couple of years and its recipes have been labeled as complex and difficult to master. But I took this as a challenge and commited myself to making various Momofuku recipes, starting with this Raspberry Lemonade Cake and these Cornflake Cookies. There’s more coming for sure!
I’ve always wanted to make an apple cake that would strike me with its spiced, apple flavor and I finally did it. This Momofuku Apple Pie Cake does taste like an upgraded apple pie – the layers of brown butter sponge cake, liquid cheesecake, apple pie filling and pie crust frosting come together into a moist, rich, fragrant, buttery, delicious cake that we simply devoured!
This cake was so much fun to make, even though I was nervous about the sponge cake. Having some experience with Momofuku sponge cakes before, I knew what to expect, but this particular batter was no where near the fluffy, airy texture I was expecting. For a second I thought I should throw away the batch and try again, but then I just decided to bake it and see what happens. And it turned out great, just as moist, fluffy and soft as I knew Momofuku cakes were. Plus, the taste was amazing – brown butter aka beurre noisette is a great touch and it adds a lovely, delicate flavor to it. Beside the use of apples, brown butter was the second main reason I chose to make this cake. I’m a butter person so to speak, but beurre noisette is my weakness, that stuff is delicious!
According to Momofuku Milk Bar official page, this cake takes inspiration from a deep fried apple pie which proved to be a huge success after the bar’s opening. So they took its taste and combined it with the idea of a cake and voila – Momofuku Apple Pie Cake. There’s no need to travel to New York to eat Tosi’s signature cakes, you can make your own versions at home.
The layers of the cake are:
- Brown butter sponge cake
- Apple cider syrup
- Liquid cheesecake
- Apple pie filling
- Pie crust crumbs
- Pie crust frosting
I recommend making the elements before hand and then just layer them together. Time management is easy in this case as the layers last well in the fridge even separated.
Momofuku Apple Cider Cake
Brown butter sponge cake:
- 55 g butter
- 40 g brown butter
- 200 g white sugar
- 60 g light brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 110 ml buttermilk
- 65 ml vegetable oil (grapeseed or canola)
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 185 g all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- ½ teaspoon salt
Apple cider syrup:
- 60 ml apple cider
- 1 teaspoon light brown sugar
- 1 pinch cinnamon powder
Liquid cheesecake:
- 225 g cream cheese
- 150 g white sugar
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons milk
- 1 egg
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Pie crust crumbs:
- 240 g all-purpose flour
- 20 g white sugar
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 115 g butter (melted)
- 20 ml water
Apple pie filling:
- 1 lemon (juiced)
- 2 Granny Smith apples (peeled, cored and diced)
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 150 g light brown sugar
- ¼ teaspoon cinnamon powder
- 1 pinch salt
Pie crumb frosting:
- ½ recipe pie crumb (see above)
- 110 ml milk
- 1 pinch salt
- 40 g butter (softened)
- 40 g powdered sugar
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
Brown butter sponge cake:
- Preheat your oven to 350F and line a 35x25cm pan with baking paper.
- Combine the two types of butter and sugars in a bowl and mix on high speed for 2 minutes.
- Add the eggs and continue mixing for another 2 minutes until creamy and pale.
- Gradually stir in the buttermilk, oil and vanilla and mix on high speed for 5-6 minutes until the mixture is white, double in volume. If it doesn’t look double in volume after 5-6 minutes, continue mixing a few more minutes until it’s ready.
- Fold in the flour, baking powder and salt and mix on low speed for a few seconds.
- Spoon the batter in the prepared pan and bake in the oven for 30 minutes or until the top of the cake looks set and it springs back when lightly touched.
- Allow the cake to cool down then cut 2 16-cm discs of sponge cake.
- Line a 16cm cake ring with acetate sheets. Take the sponge cake leftovers and place them at the bottom of the cake ring to forma third layer of sponge cake. Place aside both the cake ring and the 2 discs of sponge.
Apple cider syrup:
- Combine the ingredients in a bowl and mix well until the sugar is dissolved.
Liquid cheesecake:
- Mix the cream cheese in a bowl for 2 minutes until fluffy. Add the sugar and mix well for another 2 minutes.
- In a small bowl, mix the egg, milk, vanilla, salt and cornstarch. Gradually pour this mixture over the cream cheese and mix well.
- Spoon the mixture in a deep dish baking pan lined with baking paper.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 15 minutes or until the cheesecake looks set, but not golden brown on the edges.
- Allow to cool down in the fridge before using. Mix with a whisk when ready to use.
Pie crust crumbs:
- Mix the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl.
- Add the butter and water and mix well until the mixture form small clusters.
- Spread the pie crumbs in a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake in the oven at 350F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown.
- Allow to cool in the pan then split the crumbs in half. Reserve one half for layering the cake and the other to use in the frosting.
Apple pie filling:
- Pour 1-2 cups of water in a bowl. Add the lemon juice.
- Cut the apples in small cubes and place them in the lemon juice water to prevent them from browning.
- Drain the apples and combine them in a saucepan with the butter, sugar, cinnamon and salt.
- Place over low to medium heat and cook for 10-12 minutes until thickened and soft. Don’t cook too much as the apples tend to turn too soft as they cook longer. They need to be cooked, but still slightly firm.
- Allow to cool down completely.
Pie crumb frosting:
- Mix the pie crumbs, milk, salt and vanilla in a bowl. Allow to soak up then mix with a spatula to form a paste.
- In a bowl, mix the butter and sugar for 3-4 minutes until fluffy and light. Add the pie crumb paste and mix just until combined.
- Place aside until needed.
To assemble the cake:
- Cut two 16-cm discs of brown butter sponge cake.
- Line a 16cm cake ring with acetate sheets. Take the sponge cake leftovers and place them at the bottom of the cake ring to form a third layer of sponge cake.
- Brush the first layer of sponge cake with apple cider syrup. Top with ½ of the liquid cheesecake, followed by half of the pie crust crumbs and half of the apple pie filling.
- Arrange another disc of sponge cake on top then repeat the same steps: apple cider syrup, liquid cheesecake, pie crust crumbs, apple pie filling.
- Cover with the remaining disc of brown butter sponge and brush it with apple cider syrup.
- Top the cake with the pie crust frosting and refrigerate for a few hours until set.
- Decorate the cake with a few pie crust clusters and walnuts.
Wow, that is an amazing cake Oana! x
Thank you, Louise! 🙂
Nice chef have nice time
Buna ziua! Vreau sa încerc aceasta rețeta , dar nu știu ce este beurre noisette. Puteți sa ma ajutați cu detalii? As putea sa îl înlocuiesc cu unt normal? Mulțumesc.
Beurre Noisette este unt caramelizat. Se topeste untul apoi se tine pe foc pana devine auriu.
This is absolutely gorgeous. It is a cake to dream about.
Thank you!
Such a gorgeous cake Olguta! A momfuku cake is firmly on my list of things to try – I just love those exposed layers, and your apple version looks incredible. The liquid cheesecake sounds especially good <3
Thank you, Claudia!
this looks spectacular! i am eyeing that liquid cheesecake,what a clever filling idea!
Ma tenteaza sa fac minunea asta de tort, dar nu inteleg ce inseamna beurre noisette. Ma poti ajuta, please, please, pretty please?
Irina, beurre noisette e un unt care se topeste apoi se tine pe foc pana devine auriu, usor caramelizat.
Olguta,untul dupa ce il lasam sa se caramelizeze,il amestecam imediat cu celalalt sau il lasam sa aj la temperatura camerei? :)Multumesc anticipat!
Larisa, ideal e sa fie lasat sa se raceasca, altfel il va topit si pe celelalt.
You’ve done a fantastic job with this cake. It looks perfect and I’m sure tastes divine too. Great work.
Thank you, Patricia!
Do you have the American measurement conversion?
Buna Olguta,
Pot folosi firimiturile crocante in interiorul unui mousse pentru un touch de crunch? Multumesc!
Marius, doar daca le dai prin ciocolata alba topita, altfel vor absorbi umiditate din mousse si nu raman crocante.
I know this is an old thread, but are the measurements by weight or by volume in this recipe? You also have the recipe for the cornflake cookies and I have the same question. I enjoy reading your blog and look forward to trying some of these myself!
Marla, my measurements are in grams most of the time. So you need a kitchen scale – it is the safest way of doing pastry!
Thank you!