Choux cu mascarpone si zmeura
In ultima mea postare va invitam sa descoperim impreuna mai multe detalii despre choux, eclere si aluatul oparit folosit pentru acest gen de desert. Va spuneam si atunci cat de versatil este acest aluat, iar reteta de astazi vine in sprijinul acestei afirmatii.
Aceste mici choux-uri umplute cu o crema de mascarpone si ciocolata alba, precum si un sos contrastant de zmeura si trandafir au fost micile delicatese care ne-au incantat in seara de Ajun a Anului Nou. Sigur, puteam alege o mie de alte combinatii de arome pentru a le umple, dar mi-am dorit ceva cu branza, apoi mi-am dat seama ca mascarpone in sine e destul de gras, asa ca un sos dulce-acrisor i-ar prinde bine. Si am ales zmeura pe care am innobilat-o cu putina dulceata primita in dar de la o buna prietena de Craciun.
Choux cu mascarpone si zmeura
- 85 g unt la temperatura camerei
- 95 g zahar brun
- 95 g faina alba
Aluat oparit:
- 150 ml apa
- 100 ml lapte
- 100 g unt
- 1/4 lingurita sare
- 1/2 lingurita zahar
- 150 g faina alba
- 4-5 oua
Mousse de mascarpone:
- 150 g branza mascarpone
- 150 g ciocolata alba (topita si racita)
- 3 g gelatina
- 15 ml apa rece
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
- 300 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Sos de zmeura si trandafir:
- 150 g zmeura
- 30 g zahar alb
- 2 linguri dulceata de trandafir
- 3 g gelatina
- 15 ml apa rece
- Mixati untul cu zaharul pana obtineti un amestec cremos.
- Adaugati faina si amestecati bine. Veti obtine un aluat asemanator cu o pasta groasa.
- Transferati aluatul pe o foaie de hartie de copt si acoperiti cu o a doua foaie de copt.
- Intindeti aluatul intr-un strat foarte subtire, aproximativ 2-3mm grosime apoi puneti in congelator pentru cel putin 20 minute ori pana cand aveti nevoie de el.
Aluat oparit:
- Combinati apa, laptele, untul, zarea si zaharul intr-un vas si puneti pe foc mic la inceput, pana cand untul se topeste complet. Dati focul mai tare si dati amestecul in clocot.
- In momentul in care incepe sa fiarba, luati de pe foc si adaugati faina, toata o data, apoi amestecati energic cu o lingura de lemn ori spatula, pana obtineti un aluat gros, omogen.
- Puneti vasul inapoi pe foc mediu si gatiti aluatul 2-3 minute, amestecand continuu pana cand se formeaza o crusta de aluat pe fundul vasului. Aveti insa grija cand amestecati sa nu incorporati bucati din crusta in aluat. Acest pas e foarte important pentru ca reduce umiditatea aluatului.
- Luati vasul de pe foc si lasati 10 minute sa se racoreasca.
- Incepeti sa adaugati ouale, unul cate unul, pana obtineti un aluat gros dar care totusi curge de pe lingura, arata matasos si fin si luceste. De asemenea, daca treceti cu degetul pe suprafata aluatului, acesta formeaza urme care nu se acopera, isi mentine forma.
- Puneti aluatul intr-un pos cu dui rotund sau stea si formati mici gramajoare de aluat pe o tava tapetata cu o foaie de copt de silicon (merge si de hartie, dar talpa choux-urilor va fi usor incretita – hartia se increteste de la umiditatea aluatului).
- Acum e momentul sa scoateti si craquelin-ul din congelator. Folosind o forma de fursecuri rotunda cam de marimea gramajoarelor de aluat, taiati mici discuri de craquelin apoi puneti fiecare disc peste choux-uri.
- Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 20 minute apoi reduceti la 160 pentru inca 10-15 minute.
- Cand sunt gata, choux-urile trebuie sa fie aurii, crocante, bine crescute si goale pe dinauntru.
Mousse de mascarpone:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru 10 minute.
- Mixati mascarpone cu ciocolata topita apoi adaugati vanilia.
- Topiti gelatina pe baie de aburi si incorporati-o usor in amestecul de mascarpone si ciocolata.
- Adaugati si frisca si amestecati usor pentru a o incorpora. Turnati mousse-ul intr-un pos mare cu dui stea, insa sigilati varful pentru ca momentan crema e prea lichida pentru a o pune cu posul in choux-uri. Asadar, legati posul la capat si puneti-l in frigider pentru 30 minute.
Sos de zmeura si trandafir:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru 10 minute.
- Combinati zmeura, zaharul si dulceata de trandafiri intr-un vas si puneti pe foc mic. Gatiti 5-8 minute pana zmeura se inmoaie.
- Luati de pe foc si treceti amestecul printr-o sita fina.
- Adaugati gelatina hidratata si amestecati bine. Lasati sosul sa se raceasca apoi puneti-l intr-un pos mic.
Pentru a finisa desertul:
- Taiati partea de sus a choux-urilor apoi puneti putin mousse de mascarpone, urmat de sos de zmeura si din nou mousse de mascarpone.
- Acoperiti mousse-ul cu partea de choux taiata si finisati cu zmeura proaspata.
- Choux-urile sunt mai bune in ziua in care se umplu pentru ca se inmoaie destul de repede de la crema.
In my latest post, we took a dive right into choux pastry and tips and tricks on making choux and eclairs. It was a rather informational post, one aimed to introduce you to the world of choux pastry and its endless possibilities. So I thought it was maybe time to actually give you a proper example of what you could do with the choux once baked, how versatile it is and how pretty it looks. It’s an exquisite dessert, elegant and rich, yet not too heavy on your taste buds. The mascarpone adds a certain smoothness and richness to the filling that I totally loved and found to be perfect accompanied by the raspberry sauce.
I find these raspberry mascarpone choux a la creme to be one dessert that doesn’t take much time to make and yet impresses not only with its deisng and simple decoration, but also with its taste. Now imagine the same choux filled with a dark chocolate mousse and bits of fresh fruits inside or maybe a luscious matcha whipped ganache or even a lavender lemon cream. The possibilities are truly endless and the flavor combinations you could make are sometimes surprising, but that’s the beauty of this dessert and choux a la creme or eclairs in general!
Raspberry Mascarpone Choux a la Creme
- 85 g butter (softened)
- 95 g light brown sugar
- 95 g all-purpose flour
- 1 pinch salt
Choux pastry:
- 150 ml water
- 100 ml whole milk
- 100 g butter
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon sugar
- 150 g bread flour
- 4-5 eggs
Mascarpone mousse:
- 150 g mascarpone cheese
- 150 g white chocolate (melted and chilled)
- 3 g gelatin
- 15 ml cold water
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 300 ml heavy cream (whipped)
Raspberry rose sauce:
- 150 g raspberries
- 30 g white sugar
- 2 tablespoons rose confiture (or 1 teaspoon rose water)
- 3 g gelatin
- 15 ml cold water
- Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl for a few minutes until creamy and pale.
- Add the flour and salt and mix well.
- Transfer the dough on a sheet of baking paper and cover it with another sheet of baking paper. Roll the dough into a very thin sheet, about 2-3mm thickness. Place the dough in the freezer until needed.
Choux pastry:
- Combine the water, milk, butter, salt and sugar in a saucepan and place over low heat until the butter is melted.
- Once the butter is melted completely, turn the heat on high and bring to a boil.
- The moment it comes to a boil, remove off heat and immediately add the flour, all at once. Mix well with a wooden spoon or spatula until the flour is well absorbed. Place the saucepan back over medium flame and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes, mixing all the time, until a layer of dough remains on the bottom of the pan – keep the flame on medium to avoid burning and mix all the time with the spatula or spoon to cook out the liquid.
- Remove from heat and allow the dough to cool down for 10 minutes.
- Start incorporating the eggs, one by one, mixing well after each addition. Add the last egg bit by bit to make sure you’re not adding too much egg. The number of eggs used depends on the humidity of the dough, even on weather and the size of the eggs.
- The dough is ready when it falls off the spoon and leaves a streak that doesn’t collapse on itself if you run your finger through it.
- Spoon the dough into a pastry bag fitter with a round nozzle then pipe small dollops of dough on a baking sheet lined with a silicone baking mat (baking paper yields wrinkled choux or eclairs).
- Remove the craquelin from the freezer and cut small rounds of dough using a cookie cutter that is just as large as your piped dollops of dough. Carefully arrange the craquelin discs over each choux.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 180C – 350F for 20 minutes then reduce the heat to 160C – 320F for another 15 minutes.
- When done, the choux needs to be crispy, dried, well risen, golden brown and hollow inside, they shouldn’t flatten when cooled and they should remain crisp and dry.
Mascarpone mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.
- Mix the mascarpone cheese and chocolate in a bowl. Stir in the vanilla as well.
- Melt the gelatin over a hot water bath then gradually stir it in the chocolate and mascarpone mixture. It’s important that all the ingredients are at room temperature or everything could go wrong.
- Fold in the whipped cream then spoon the mousse in a large pastry bag fitted with a star nozzle. Don’t pipe the filling yet as it may be too runny! Instead, place it in the fridge to set for 30 minutes.
Raspberry rose sauce:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.
- Combine the raspberries, sugar and rose confiture or water in a saucepan and place over low heat. Cook until thickened, about 5-8 minutes. When done, puree the mixture through a fine sieve.
- Stir in the gelatin then allow the mixture to cool down. Spoon the sauce in a small pastry bag and place aside.
To assemble the dessert:
- Cut the top of each choux. Pipe a bit of mascarpone mousse inside the bottom part of the choux then top with raspberry sauce. Pipe mascarpone mousse again then cover with the cut out choux top.
- Decorate with fresh rasperries.
So beautiful Oana! I am going to try and make some this afternoon, will let you know how I get on! x
Thank you, Louise. Looking foraward to hear your thoughts on these 🙂
These look so good Olguta – the perfect choux bun and I love the combination of rose and raspberry.
Felicitari pentru retetele postate! Sunt o excelenta sursa de inspiratie pentru oricine e pasionat de dulciuri! Succes!
Bună!Vă rog să-mi spuneți dacă se pot congela cojile de choux-uri și dacă vor rămâne la fel de crocante după decongelare.Mulțumesc!
Nu raman la fel de crocante. Le puteti reimprospata textura la cuptor pentru 5 minute.