Muffins cu mere si topping crocant
I enjoy this time of the year – apples, pears, grapes and plenty of vegetables are such a great view at the market. But there’s two particular kind of fruits that I love from all of that: ripe, juicy pears and green apples. They both taste amazing and I use plenty of them in my baking these days.
These streusel apple muffins are the perfect example of a sweet treat that incorporates some of the most amazing autumn flavors – apples, cinnamon and butter – I find them all to be part of this season together with pears, pumpkin and figs. What I particularly like about this recipe is the contrast between the fluffy and moist inside and crunchy, fragrant topping. Biting into one muffin is a one-of-a-kind experience, that’s for sure! You will love the tender, juicy apples inside and the fluffy, buttery sponge surrounding them. The topping is like the cherry on top and it adds just the amount of cinnamon these muffins need to become an amazing dessert!
Perioada asta a anului abunda in fructe si legume, dar preferatele mele sunt de departe perele si merele acelea tinere, crude, inca acrisoare, zemoase si asa de buuuune! Incerc sa folosesc aceste doua minunatii in retetele mele cat mai mult in aceasta perioada, asa ca iata o reteta de muffin cu mere zemoase si un topping aromat, crocant. E un contrast delicios intre interiorul pufos, aerat si topping crocant!
Muffins cu mere si topping crocant
- 225 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
- 1 g sare
- 4 g praf de copt
- 110 g zahar alb granulat
- 125 g unt (topit)
- 2 oua
- 100 g lapte
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 2 mere verzi (taiate cuburi)
- 40 g unt (rece)
- 80 g faina alba 000
- 20 g zahar pudra
- 1 g scortisoara pudra
- Pentru muffins, combinati faina, sarea, praful de copt, zaharul, until, ouale, laptele si vanilia in vasul robotului de bucatarie.
- Mixati pana obtineti un aluat omogen apoi incorporati merele taiate cuburi.
- Turnati aluatul in 12 forme de muffins si dati deoparte.
- Pentru streusel, combinati toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecati cu varfurile degetelor pana obtineti un amestec nisipos.
- Acoperiti fiecare muffins cu streusel si coaceti 20-25 minute pana cresc frumos si devin aurii.
- Lasati-le sa se raceasca in tava inainte de a servi.
- Important:
- Pentru a absorbi surplusul de grasime care adeseori pateaza hartiile de muffins, puneti putin orez pe fundul fiecarei forme de muffins, precum in imaginea de mai sus.