Pavlova cu vanilie si fructe rosii
Unul dintre lucrurile pe care trebuie sa le inveti in cofetarie si nu numai este respectul pentru ingrediente. Asta se traduce si prin a te feri de risipa, fie ca vorbim de ciocolata fie ca vorbim de oua, zahar ori faina. Risipa poate fi evitata prin a folosi retete din surse sigure, printr-o foarte buna organizare a pasilor retetei, prin atentie sporita, dar si prin a pastra sau refolosi ingredientele sau resturile ce rezulta in urma unei retete. In aceasta ultima categorie intra si albusurile. Nu stiu voi, dar eu mereu am albusuri in congelator. Uneori le folosesc la acest tort, alteori fac macarons, dar de aceasta data mi-am dorit ceva mai light, aerat, deloc greoi pentru papilele gustative, ceva gustos, usor de realizat si care sa nu necesite un timp indelungat in bucatarie…. si am ales aceasta minunata Pavlova, o prajitura care ma duce cu gandul la vara, soare, prieteni.
Pavlova e un desert ce vine pe filiera australiana si consta intr-o bezea ce se gateste astfel incat in interior sa fie moale, dar crocanta la exterior. Se acopera cu o crema vanilata, ciocolatoasa ori fructata si multe fructe proaspete deasupra ori alune, nuci, fructe confiate, in functie de sezon.
Pavlova cu vanilie si fructe rosii
- 125 g albusuri
- 5 ml suc de lamaie
- 1 g sare
- 280 g zahar alb
- 10 ml vanilie
- 5 ml otet alb
- 15 g amidon
Crema diplomat cu vanilie:
- 150 ml lapte integral
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 2 galbenusuri
- 50 g zahar alb
- 15 g amidon
- 2 g gelatina foi
- 100 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Veti mai avea nevoie si de fructe rosii proaspete
- Incepeti prin a preincalzi cuptorul la 130C, fara ventilatie.
- Pregatiti o tava, tapetand-o cu hartie de copt. Marcati pe hartie un cerc de 20 sau 22cm diametru pentru a va usura munca mai tarziu.
- Mixati albusurile, sarea si zeama de lamaie intr-un bol pana devin spumoase.
- Adaugati treptat zaharul alb, mixand continuu, pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa iar granulele de zahar sunt topite.
- Folosind o spatula, incorporati vanilia, otetul si amidonul.
- Puneti bezeaua astfel obtinuta pe hartia de copt pregatita si intindeti cu spatula suficient cat sa se incadreze in cercul trasat mai devreme.
- Coaceti vreme de 1 1/2 ore apoi inchideti cuptorul si lasati Pavlova inca 30 minute in cuptor.
Creme diplomat cu vanilie:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele si pastaia de vanilie intr-un vas.
- Mixati galbenusurile cu zaharul pana devin deschise la culoare. Adaugati amidonul.
- Turnati in fir subtire laptele cald apoi intoarceti pe foc si gatiti 1 minut dupa momentul in care crema se ingroase.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi lasati sa se raceasca complet.
- Incorporati smantana batuta.
- Puneti crema deasupra prajiturii coapte si finisati cu fructe rosii proaspete.
- Sa aveti pofta!
One of the things you learn in pastry is to never waste ingredients! Use everything you can or preserve, that’s what I always try with these precious ingredients, whether it’s eggs, sugar or chocolate. Most often though, the leftovers include lots and lots of egg whites which I either freeze for later use or I use right away. Plenty of options there though, from this white cake to the easy meringues or a more decadent Pavlova. However, because it’s the time of the year when berries are plentiful, I chose a light, airy Pavlova this particular time, topping the crunchy base with a vanilla diplomat cream and a few berries, just to add a color contrast and a flavor boost. What you get is a dessert that you can’t say no to! It’s fluffy, it’s light, it’s airy with a bit of tang, sweet but not overpowering, just delicious as it melts in your mouth bite after bite.
The good news with Pavlova is that is such a versatile dessert. Once you have the perfectly baked base, you can top it with pretty much anything, from a simple ganache to a creme diplomat or mousseline, a mousse or a simpler chantilly. For texture and taste, add fruits on top, nuts or candied zest. The sky is the limit!
{Vanilla Berry Pavlova}
- 125 g egg whites
- 5 ml lemon juice
- 1 g salt
- 280 g white sugar
- 10 ml vanilla extract
- 5 ml white vinegar
- 15 g cornstarch
Vanilla diplomat cream:
- 150 ml whole milk
- 1 vanilla bean
- 2 egg yolks
- 50 g white sugar
- 15 g cornstarch
- 2 g gelatin sheets
- 100 ml heavy cream (whipped)
You will also need fresh berries
- Preheat your oven to 130C, fan off.
- Prepare a baking pan by lining it with baking paper. Draw a 20 or 22cm diameter circle on the baking paper to use as a guideline later on.
- Mix the egg whites with the lemon juice and salt in a bowl until fluffy.
- Add the sugar, gradually, mixing all the time. Once you added all the sugar, continue mixing until the meringue is stiff and glossy and you don’t feel the sugar granules anymore.
- Using a spatula, fold in the vanilla, vinegar and cornstarch.
- Spread the whipped mixture over the baking paper, trying to keep the meringue into the circle you draw earlier.
- Bake for 1 1/2 hours in the preheated oven then turn the oven off and leave the Pavlova inside for 30 more minutes.
Vanilla diplomat cream:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat the milk with the vanilla bean in a saucepan.
- Mix the egg yolks with sugar in a bowl. Add the cornstarch and mix well then pour in the warm milk.
- Return back on heat and cook for 1 minute from the moment it starts to boil, mixing all the time to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan or burning.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Cover with plastic wrap and allow to cool down completely.
- Once chilled,remove the vanilla bean then mix the cream until smooth once again. Fold in the whipped cream.
- Spread the vanilla diplomat over the Pavlova then top with fresh berries.
Buna! Pavlova se monteaza inaintea servirii? Daca da, cu cat timp inainte o pot pregati? Multumesc anticipat! Alexandra