Vanilla Lemon Cake – Recipe By Pastry Workshop

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Vanilla Lemon Cake:

2018 started with a brand new trend in the pastry world – number cakes (I named the post vanilla lemon cake as this one is not actually a number, but the recipe applies to any number or letter cake as long as you have the right cutters). I am sure you’ve seen them before – layers of sponge cake or pate sucree/sablee, plus cream and organic decor, such as flowers, chocolate and, of course, macarons. I didn’t like this trend at first, I don’t love it that much still, but I got to the point where I can understand why they are so loved. Plus, without much effort, they can be incredibly tasty so it’s a win-win situation. Also, you know how it goes – when you don’t like something and precisely that thing comes your way – well, I had to make quite a few of these cakes for friends who saw the trend and wanted a cake just like that for their birthdays. Quite the karma I would say!

vanilla lemon cake

Today’s vanilla lemon cake recipe is not at all complicated, you will see, but it’s fresh, creamy and melt-in-your-mouth, very balanced in terms of sweetness and quite easy to bake as well. The cake consists of pate sucree layers, lemon vanilla gel and vanilla chantilly. The decor is simple as I really like the less is more trend (not sure if it’s actually a trend, but it should!). Therefore, the decor consists of a edible flowers, herbs and just a touch of chocolate. It’s just do delicate and perfect that I didn’t feel like cutting into it! And I rarely feel this way anymore nowadays as a dessert is built to be enjoyed after all!

The lemon gel is the same I used in these coconut lemon eclairs which were amazing! And it’s a recipe I often make with other citrus fruits or even passion fruit as well. The texture is incredible, the taste is explosive so all the reasons to make it!

Vanilla Lemon Cake

This vanilla lemon cake is part of the new cake trend, but it doesn’t lack flavor. Combining vanilla and lemon with a buttery pate sucree, this cake is a delight for the taste buds, not just the eye.
Prep Time 2 hours
Cook Time 1 hour
Resting time 3 hours
Total Time 6 hours
Rezultat –10 servings


Pate sucree:

  • 135 g cold butter (cubed)
  • 70 g powdered sugar
  • 30 g almond flour
  • 1 g salt
  • 220 g all-purpose flour
  • 50 g egg

Vanilla chantilly:

  • 380 g heavy cream
  • 1 vanilla pod (split in half lengthwise)
  • 3 g gelatin + 18g water
  • 120 g white chocolate
  • 5 g vanilla extract

Lemon vanilla gel:

  • 50 g water
  • 50 g white sugar
  • 80 g lemon juice
  • 1 vanilla pod (split in half lengthwise)
  • 2 g lemon peel (grated)
  • 2 g agar agar

Decor: edible flowers, chocolate


Pate sucree:

  • Combine the dry ingredients in the bowl of your mixer.
  • Mix with the paddle attachment until the mixture looks sandy.
  • Add the egg and mix just until it starts to come together in a ball.
  • Wrap in foil and place in the fridge for at least 4 hours.
  • Once chilled, take out and roll the dough at 2-3mm thickness. Cut out your desired shapes – discs i my case, but you can use number or letter cutters or patterns as well.
  • Freeze the discs of dough for 20 minutes then bake in the preheated oven at 160C for 15-20 minutes. I prefer baking between two perforated silicone sheets. The final discs should have an intense golden brown color.
  • Cool down.

Vanilla chantilly:

  • Bloom the gelatin.
  • Heat up the cream with the vanilla pod. Cover with foil and infuse for 20 minutes.
  • Remove the vanilla pod and heat up again.
  • Add the gelatin then pour over the chocolate.
  • Blend well, adding the vanilla extract at the end.
  • Cover with foil and chill in the fridge for at least 8 hours.

Lemon vanilla gel:

  • Combine all the ingredients in a pot and bring to a boil. Cook for 2 minutes.
  • Cover with foil and cool down in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

To assemble the cake:

  • Mix the gel with a whisk until creamy and place in a piping bag.
  • Whip the chantilly until stiff and place in a piping bag fitted with a round 15mm nozzle.
  • Carefully start building up your cake, starting with a layer of pate sucree, dollops of chantilly and drops of lemon gel and so on.
  • Keep in the fridge 2 hours before serving.
  • Enjoy!
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
vanilla lemon cake

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  1. Draga Olguta,

    Cum ar trebui sa se comporte pate sucree ul in momentul in care tai tortul?
    Eu am incercat sa fac, partial mi a iesit bine, dar totul s-a stricat cand am incercat sa feliez tortul. Biscuitele a fost crocant, ceea ce inseamna ca s-a tait greu si a stricat masiv forma cremei. Nu inteleg ce puteam sa fac sa nu se intamle asta.

    1. Daca nu e intins subtire, se intampla asta. Chiar si subtire fiind, nu obtii o feliere frumoasa, nu ai cum pur si simplu. Asta e unul din motivele pentru care nu sunt un mare fan al acestor torturi. In acelasi timp, daca folosesti alt gen de blat, acesta fiind expus, incepe sa se usuce pe margini, ceea ce din nou nu e ok.
      Singura varianta e sa intinzi foi subtiri si sa il lasi la frigider minim 2 ore ca sa inceapa sa isi traga umiditate si sa se taie mai usor.

  2. Foarte bun, însă am avut aceeași problemă cu foile…deși le-am întins foarte subtiri,s-au spart, au stricat formă vreme…dar n-a ramas nimic din el….:)

    1. Din pacate nu poti obtine aceasta structura cu alt gen de foi. Am mai vazut facut cu foi de blat pufos, dar eu il prefer asa, caci acelea nu au o suprafata la fel de neteda si in plus, se si usuca pe margini.

      Dar ma bucur ca v-a placut. 🙂

  3. buna ziua,de unde imi pot procura covoras pentru coacere,ca sa aiba mici gaurele pe suprafata biscuitelui ,cum este in aceasta poza?

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