Pizza cu ciocolata
Pizza si ciocolata sigur nu e o combinatie pe care v-ati imaginat-o pana acum si sincer nici eu.. pana ce piciul meu mi-a propus sa facem o pizza dulce, cu ciocolata si bomboane si tot ce vrea sufletelul lui dulce. Si pentru ca deja aveam in plan o paine briosa, am folosit o parte din aluat pentru aceasta pizza. Topping-ul e ganache de ciocolaya neagra, plus bombonele mici si colorate si bezele moi in miniatura.
Aluatul briosa/brioche e facut dupa o reteta a Juliei Child si e clasicul aluat dulce de briosa cu lapte, oua si unt, fara prea mult zahar dar cu suficienta vanilie si putina coaja de lamaie pentru aroma. Ciudatenia e ca pana acum cateva luni de zile nici nu as fi zis ca o sa-mi placa genul asta de aluat prea mult. Daca ma intrebai, lucrul cu aluaturile dulci cu drojdie era departe de a fi in topul deserturilor preferate. Dar oamenii se schimba, preferintele se schimba si am inceput sa prind gustul acestui gen de aluat, mai ales briosa care se lucreaza atat de usor, in pofida timpilor lungi de asteptare. In plus, rezultatul final nici nu se compara cu alt aluat dulce dospit la cald cateva ore in materie de pufosenie si gust.
Pizza cu ciocolata
- 20 g drojdie proaspaa
- 80 g lapte caldut
- 280 g faina alba pentru paine (cernuta)
Aluat brioche:
- Maiaua de mai sus
- 4 oua
- 100 g zahar alb granulat
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 5 g coaja de lamaie
- 250 g faina alba pentru paine
- 3 g sare
- 100 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
- 80 g smantana pentru frisca
- Bombonele (marshmallows, fructe pentru decor)
- Amestecati laptele cu drojdia si oul intr-un bol.
- Adaugati jumatate din faina si amestecati bine. Presarati cu restul de faina si lasati la crescut pentru 40 minute.
Aluat brioche:
- Mixati ouale, zaharul, vanilia si lamaia intr-un bol pana devin cremoase si albicioase.
- Combinati maiaua si ouale intr-un bol.
- Adaugati faina si sarea si framantati pentru 10-15 minute pana aluatul nu se mai lipeste de bol.
- Adaugati untul, treptat, in 3 aditii, framantand bine (un mixer e foarte util cand faceti acest aluat).
- Transferati aluatul intr-un bol uns cu ulei si acoperiti cu folie alimentara apoi lasati sa creasca in frigider peste noapte.
- A doua zi, puneti aluatul pe masa de lucru infainata si intindeti intr-o foaie subtire. Nu e nevoie de tot aluatul pentru o pizza, eu am facut si o painica din aceasta cantitate de aluat. Evident, puteti face 2 pizza daca vreti.
- Transferati foaia de aluat intinsa intr-o tava si impaturiri usor marginile astfel incat dupa copt sa puteti umple pizza cu ciocolata.
- Coaceti la 180C pentru 15-20 minute apoi lasati sa se raceasca in tava.
- Faceti un ganache din frisca infierbantata si ciocolata tocata. Amestecati bine pana ciocolata e topita complet apoi lasati sa se raceasca.
- Intindeti ganache-ul peste pizza si decorati cu bombonele, marshmallows sau fructe proaspete.
You surely don’t correlate pizza with chocolate, don’t you?! I didn’t either until today. Here’s the thing: I had a batch of brioche dough in the fridge for a simple brioche bread which we love with a glass of milk and it’s nice to have around for a quick breakfast. But then my little man had this brilliant idea of making a sweet pizza with chocolate and sprinkles, lots of sprinkles. It sounded fun and who am I to stay in the way of my son’s creativity, right?! So we used part of the brioche dough for a medium size chocolate brioche pizza, topped with chocolate ganache, mini marshmallows and plenty of sprinkles. And we loved it. Apart from the brioche dough which takes quite a lot of time to rest, the recipe is simple and so much fun for an activity with kids or even a party. The chocolate topping could be replaced with Nutella for a quicker alternative of ganache and the topping can be anything from fruits to sprinkles. I’d love to see a „make your own pizza” kind of party for kids, I’m sure they would have so much fun playing with toppings and creating their own sweet pizzas.
The brioche is made after a recipe Julia Child and Nancy Silvertone presented in one of her TV show’s episodes. I love this one for its fluffy, soft texture and buttery taste, but you can also use the brioche recipe I made for my Chocolate Sweet Bread, which is just as good and soft. They both preserve well, taste great and are perfect for this kind of recipe. It’s up to you which one you use, I highly recommend both of them.
Chocolate Brioche Pizza
- 20 g fresh yeast
- 80 ml warm milk
- 1 egg
- 280 g all-purpose flour
Brioche Dough:
- The pre-ferment
- 4 eggs
- 100 g white sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 250 g all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 180 g butter (softened)
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 80 ml heavy cream
- Sprinkles
- Mini Marshmallows
- Fruits
- Combine the warm milk with yeast and egg and mix well.
- Add 1/2 of the flour quantity and give it a good mix then cover with the remaining flour and allow the pre-ferment to rise for 40 minutes.
Brioche Dough:
- Mix the eggs with sugar, vanilla and lemon zest in a bowl until light and fluffy.
- Combine the pre-ferment and the egg mixture in the bowl of your mixer.
- Add the flour and salt and mix well for 15 minutes or until the dough doesn’t stick to the sides of the bowl anymore.
- Add the butter, in 3 additions, and mix just until incorporated.
- Transfer the dough in a slightly greased large bowl.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the fridge over night.
- The next day, place the dough on a lightly floured working surface.
- Cut a part of the dough and roll it into a 1cm thick round sheet. Transfer the dough in a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
- Fold the edges of the dough over themselves to create a slightly raised edge.
- Allow the brioche to rise in the pan for 1 additional hour then bake in the preheated oven at 350F – 180C for 20 minutes or until golden brown and well risen.
- Let the pizza cool completely in the pan.
- Make a ganache by bringing the cream to the boiling point in a saucepan.
- Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until smooth.
- Allow the ganache to cool then spread it over the pizza.
- Top with sprinkles, marshmallows or fresh fruits and serve it fresh.
This is my kind of pizza!! Thick crust… and chocolate?! Yes please!! 🙂
Thank you, Jen!
How fun is this?! Brioche is my favorite bread, and the thought of topping it with ganache and sweet treats is almost too much to handle!
This is brilliant! Brioche and chocolate…Oh my! I love all the toppings too.
Thank you!
Oh my word this looks incredible – what a brilliant breakfast for the Easter holidays!
This looks so good! And I’m so impressed that you do your recipes in English and Romanian, amazing!
Thank you, Kerry.