Eclere cu ciocolata
Daca e ceva ce ai mei adora, aceea este ciocolata! Sub orice forma, la orice ora daca s-ar putea. Le place atat de mult incat prefera sa manance o tableta decat vreun tort facut de mine, dar fara ciocolata. Asa ca din cand in cand ii alint cu un desert cat se poate de ciocolatos, precum aceste eclere cu ciocolata. Practic nu exista element al retetei sa nu contina ciocolata. Imaginati-va cat de cremoase, aromate si gustoase sunt! Incredibil de bune!
Aceste eclere cu ciocolata nu sunt un desert pentru oricine datorita gustului lor intens ciocolatos, insa pentru orice om care adora acest ingredient vor fi minunate! Crema redefineste termenul de onctuos, iar gustul este.. oh, gustul este atat de ciocolatos incat e greu sa rezisti!
Eclere cu ciocolata
- 100 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 115 g zahar brun
- 20 g ciocolata neagra 70% (topita)
- 100 g faina alba
- 10 g cacao pudra
- 25 g faina de migdale
Aluat oparit cu ciocolata:
- 125 g apa
- 125 g lapte
- 100 g unt (cuburi)
- 5 g sare
- 15 g miere
- 75 g ciocolata neagra 70% (tocata)
- 140 g faina alba
- 250 g oua intregi
Crema de ciocolata:
- 300 g lapte gras
- 60 g galbenusuri
- 1 g sare
- 100 g zahar alb
- 30 g amidon
- 150 g ciocolata neagra 70%
- 40 g unt
- 100 g smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
- 10 g rom brun
- 150 g smantana pentru frisca
- 20 g miere
- 180 g ciocolata neagra 50-60%
- Mixati untul si zaharul brun pana devin spumoase, deschise la culoare.
- Adaugati ciocolata si mixati, apoi incorporati faina, cacaoa si faina de migdale. Veti obtine o pasta groasa.
- Intindeti intre doua foi de hartie de copt pana obtineti un strat de aluat foarte subtire. Congelati.
Aluat oparit cu ciocolata:
- Incalziti apa, laptele, untul, sarea si mierea intr-un vas.
- Cand da in clocot, puneti ciocolata si omogenizati foarte bine. Dati din nou in clocot apoi puneti faina, toata o data. Omogenizati cu o spatula pana nu mai observati faina neincorporata. Tineti pe foc pana aluatul se retrage de pe peretii vasului si incepe sa se lipeasca un strat subtire de aluat pe fundul vasului.
- Transferati intr-un bol si lasati la racit 5 minute, apoi incepeti sa incorporati ouale intregi, putin cate putin, amestecand bine. Aluatul e gata cand arata lucios si curge greu de pe lingura.
- Puneti intr-un pos cu sprit zimtat si posati eclere egale pe o foaie de silicon Silikomart Air Mat.
- Scoateti craquelin din congelator si taiati fasii de aceeasi lungime si grosime cu eclerele. Asezati craquelin deasupra fiecarui ecler.
- Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit fara ventilatie la 165C pentru 30 minute apoi inca 15 minute la 150C.
Crema de ciocolata:
- Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
- Amestecati galbenusul, sarea si zaharul. Adaugati amidonul si omogenizati. Turnati laptele in fir subtire, apoi intoarceti inapoi pe foc.
- Gatiti pana incepe sa se ingroase si devine lucioasa si fina.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata apoi untul.
- Transferati intr-un bol si acoperiti cu folie alimentara.
- Dupa ce s-a racit, mixati pana redevine cremoasa, apoi incorporati romul si smantana batuta cu o spatula.
- Puneti intr-un pos si umpleti fiecare ecler.
- Incalziti smantana si mierea apoi turnati peste ciocolata. Omogenizati.
- Lasati sa se raceasca la o temperatura neutra apoi glazurati eclerele.
If there is anything my little family loves a lot in terms of flavor, that has to be chocolate! Chocolate in any shape or form is always a hit! So much that they prefer to eat a tablet if they don’t have a dessert that they like more!
So from time to time I spoil them with an all-chocolate dessert, such as these chocolate eclairs which are incredible! So creamy, so flavorful, so delicious! They are perfectly balanced in terms of sweetness and are the perfect addition to our Christmas menu this year!
The chocolate pate a choux is tasty on its own, but combined with the chocolate craquelin, it makes an even better dessert. Then we go on with a chocolate pastry cream and a chocolate glaze. Wow, that is a lot of chocolate, isn’t it?! These eclairs are definitely not for everyone! You have to be a real chocoholic to enjoy their intense taste!
Chocolate Eclairs
- 100 g butter (softened)
- 115 g brown sugar
- 20 g dark chocolate 70% (melted)
- 100 g all-purpose flour
- 10 g cocoa powder
- 25 g almond flour
Chocolate pate a choux:
- 125 g water
- 125 g whole milk
- 100 g butter (cubed)
- 5 g salt
- 15 g honey
- 75 g dark chocolate 70% (chopped)
- 140 g bread flour
- 250 g whole eggs
Chocolate cream:
- 300 g whole milk
- 60 g egg yolks
- 1 g salt
- 100 g white sugar
- 30 g cornstarch
- 150 g dark chocolate 70%
- 40 g butter
- 100 g heavy cream (whipped)
- 10 g dark rhum
- 150 g heavy cream
- 20 g honey
- 180 g dark chocolate 50%
- Mix the butter and brown sugar in a bowl until pale.
- Add the chocolate and mix well, then stir in the flour, cocoa powder and almond flour.
- Mix into a thick paste.
- Place between two sheets of baking paper and roll into a very thin layer/sheet.
- Place in the freezer until needed.
Chocolate pate a choux:
- Heat the water, milk, butter, salt and honey in a saucepan.
- Once it begins to boil, add the chocolate and mix until smooth.
- Allow to boil again then add the flour, all at once, mixing well until the flour is completely incorporated.
- Keep on heat until the dough begins to pull from the sides of the pan and leaves a thin layer to the bottom of the pan.
- Transfer in a bowl and allow to cool down 5 minutes then begin to add the eggs, little by little, mixing well after each addition.
- The dough is ready when it is smooth, shiny, creamy and it falls down the spoon with a sharp peak.
- Place in a piping bag fitted with a star nozzle.
- Pipe even eclairs (12cm in my case) on a Silikomart Air Mat.
- Take the craquelin out of the freezer and cut strips that have the same length as the eclairs.
- Arrange the craquelin on top of each eclair as seen below in pictures.
- Bake in the preheated oven, no ventilation, at 165C for 30 minutes then 15 more minutes at 150C.
- Allow to cool down.
Chocolate cream:
- Heat the milk in a pot.
- Mix the egg yolks, salt and sugar in a bowl. Add the cornstarch and mix well. Pour in the milk, slowly, mixing well after each time.
- Pour back in the pot and cook until it thickens and becomes shiny and smooth.
- Remove from heat and stir in the butter and chocolate. Give it a good mix.
- Transfer in a bowl and allow to cool down, covered with plastic wrap.
- Once chilled, mix the cream again then fold in the whipped cream and rhum.
- Spoon the cream in a piping bag then fill each eclair.
- Heat the cream and honey in a pot.
- Pour over the chocolate and mix well.
- Glaze each eclair and keep in the fridge.
Ce imi place ca sunt egale! O sa incerc si eu reteta ca arata prea bine! Eclerele tale ma duc cu gandul la Cherish Finden unul dintre cei mai buni coferati/patisieri, pentru ea totul ii inivatie si precizie.
Cu siguranta voi incerca reteta, arata foarte bine si cred ca sunt si foarte gustoase.
In descrierea retetei pentru crema, nu am gasit trecuta ciocolata. Eu presupun ca trebuie adaugata odata cu untul si amestecat pana la omogenizare. Gresecs cumva ?
Beautiful posts..
regarding the chocolate cream for the chocolate eclairs, when do I add in the 70% chocolate to the cream as the steps did not specify .