Prajitura Opera cu zmeura

Mergi direct la reteta Prajitura Opera cu zmeura

Opera este printre preferatele noastre, nu incape indoiala! Si desi traditional se face cu ciocolata neagra si cafea, recunosc ca am incercat de-a lungul timpului tot felul de variante, unele nu tocmai gustoase, altele, ca in cazul de fata, delicioase! Continuam asadar seria prajiturilor de sarbatoare cu o reteta de Opera cu zmeura si piper roz, ingredientul de care m-am indragostit de curand si pe care parca l-as folosi in toate prajiturile. E asa fructat, asa aromat! Si se combina atat de bine cu fructele rosii, cu vanilia, cu ciocolata neagra, cu busuiocul. Si sunt sigura ca lista poate continua, ramane doar sa le descopar!

Prajitura Opera cu zmeura

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Desi departe de clasica prajitura Opera cu cafea, aceasta varianta este mai racoritoare, combinand vanilia cu zmeura intr-o prajitura delicioasa!
Dimensiuni: 35 x 25cm rectangle


Joconde cu migdale:

  • 135 g faina de migdale
  • 45 g zahar alb B
  • 225 g oua intregi
  • 45 g faina alba
  • 135 g albusuri
  • 90 g zahar alb B
  • 50 g unt (topit)

Sirop de lamaie:

  • 75 g apa
  • 55 g zahar alb
  • Coaja de la 1 lamaie

Marmelada de zmeura:

  • 225 g piure de zmeura (fara samburi)
  • 1 g piper roz (tocat fin)
  • 55 g glucoza lichida
  • 15 g zahar alb
  • 5 g pectina NH
  • 5 g gelatina + 25g apa rece

Crema de unt frantuzeasca cu vanilie:

  • 80 g galbenus
  • 150 g zahar alb+ 55g apa
  • 300 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie

Streusel rosu:

  • 30 g unt rece (cuburi)
  • 65 g faina alba
  • 20 g zahar pudra
  • 15 g faina de migdale
  • Colorant rosu
Makes: 35 x 25cm rectangle


Joconde cu migdale:

  • Amestecati faina de migdale, zaharul alb A si ouale intr-un bol si mixati pana isi dubleaza volumul.
  • Mixati albusuri pana devin spumoase, apoi adaugati zaharul B si mixati sa obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
  • Incorporati bezeaua in baza de faina de migdale, alternand-o cu faina alba.
  • Amestecati putin aluat cu untul topit apoi incorporati amestecul in bolul mare. Amestecati usor.
  • Impartiti aluatul in 3 parti egale. Intindeti in strat subtire intr-o foaie de 35×25. Folositi hartie de copt pentru a usura coptul.
  • Coaceti la 170C pentru 8-10 minute sau pana incepe sa devina usor auriu.

Sirop cu lamaie:

  • Dati in clocot apa si zaharul.
  • Adaugati coaja de lamaie si dati deoparte sa infuzeze 5 minute.
  • Raciti inainte de folosire.

Marmelada de zmeura cu piper roz:

  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Amestecati zaharul si pectina.
  • Combinati piureul, piperul roz si glucoza intr-un vas. Incalziti la 40C apoi adaugati pectina.
  • Gatiti 2 minute apoi luati deoparte si adaugati gelatina.
  • Lasati la racit acoperit cu folie alimentara.

Crema de unt frantuzeasca cu vanilie:

  • Mixati galbenusurile pana devin spumoase.
  • Intre timp, pregatiti un sirop de zahar gatind zaharul cu apa pana atinge 118C. La aceasta temperatura, turnati in fir subtire peste galbenusuri, mixand continuu.
  • Continuati sa mixati pana se raceste bolul si obtineti un amestec pufos, deschis la culoare.
  • Adaugati untul, tot o data, si mixati pana la omogenizare.
  • Aromatizati cu vanilie.

Streusel rosu:

  • Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un robot de bucatarie si pulsati pana devine nisipos.
  • Intindeti intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 170C pentru 12-15 minute.
  • Lasati la racit.

Pentru a finisa tortul:

  • Asezati o foaie de blat pe un platou si insirpoati usor.
  • Intindeti deasupra ½ din crema de unt, apoi asezati inca un blat urmat de sirop.
  • Intindeti deasupra marmelada de zmeura si acoperiti cu ultimul blat, urmat de sirop apoi crema de unt.
  • Dati la frigider 20 minute, apoi scoateti si taiati marginile pentru a nivela tortul.
  • Taiati tortul pe jumatate apoi suprapuneti cele doua jumatati pentru a obtine o prajitura inalta. Daca ati facut straturile suficient de subtiri, nu va fi o problema sa faceti asta.
  • Acoperiti cu un strat de streusel rosu.
  • Dati la frigider cateva ore, apoi taiati in mono portii – 12x3cm a fost cazul meu.
  • Decorati cu zmeura proaspata.

Ustensile si echipamente

Cantar bucatarie
Tava 35x25cm
Plita gatit/aragaz
Spatula unghiulara
Hartie de copt
Folie alimentara
Keyword Crema de unt, Prajituri frantuzesti, Zmeura
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
raspberry opera cake


Opera is one of the best cakes I have ever made, one that has a huge success at every class I make it. I have tried a lot of other variations, some were delicious, some I wished were never made. This Berry Opera however, belongs to the first kind – delicious, vibrant, fresh! It’s a great mix of vanilla French buttercream, almond sponge cake and a raspberry marmalade that brings everything together perfectly. The decor consists of a crunchy layer of streusel with just a few final touches of fresh raspberries. That is all! It is really all it needs to be honest. In pastry, most of the times, less is more!

prajitura opera cu zmeura

The key to this dessert is making each layer thin and yet consistent. The sponge cake has to be well spread and baked to perfection without drying out too much. Then there comes the silkiest buttercream ever made – vanilla French buttercream made with egg yolks and a hot sugar syrup, mixed until thick and fluffy which is then mixed with the most delicious butter. Vanilla is added at the end to bring it all to the next level. But what makes this cake shine is definitely the raspberry marmalade layer which is so vibrant and fresh that it could shine on its own!

Rasperry Opera Cake

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This recipe may be far from the classic Opera, but it is delicious and perhaps slightly more refreshing!
Dimensiuni: 35 x 25cm rectangle


Almond Joconde:

  • 135 g almond flour
  • 45 g white sugar A
  • 225 g whole eggs
  • 45 g all-purpose flour
  • 135 g egg whites
  • 90 g white sugar B
  • 50 g butter (melted)

Lemon syrup:

  • 75 g water
  • 55 g white sugar
  • Zest from 1 lemon

Raspberry marmalade:

  • 225 g raspberry puree (seedless)
  • 1 g pink pepper (crushed)
  • 55 g glucose syrup
  • 15 g white sugar
  • 5 g pectin NH
  • 5 g gelatin + 20g cold water

Vanilla French buttercream:

  • 80 g egg yolks
  • 150 g white sugar + 55g water
  • 300 g butter (softened)
  • 5 g vanilla extract

Red streusel:

  • 30 g butter (chilled and cubed)
  • 65 g all-purpose flour
  • 20 g powdered sugar
  • 15 g almond flour
  • Red food coloring
Makes: 35 x 25cm rectangle


Almond Joconde:

  • Combine the almond flour, white sugar A and eggs in a bowl and mix until double in volume.
  • Mix the egg whites in another bowl until fluffy then add the sugar B and whip until stiff and shiny.
  • Fold the meringue into the almond flour base, alternating it with the white flour.
  • Mix the butter with 2 tablespoons of batter then pour in the large bowl. Mix gently until well combined.
  • Split the batter into 3 equal portions then spread each portion into a 35x25cm sheet on baking paper.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 8-10 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
  • Bake the three sheets and allow to cool down.

Lemon syrup:

  • Boil the sugar and water.
  • Add the lemon zest and infuse for 5 minutes then strain.
  • Chill.

Rasoberry marmalade:

  • Bloom the gelatin in water.
  • Mix the sugar and pectin.
  • Combine the puree, pink pepper and glucose in a pot. Warm to 40C then add the pectin mixture.
  • Cook for 2 minutes then take off the heat and add the gelatin.
  • Mix well then allow to cool down.

Vanilla French buttercream:

  • Whip the egg yolks until pale.
  • In the meantime, make a sugar syrup by boiling the water and sugar. When the syrup reaches 118C, pour it in a steady stream over the egg yolks.
  • Continue whipping until stiff and fluffy.
  • Add the butter, all at once, and the vanilla and mix very well until smooth.

Red streusel:

  • Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until sandy.
  • Spread in a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 12-15 minutes.
  • Allow to cool down then break into small pieces.

To finish the cake:

  • Place one sheet of Joconde on a cake board. Brush the sponge cake with lemon syrup.
  • Spread 1/2 of the buttercream on top then place another sheet of Joconde, followed by a layer of syrup.
  • Spread the raspberry marmalade on top then arrange the final sheet of Joconde plus syrup. Next one is a layer of vanilla buttercream.
  • Place in the fridge for 20 minutes then level the sides of the cake and cut it in half. Layer the two halves on top of each other to obtain a taller cake. This step is not compulsory, only do it if you want a taller final cake. Otherwise, skip it and cut the cake to the desired shape.
  • Top with streusel then place in the fridge for at least 6 hours.
  • Cut into smaller pieces (12x3cm in my case) and finish with fresh raspberries.

Ustensile si echipamente

Kitchen scale
Food processor
Cooking stove
Baking oven
Offset spatula
Keyword Buttercream, Cakes, Raspberry
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
raspberry opera cake

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  1. buna, mi-ar placea tare mult sa incerc reteta ta, dar nu vreau sa folosesc glucoza si pectina… imi poti spune, te rog, cu ce sa le inlocuiesc? multumesc frumos

  2. Hello…I’ve recently started following your Facebook page and just love it. I wondered if you could tell me what „apa rece” is. I’ve tried googling it, but it isn’t coming up with anything remotely related to cooking. This raspberry Opera cake looks amazing and I’m very keen to give it a go.

  3. Buna seara! Doar ce am zarit postarea dumneavoastra si a fost de-ajuns sa trec aceasta prajitura pe lista mea. Arata incredibil de bine si sigur e la fel de gustoasa precum este de aspectuoasa!Felicitari! Pentru ca nu am gasit pectina NH decat online si in cantitate mult prea mare comparativ cu cele 5 g necesare (la un pret destule de piperat), v-as ruga sa imi spuneti cu ce ar putea fi inlocuita. Multumesc pentru reteta, sunteti o sursa de inspiratie nemaipomenita!

  4. It looks really good and I would really like to try it 🙂 I am a pretty big sweet addict so from time to time I am searching for new cake types. Anyway, I am working in Pitesti area, Romania and I found a pretty good cake shop called Cofetaria Ribana Eve. I am going there at least once a week to eat cakes and cookies. They are also delivering so I was wondering if I can take your recipe to them in order to make it for me? Looking forward for your answer. Thank you!

  5. I would love to make this for a party! Can I freeze the cake before putting on the streusel? Or is it ok to freeze with the strudel?

  6. Buna! Am incercat sa fac prajitura aceasta cu zmeura proaspata, insa mi-a iesit marmelada prea subtire. La 500g fructe, am pus 100ml apa si 10g gel fix, iar la final 5g gelatina (hidratata, apoi dizolvata). Dupa ce s-a racit, nu s-a gelifiat… 🙁 Am mai pus un plic de gelatina, dar tot nu s-a inchegat. Ai putea sa ne dai si o varianta pentru marmelada cu fructe proaspete? Multumesc anticipat!

  7. Buna dimineata!! As vrea sa fac aceasta prajitura sub forma de tort de 20 cm. Ar trebui sa dublez cantitatile ca sa ma incadrez?sa fie suficient de inalt?
    Multumesc mult si astept raspunsul dvs!!

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