Fursecuri cu ciocolata si caramel

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Lurpak Romania si-a propus sa scoata la iveala copilul din noi cu o provocare minunata! Am primit acasa cateva pachete de unt cu mentiunea ca acestea vor fi folosite la retetele de Craciun, motiv pentru care mintea mea deja zburda vesela pe campia creativitatii si a amintirilor Craciunului. Traditia la noi in familie include cateva elemente stabile an de an, putine la numar, dar la care tinem mult. Insa dincolo de asta, mi-am facut un obicei ca in fiecare an sa ii rasfat pe ai mei cu bunatati, cu ceea ce stiu ca le place cel mai mult. Asa ca meniul il facem impreuna, iar eu incerc sa ii surprind cu ceva dulce si bun!

#CraciunulmeritaLurpak este un hashtag pe care vi-l recomand. Cu atat mai mult cu cat acolo se aduna retetele cele mai bune, ale mele sau ale altor bloggeri culinari pe care ii apreciez!

Fursecuri cu ciocolata si caramel

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceste fursecuri depasesc linia de simpli biscuiti prin faptul ca au 2 umpluturi diferite. Rezultatul este un desert complex, absolut delicios!
Rezultat –20 -30 fursecuri



  • 220 g unt 82% grasime (temperatura camerei)
  • 120 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 50 g ou intreg
  • 400 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
  • 100 g amidon de porumb
  • 2 g sare

Caramel sarat:

  • 190 g zahar alb granulat
  • 20 g miere
  • 200 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 2 g sare
  • 2 g gelatina foi
  • 150 g unt (temperatura camerei)

Ganache de ciocolata neagra:

  • 120 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 20 g miere
  • 110 ciocolata neagra (60%)
  • 2 g vanilie extract



  • Mixati untul cu zaharul pudra pana se omogenizeaza bine. Nu e nevoie sa spumati!
  • Incorporati oul si vanilia.
  • Adaugati faina, amidonul si sarea si mixati scurt pentru a obtine un aluat omogen.
  • Dati forma unui disc, apoi infoliati si dati la frigider minim 1 ora.
  • Cand e rece, intindeti o foaie de 2 sau 3mm grosime, apoi decupati cercuri de marimea dorita.
  • Asezati in tavi si coaceti la 170°C pentru 14-16 minute sau pana devin aurii.
    Pentru a obtine model pe fiecare biscuite, va recomand sa ii coaceti intre 2 folii de silicon microperforate. Pot fi copti si pe hartie de copt, dar nu vor avea modelul din fotografii.
  • Lasati la racit inainte de a umple.


  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Incalziti smantana si mierea intr-un vas pana aproape de punctul de fierbere.
  • Caramelizati zaharul pana devine auriu inchis. Turnati in fir subtire smantana fierbinte, omogenizand bine. Atentie la aburii fierbinti!!
  • Dati deoparte si adaugati sarea si gelatina.
  • Lasati sa ajunga la 40°C apoi adaugati untul si omogenizati cu un blender pentru 2-3 minute.
  • Acoperiti cu folie alimentara in contact. Puneti in frigider cateva ore pentru a se inchega bine, apoi transferati intr-un pos.


  • Incalziti smantana si mierea.
  • Turnati peste ciocolata si omogenizati cu un blender de mana de tip Bamix.
  • Adaugati vanilia si dati la rece pana se incheaga. Transferati intr-un pos.

Pentru a finisa fursecurile.

  • Umpleti fiecare fursec cu putin ganache si un centru de caramel sarat.
  • Puneti deasupra un al doilea biscuite si fursecurile sunt gata.


Puteti inlocui insertia de caramel cu o picatura de pasta de pralina sau gemul ori marmelada preferata.
Keyword Caramel, Ciocolata neagra
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Chocolate Caramel Cookies


Life can only be delightful when you have a pastry chef in the house! That would be everyone’s picture of the whole thing. Truth is however that I rarely get to bake something for my family nowadays. It’s like the seamstress who doesn’t have a dress. People always say „ah, what a lucky family you have, they must be eating dessert all the time”. But they don’t! I don’t bake at home as you might expect because I cook, I do the laundry, I spend time with my little man and the list can easily go on. So many things to do, so little time!

Chocolate Caramel Biscuits

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Cookies are the perfect little treat, but even more so when we are talking about sandwich cookies filled with a luscious dark chocolate ganache and a creamy salted caramel.
Rezultat –20 -30 fursecuri


Cookie dough:

  • 220 g butter (softened)
  • 120 g powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 50 g eggs
  • 400 g all-purpose flour (sifted)
  • 100 g cornstarch
  • 2 g salt


  • 190 g white sugar
  • 20 g honey
  • 200 g heavy cream
  • 2 g salt
  • 2 g gelatin sheets
  • 150 g butter (softened)

Dark chocolate ganache:

  • 120 g heavy cream
  • 20 g honey
  • 110 g dark chocolate (60% cccoa)
  • 2 g vanilla extract


Cookie dough:

  • Mix the butter with powdered sugar 1-2 minutes until well combined. There is no need to whip it, just mix them together!
  • Add the egg and vanilla and mix well.
  • Add the flour, cornstarch and salt and mix the dough briefly until it comes together.
  • Shape into a disc. Wrap in foil and refrigerate for 1 hour minimum.
  • Once chilled, roll the dough into a thin sheet – 2 or 3mm thickness. Cut out round shapes and place them on baking trays. Bake in the preheated oven at 170°C for 14-16 minutes or until slightly golden brown. To obtain a nice pattern on each biscuit, bake them between two sheets of microperforated silicone (Silikomart).


  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
  • Heat the cream and honey in a pot just below boiling point.
  • Caramelize the sugar until deep golden brown then carefully pour in the hot cream. Mix in and place back on heat if needed.
  • Add the gelatin and salt then allow to come to 40°C before adding the butter. Mix with a hand blender for 2-3 minutes to emulsify.
  • Cover with plastic wrap to touch. Place back in the fridge to set then spoon it in a pastry bag.


  • Heat the cream and honey then pour over the chocolate.
  • Mix well, adding the vanilla. It is best to emulsify with a hand blender.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge until it reaches a pipeble concistency.
  • Transfer to a pastry bag before filling the cookies.

To finish the cookies:

  • Transfer the caramel into a pastry bag as well.
  • Pair the biscuits two by two and fill them with ganache first then a center of caramel.
  • Keep in the fridge to set.


You can replace the caramel with a fruit filling or you can add a drop of praline paste. Feel free to experiment with inserts for these cookies.
Keyword Biscuits, Caramel, Dark chocolate
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Chocolate Caramel Cookies

However, from time to time, I do like to turn the oven on and bake something. First of all, because I like it and second of all, because I love seeing their faces lighten up when they see what I’m making. And this was the case with these cookies packed with salted caramel and a touch of dark chocolate.

The chocolate caramel cookies are perfect treat for Christmas! Cookies and milk is one of my favorite foods during the days of Christmas when we indulge on pretty much everything we can think of!

Chocolate Caramel Cookies

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