Cheesecake cu piersici fara coacere
Caldura mare, mon cher! Dar pofta de desert e la fel de mare. Ce te faci cand chiar vrei ceva dulce, dar nu ai cum sa dai drumul la cuptor?! Faci un desert fara coacere, evident. Poate chiar acest cheesecake cu jeleu de piersici. Recunosc ca nu cheesecake a fost prima mea optiune, dar aveam un rest de crema de branza de la o alta reteta si niste piersici foarte coapte care trebuiau consumate. Si cum nu facusem niciodata cheesecake fara coacere, m-am pus pe treaba. A iesit ceva extrem de bun (am mancat 3 felii dupa ce am terminat de pozat, asta cred ca spune tot) – un desert cremos, aerat, perfect acompaniat de jeleul delicat de piersici in care am pus putina menta. Daca nu ati incercat combinatia de piersici cu menta pana acum, ar trebui – e dementiala.
Cheesecake cu piersici fara coacere
- 150 g biscuiti integrali (am pus si cateva piscoturi, neavand cantitatea necesara de biscuiti)
- 70 g unt topit
- 150 g mascarpone
- 200 g lapte condensat
- 600 g crema de branza
- 2 g sare
- 10 g extract de vanilie
- 5 g coaja de lamaie
- 200 g smantana pentru frisca (spumata lejer)
- 10 g gelatina + 60g apa rece
Jeleu de piersici:
- 500 g piersici bine coapte (curatate si taiate felii)
- 80 g zahar (sau mai mult daca vreti)
- cateva frunze de menta proaspata
- 1/2 bat de scortisoara
- 7 g gelatina + 42g apa rece
- Puneti biscuitii intr-un robot de bucatarie si pulsati pana obtineti o pudra.
- Adaugati untul topit si amestecati bine apoi transferati amestecul intr-o forma de tort tapetata cu folie de acetat. Presati bine amestecul de biscuiti si puneti la rece.
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru 10 minute.
- Mixati mascarpone, crema de branza, laptele condensat, sarea, vanilia si coaja de lamaie intr-un bol. (ingredientele sa fie la temperatura camerei)
- Adaugati gelatina topita apoi incorporati frisca batuta.
- Turnati amestecul peste crusta si dati la rece cateva ore.
Jeleu de piersici:
- Amestecati piersicile, zaharul, menta si scortisoara intr-un vas. Lasati 30minute deoparte apoi puneti pe foc mediu.
- Fierbeti pentru 10-15 minute pana piersicile se inmoaie, dar nu devin piure. Nu amestecati prea des in compozitie pentru a nu distruge feliile de piersica.
- Luati de pe foc, adaugati gelatina si scoateti frunzele de menta si batonul de scortisoara.
- Lasati sa vina la temperatura camerei si turnati peste cheesecake.
- Dati la rece cateva ore.
- Sa aveti pofta!
Truth to be told, as much as I love baking, when it’s as hot as these days, turning the oven on is the last thing on my mind. Dessert however is one of my priorities, therefore I look for no bake alternatives. That’s how I ended up making this no bake peach cheesecake- that and the fact that I had some leftover cream cheese I wanted to use. Oh and the peaches, the lovely peaches that I am addicted to lately just had to be there! Because they taste amazing, are juicy and so rich and totally turn this no bake cheesecake into a dessert that you just want to keep eating. I mean, I had 3 slices of this as soon as I finished shooting it. 3 slices.. that good it was!
{No Bake Peach Cheesecake} – Cheesecake fara coacere
- 150 g graham crackers
- 70 g butter (melted)
- 150 g mascarpone cheese
- 200 g condensed milk
- 600 g cream cheese
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 200 ml heavy cream (whipped)
- 10 g gelatin + 50ml water
Peach Topping:
- 500 g fresh peaches (peeled and sliced)
- 80 g sugar
- 2 fresh mint leaves
- 7 g gelatin + 35ml water
- 1/2 cinnamon stick
- Place the biscuits in a food processor and pulse until ground.
- Add the melted butter and mix well then transfer the mixture in a 20cm diameter cake ring lined with acetate sheets.
- Press the crust mixture well and place in the fridge.
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water
- Mix the mascarpone cheese, condensed milk, cream cheese, vanilla, lemon zest and a pinch of salt until smooth.
- Stir in the melted gelatin then fold in the whipped cream.
- Pour the cream cheese filling over the crust and place in the fridge for a few hours.
Peach Topping:
- Combine the peach slices, sugar, mint leaves and cinnamon in a saucepan and place aside for 30 minutes.
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes.
- Place the peach mixture over medium flame and cook for 10-15 minutes until softened. Avoid mixing in while cooking as it will destroy the peach slices.
- Add the gelatin and allow to cool. Remove the mint leaves and cinnamon stick.
- Pour the cooled topping over the cheesecake and place back in the fridge for a few hours.
What a perfect summer dessert!! It looks so cool, creamy and fruity. 🙂
Thank you, Maureen! It’s summer in a cheesecake 😀
Oh I totally agree–sometimes it is just too hot to bake. This looks like the perfect treat for those day! Love the fresh peach topping 🙂
Thanks, June. The peach topping was the highlight, indeed 🙂
Nici nu pot exprima in cuvinte cat de mult poftesc acum dupa ce ai postat tu. Arata remarcabil de bine, nu stiu cum ti-a iesit in „halul”(in sensul bun al cuvantului) asta.
wow this cake is just STUNNING, layer so perfectly, the flavor is beautiful, the color is gorgeous, refreshing and no fuss for summer.
Multumesc, Katalina. Indeed, no fuss for summer, just pure deliciousness!
Such a beautiful cheesecake! It is summer in a cake form!
I love using mascarpone in no bake cheesecake, it’s so lovely and buttery. Makes a perfect creamy base for those fresh peaches.
I can see why you had three slices Oana, it looks so light and refreshing! I love no bake cheesecakes (no danger of cracks!!) x
Thank you, Louise. No cracks, no heat in the kitchen, but a lot of flavor and richness!
Arata fantastic ! Dar ai putea sa-mi spui te rog ce fel de crema de brânza ai folosit,sau alte exemple in caz ca nu găsesc exact ?
Roxana, merge orice crema branza care nu are verdeata sau alte arome, precum Philadelphia sau crema de branza Pilos din Lidl.
Mersi mult !
Draga mea, te rog, poti sa imi spui diametrul formei tale?Vreau sa il fac pentru sambata de ziua mea. Merci
Livia, undeva intre 20 si 22cm e suficient.
E suficient de dulce doar din laptele condensat si frisca (care presupun ca este indulcita 😊)?
Ce tip de lapte ai folosit? Multumesc!
Buna, dori sa incerc rețeta dar nu sunt lamurita cu ce se indulceste crema de branza.
Trebuie sa fie lapte condensat din acela gata indulcit?
Da, laptele condensat trebuie sa fie din acela gros, indulcit.