
Pere posate in vin rosu

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Perele se numara printre fructele mele preferate pentru acest sezon. Sunt delicate ca aroma si textura iar deserturile care le contin sunt adesea sofisticate si elegante, precum Perele Belle Helene, preferatele mele. Insa dintre toate deserturile care contin pere, unul iese in evidenta – perele posate in vin rosu – acest desert cu gust intens si o culoare minunata, un desert versatil care poate fi servit simplu, dar si cu diverse sosuri sau chiar inghetata.

pere posate in vin rosu

Aromele folosite pentru a posa perele pot fi: scortisoara, ghimbir, vanilie, pastai de tonka, cardamom, anason stelat sau chiar un varf de piper negru sau rosu.  Experimentati si gasiti o combinatie care va place.


  • 4 pere coapte, dar tari
  • 4 cani vin rosu sec
  • 1 cana zahar
  • ¼ cana miere
  • 1 baton scortisoara
  • 1 anason stelat
  • 4 pastai de cardamom
  • 1 linguri suc de lamaie

Mod de preparare:

  1. Combinati vinul rosu, zaharul mierea, scortisoara, anasonul stelat, cardamomul si lamaia intr-un vas. Puneti vasul pe foc si dati in clocot.
  2. Curatati perele de coaja si scoateti cotorul folosind o lingurita.
  3. Puneti perele in vinul fierbinte si dati focul la mic.
  4. Acoperiti suprafata vinului cu un disc de hartie de copt si fierbeti pentru 40 minute.
  5. Cand sunt gata, dati deoparte si lasati perele sa se raceasca in siropul in care au fiert.

O data perele fierte, aveti diverse variante pentru a le aranja pe farfurie. Acesta e motivul pentru care ador acest desert.

Pere in vin rosu invelite in aluat de foietaj

  • 4 pere posate
  • 1 foaie aluat de foietaj
  • 1 ou pt uns
  1. Taiati aluatul in fasii subtiri.
  2. Scurgeti perele bine si infasurati-le in fasii de aluat de foietaj, suprapunand straturile usor.
  3. Ungeti perele cu ou batut si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 200C pentru 10-15 minute.

Sos de ciocolata:

  • 100g ciocolata neagra, tocata
  • 100ml frisca lichida
  • 1 lingura miere
  • 20g unt
  1. Combinati frisca si mierea intr-un vas si aduceti la punctul de fierbere.
  2. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata.
  3. Amestecati pana se topeste apoi adaugati untul.
  4. Asezati o para infasurata in aluat de foietaj pe o farfurie si acoperit-o cu sos de ciocolata.

Pere in vin rosu cu biscuite de alune de padure si sos de ciocolata

Dintre cele trei versiuni incercate, aceasta e favorita mea. Biscuitele e usor crocant insa se topeste in gura, sosul de vin rosu e absolut delicios iar ciocolata il completeaza perfect.

Biscuite de alune de padure (va vor trebuie doar 4 biscuiti, asa ca puteti injumatati cantitatile daca doriti)

  • 110g unt moale
  • 50g zahar pudra
  • 1 ou
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 150g faina alba
  • 100g alune macinate
  1. Combinati toate ingredientele in vasul robotului de bucatarie si amestecati bine.
  2. Transferati aluatul pe masa de lucru si intindeti-l intr-o foaie subtire.
  3. Daca aluatul e prea moale sau lipicios, adaugati treptat putina faina pana poate fi lucrat usor.
  4. Taiati cercuri mici de aluat si asezati-le pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
  5. Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 15-20 minute sau pana marginile devin usor aurii.

Pentru a finisa desertul mai aveti nevoie de sos de ciocolata (reteta mai sus) si sos de vin rosu pe care il faceti in felul urmator: scoateti perele din vin si puneti lichidul inapoi pe foc. Fierbeti pana se reduce la jumatate (scoateti scortisoara, anasonul si cardamomul caci devin amarui).

Asezati un biscuite intr-un vas suficient de adanc. Acoperiti biscuitele cu o para posata apoi turnati sos de vin rosu de jur imprejur. Acoperiti para cu sos de ciocolata si serviti imediat.

Ultima versiune de servire e probabil cea mai simpla, dar e la fel de delicioasa. E mult mai light decat celelate variante, insa are o aroma la fel de intensa. Asezati o para intr-un vas si acoperiti din abundenta cu sirop de vin rosu. Evident ca puteti acoperi para in sos de ciocolata, insa si inghetata ar completa desertul perfect.
Pears on Make A Gif


Pears are by far my favorite fruits to use in desserts. These delicate, mild flavored fruits are amazing in terms of taste and texture once baked or poached and I love their translucent look as well. Desserts using pears are often elegant and exquisite, like one of my all time favorites – Poire Belle Helene, but from all the possibilities out there, one truly stands out: red wine poached pears – this spiced, vibrant dessert that melts in your mouth bite after bite, a dessert that looks amazing and tastes just as good and a dessert designed to impress even the pickiest eaters.

red wine poached pears

The spices used are the ones to flavor the dessert, but they can be replaced by your favorite ones – cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, tonka beans, star anise, cloves, ginger and even a touch of black or red pepperare a few of your choices. Feel free to experiment and find a combination you enjoy. For this particular batch I used cinnamon, star anise and cardamom and I loved their delicate aroma.

Red Wine Poached Pears

Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Rezultat –4


  • 4 ripe but firm pears
  • 4 cups dry red wine
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 star anise
  • 4 cardamom pods (crushed)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice


  • Combine the wine with sugar, honey, cinnamon, star anise, cardamom and lemon juice in a saucepan and place over medium flame.
  • While the wine comes to a boil, carefully peel the pears and remove their core by scooping out the inside with a teaspoon.
  • Place the peeled pears in the hot wine then reduce the heat and cover the surface of the wine with a piece of baking paper.
  • Cook on low heat for 40 minutes or until the pears are soft, but not mushy and look slightly translucent.
  • Let them cool in the syrup before serving.


There are multiple ways to serve these red wine poached pears: simple, wrapped in puff pastry dough or over a hazelnut biscuit, topped with a rich chocolate sauce. All three ways are described below.
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Once you’ve made the poached pears, there are multiple ways of serving them, but here is my three versions: wrapped in puff pastry, over a hazelnut biscuit and flooded with a thick red wine syrup. Just experiment and let you imagination free when it comes to serving them. They sure look amazing even simple as they are, but a chocolate sauce or a crisp biscuit improves the texture and taste even more.

pere posate in vin rosu

Puff Pastry Red Wine Poached Pears

  • 4 red wine poached pears
  • 1 sheet puff pastry dough
  • 1 egg for egg wash

Chocolate sauce:

  • 100g dark chocolate, chopped (60% cocoa)
  • 100ml heavy cream
  • 1 tablepsoon honey
  • 20g butter


  1. Cut the puff pastry dough into thin strips and wrap them over the poached pears, overlapping the edges slightly.
  2. Carefully place the pears in a baking tray and brush them with egg wash.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven at 400F for 10-15 minutes until puffed up and golden brown.
  4. To make the chocolate sauce, combine the heavy cream with the honey in a saucepan and bring to the boiling point over low heat.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate.
  6. Mix until melted and smooth then add the butter.
  7. Drizzle the sauce over the wrapped pears just before serving. Enjoy!
pere posate in vin rosu

Red WIne Poached Pears over Hazelnut Biscuit with a Rich Chocolate Sauce

This is my favorite from all three presented in this blog post. The hazelnut biscuit is crisp and it soaks up in that thick red wine syrup then everything is covered with a luscious chocolate sauce so each bite is loaded with so many flavors and so much richness!

To make this version, remove the pears from the syrup once cooled and place the syrup back on medium flame. Remove and discard the spices as they might turn bitter. Cook the syrup until reduced by half and it begins to thicken. As it cooks, it will also get brighter and caramelize slightly. You will love the taste and color of it in the end. Once reduced, allow the syrup to cool before use.

Hazelnut Biscuit: (one batch yields 2 dozen biscuits so feel free to reduce the quantities)

  • 110g butter, room temperature
  • 50g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 150g plain flour
  • 100g ground hazelnuts
  1. Combine all the ingredients in your food processor and pulse until it comes together.
  2. Transfer the dough on your floured working surface and roll it into a 5mm thick sheet.
  3. Cut rounds of dough and place them on baking trays lined with baking paper.
  4. Bake in the preheated oven at 350F (180C) for 15-20 minutes until crisp and slightly golden brown.

Chocolate Sauce (see above)

To finish assembling the dessert, place one biscuit on a plate. Pour red wine syrup around it and carefully place a pear on top of the biscuit.

Top the pear with chocolate sauce and serve.

red wine poached pears
red wine poached pears

The third way of serving these pears is to simply flood them in the thick red wine syrup. Although simple, this version is amazing. What you get is a bright and vibrant dessert, perfect for holidays or special occasions. If you want, add a scoop of ice cream on the plate too and get ready for an amazing tasting experience!

red wine poached pears
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