Entremet cu mousse de caramel

entremet cu mousse de caramel

Nu ratez nicio ocazie pentru a crea un nou entremet iar ziua fratelui meu a fost una dintre cele mai bune ocazii. Desi il intrebasem ce si-ar dori, mi-a lasat mana libera asa ca am ales o aroma pe care nu o mai folosisem pana acum – caramelul. Am combinat mousse-ul de caramel cu pere posate in sirop si o pralina de alune de padure. E un tort aromat, oarecum mai dulce decat cele pe care le fac de obicei, insa nu exagerat de dulce. Mousse-urile sunt aerate si se topesc in gura, iar pralina de alune de padure e exact ce ii trebuie ca textura.

Straturile sunt: (de jos in sus)

  1. Blat de ciocolata – devil’s food
  2. Mousse de ciocolata alba cu pralina de alune de padure
  3. Blat de biscuite cu aluna de padure
  4. Pere posate in sirop
  5. Mousse de caramel si rom
  6. Glazura caramel
  7. Decoratiuni de caramel

Blat de ciocolata – Devil’s food

  • 200g faina
  • 30g cacao
  • 1 lingurita praf de copt
  • 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 110g unt moale
  • 175g zahar
  • 125ml lapte
  • 3 oua
  • 75ml lapte
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
  1. Cerneti faina, cacaoa, praful de copt, bicarbonatul de sodiu si sarea intr-un bol.
  2. Adaugati untul si mixati pana obtineti un amestec nisipos.
  3. Amestecati 125ml lapte cu zaharul pana acesta din urme se topeste partial. Turnati acest amestec peste faina si mixati pana la incorporarea completa.
  4. Combinati ouale cu restul de lapte si vanilia si incorporati-l in blat. Mixati bine apoi turnati aluatul intr-o tava rotunda tapetata cu hartie de copt. (28cm diametru)
  5. Coaceti la 170C pana trece testul scobitorii.
  6. Cand e gata, scoateti din cuptor si lasati sa se raceasca apoi taiati blatul in jumatate. Veti folosi doar o foaie de blat asa va puteti sa faceti doar jumatate din cantitati daca doriti. Insa puteti la fel de bine sa congelati cea de-a doua foaie de blat sau sa o folositi la altceva.
  7. Asezati blatul intr-un inel de tort si dati deoparte.

Blat biscuite cu alune de padure

Am gandit acest strat pentru a adauga textura tortului, dar si gust datorita alunelor de padure. Totusi, puteti sa renuntati la el daca doriti.

  • 50g alune de padure
  • 120g faina alba
  • ½ lingurita praf de copt
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 75g unt moale
  • 40g zahar pudra
  • 1 galbenus
  1. Maruntiti alunele de padure intr-un robot de bucatarie.
  2. Adaugati restul ingredientelor in vasul robotului si amestecati pana obtineti un aluat omogen.
  3. Transferati aluatul pe masa de lucru si framantati-l doar cat sa-i dati forma unei bile. Infasurati in folie de plastic si dati la frigider 1 ora.
  4. Asezati aluatul pe masa de lucru infainata si intindeti intr-o foaie subtire.
  5. Folosind o tava mica, decupati un cerc de aluat. Trebuie sa fie mai mic decat blatul de ciocolata (18cm)
  6. Transferati aluatul intr-o tava si coaceti la 170C pana marginile incep sa devina aurii.
  7. Lasati blatul sa se raceasca.
  8. Cel mai probabil veti avea cateva bucati de aluat in plus, insa puteti sa faceti biscuiti sau chiar o coaja de tarta mai mica. Ori pur si simplu congelati aluatul pentru a-l utiliza cu alta ocazie.

Mousse de ciocolata alba cu pralina de alune de padure

Pralina de alune de padure:

  • 50g alune de padure
  • 60g zahar

Mousse de ciocolata alba

  • 300ml frisca lichida
  • 150g ciocolata alba
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 40g zahar
  • 20ml apa
  • 4g gelatina (plus 20ml apa rece)
  • 1 lingurita esenta de vanilie
  1. Pentru a face pralina, topiti zaharul pana are o culoare aurie.
  2. Adaugati alunele de padure si transferati amestecul intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
  3. Lasati sa se raceasca apoi puneti pralina intr-o punga de plastic si zdrobiti cu un facalet sau ciocan de snitele. Amestecul final trebuie sa fie marunt, dar nu foarte fin.
  4. Pentru mousse-ul de ciocolata alba, amestecati gelatina cu apa rece si lasati sa se hidrateze.
  5. Combinati zaharul cu 20ml apa si fierbeti acest sirop 2-3 minute.
  6. Topiti gelatina intr-un vas pe baie de aburi sau in microunde.
  7. Cat siropul fierbe, mixati galbenusurile spuma apoi adaugati treptat siropul de zahar fierbinte, mixand continuu pana galbenusurile isi tripleaza volumul.
  8. Topiti gelatina si incorporati-o in galbenusuri. Adaugati ciocolata topita si amestecati bine.
  9. Lasati sa se raceasca apoi incorporati frisca batuta si intr-un final, pralina de alune de padure.
  10. Turnati mousse-ul peste blatul de ciocolata si dati la rece.
  11. Cand mousse-ul e inchegat, asezati blatul biscuite in centrul formei si dati din nou la rece.

Pere in sirop

  • 3 pere
  • 600ml apa
  • 150g zahar
  • Sucul de la ½ lamaie
  • 1 stea anason
  • 1 pastaie de cardamom
  • ½ bat de scortisoara
  • ½ pastaie de vanilie, taiata in jumatate
  1. Curatati perele de coaja si taiati in jumatate. Scoateti casuta cu seminte si combinati perele cu restul ingredientelor intr-un vas.
  2. Fierbeti la foc mic pentru 30-40 minute pana perele devin moi, dar nu se rup.
  3. Lasati perele sa se raceasca in sirop apoi scoateti bucatile de pere si taiati-le cuburi.
  4. Asezati cuburile peste blatul biscuite si dati din nou la rece.

Mousse de caramel si rom

  • 250g zahar
  • 60ml apa
  • 5ml zeama de lamaie
  • 100ml apa calda
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 9g gelatina (plus 45ml apa)
  • 40ml rom
  • 550ml frisca lichida, batuta
  1. Hidratati gelatina in 45ml apa rece.
  2. Amestecati zaharul si 60ml apa intr-un vas. Adaugati zeama de lamaie si fierbeti acest sirop pentru 10 minute pana devine auriu si incepe sa se caramelizeze. Spalati peretii vasului cu o pensula inmuiata in apa rece in timpul fierberii pentru a impiedica cristalele sa se formeze.
  3. Cand zaharul are culoarea dorita, adaugati apa calda. Aveti grija caci va sari si se va umfla! Continuati sa fierbeti pana obtineti un sirop omogen (sirop clar de caramel).
  4. Mixati galbenusurile cu un praf de sare pana devin cremoase, apoi treptat adaugati siropul de caramel fierbinte, mixand pana isi tripleaza volumul.
  5. Adaugati gelatina topita si lasati amestecul sa se racoreasca.
  6. Adaugati romul apoi incorporati frisca batuta.
  7. Turnati mousse-ul in inelul de tort, peste perele posate si dati tortul la rece cel putin 4 ore, de preferabil peste noapte.
  8. A doua zi scoateti tortul de la frigider si inlaturati inelul de tort. Dati tortul la congelator pana e gata glazura. Daca tortul e rece, glazura se va aseza mai bine.

Glazura de caramel

  • 200g zahar
  • 50ml apa
  • 170g glucoza lichida
  • 4ml zeama de lamaie
  • 250ml frisca lichida
  • 13g gelatina (plus 65ml apa rece)
  • 80g ciocolata cu lapte
  1. Hidratati gelatina in apa rece cel putin 10 minute.
  2. Aduceti frisca lichida la punctul de fierbere si dati deoparte.
  3. Combinati zaharul, apa, glucoza si zeama de lamaie intr-un vas si fierbeti pana isi schimba culoarea intr-un sirop auriu, caramelizat. Spalati peretii vasului cu o pensula inmuiata in apa rece pentru a impiedica formarea cristalelor.
  4. Adaugati frisca lichida si tineti pe foc doar pana e omogen.
  5. Luati vasul de pe foc si adaugati gelatina, apoi incorporati ciocolata cu lapte si mixati bine.
  6. Lasati glazura sa se raceasca inainte de a o folosi.
  7. Pentru a glazura, folositi un gratar. Puneti gratarul intr-o tava/platou suficient de incapator, apoi puneti tortul peste gratar. Turnati glazura peste tort incepand din centru si mutandu-va spre margini. Insistati cu glazura pe laturile tortului sau chiar turnati inca o data.
  8. Transferati tortul intr-un platou si serviti rece.

Decoratiuni de caramel

Pentru decoratiuni, topiti 100g sugar. Cu o furculita, intindeti „ate” de caramel pe o foaie de copt apoi strangeti firele de caramel intr-un con. Adaugati cateva alune de padure in con si decorati tortul.


entremet cu mousse de caramel
entremet cu mousse de caramel

I’ve been dying to try a caramel mousse entremet for ages and I finally got myself used to the idea of using other ingredients than chocolate in my desserts so here it it – spiced caramel entremet – a cake that combines the delicate, airy caramel mousse with a hazelnut biscuit, a white chocolate praline mousse and a caramel glaze. I loved creating and making this cake just as much as I loved eating it, especially since we had a special occasion – my brother’s birthday. It is a cake to impress, that’s for sure, but delicious and fun to put together with all the flavors and textures going on in there. You will love the crunchy hazelnut praline contrasting with the airy, light caramel mousse and spiced, juicy pears. The glaze deserves a special mention because it has a rich taste of caramel and it is a delicacy on its own. You should expect a jelly-like glaze, one that shines beautifully and has a pretty good coverage when poured over the cake.

The layers of the cake are as follows: (bottom to top)

  1. Devil’s food sponge
  2. White chocolate mousse with hazelnut praline
  3. Hazelnut biscuit
  4. Spiced poached pears
  5. Caramel and dark rum mousse
  6. Caramel glaze
  7. Caramel decoration

Devil’s food sponge:

  • 200g all-purpose flour
  • 30g cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 110g butter, softened
  • 175g sugar
  • 125ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 75ml milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Sift the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.
  2. Stir in the butter and mix until sandy.
  3. Combine the sugar with 125ml milk and mix until the sugar is mostly melted. Pour this mixture over the flour and mix well.
  4. Add the remaining milk combined with the eggs and mix just until well incorporated.
  5. Spoon the batter in a round cake pan (28cm) and bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 40-45 minutes.
  6. When done, remove from the oven and let the cake cool down then cut in half lengthwise. You will only use one half of sponge so feel free to only make half.
  7. Set up a cake ring and place the devil’s sponge into the ring. Place aside.

Hazelnut Biscuit

I designed this layer to add texture to the cake, but also taste due to its intense hazelnut aroma. However, don’t expect an incredibly crunchy layer inside because the biscuit absorbs part of the moisture and becomes tender and easy to cut through.

  • 50g hazelnuts, toasted
  • 120g all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 75g butter, softened
  • 40g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg yolks


  1. Place the hazelnuts in your food processor and pulse until ground.
  2. Add all the other ingredients and pulse a few seconds until it comes together into a nice dough.
  3. Transfer the dough on a floured working surface and knead it a few times to form a ball. Wrap the ball into plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 hour.
  4. After 1 hour, place the dough on a sheet of baking paper and roll it into a thin later (5-6mm thickness). Cut a round that has a smaller diameter than your cake ring and devil’s food sponge. Mine had 18cm.
  5. Remove the extra dough and transfer the dough on a baking tray.
  6. Bake in the preheated oven at 330F for 15-20 minutes or until the edges begin to turn golden brown.
  7. You might have some leftover dough after this, but you can use it to make a few biscuits if you want. It’s delicious and so fragrant.

White Chocolate Mousse with Hazelnut Praline


Hazelnut praline:

  • 50g hazelnuts, peeled and toasted
  • 60g sugar

White chocolate mousse:

  • 300g heavy cream
  • 150g white chocolate, melted
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 40g sugar
  • 20ml water
  • 4g gelatin (plus 20ml cold water)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. To make the hazelnut praline, melt the sugar in a heavy pan until it has an amber color. Be careful as it burns easily.
  2. Add the hazelnuts and mix to coat them then transfer the mixture on a tray lined with parchment paper and let it cool down and set.
  3. Place the praline in a thick plastic bag and crush it with a rolling-pin. The praline should be fine, but not a powder. You still want bits of sugar and hazelnuts in it. Place aside.
  4. To make the white chocolate mousse, first bloom the gelatin with cold water for 10 minutes.
  5. Whip the heavy cream to soft peaks and place aside.
  6. Make a pâté a bombé by combining 40g sugar with 20ml water in a small saucepan and bringing to a boil to form a thick syrup. While the syrup comes to a boil, mix the egg yolks with an electric mixer just until they turn creamy. When the syrup is thick and hot, gradually pour it over the egg yolks, mixing all the time. Continue mixing until the egg yolks triple their volume.
  7. Add the gelatin and mix until melted then stir in the melted chocolate.
  8. Allow this mixture to cool to room temperature then fold in the whipped cream.
  9. Gently stir in the hazelnut praline then pour the mousse into your cake ring mold and refrigerate until the next layer is ready.
  10. Once the mousse is set, place the hazelnut biscuit in the center and put the cake back in the fridge.

Spiced poached pears

My favorite fall fruits are definitely pears. I find them to be so delicate and so delicious in any possible combination that I use them a lot during this time of the year. I love how they brighten up the flavor of this cake by adding not only a subtle pear flavor, but also a subtle spiced aroma.


  • 3 pears
  • 600ml water
  • 150g sugar
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 star anise
  • 1 cardamom pod, crushed
  • 1/2 cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 vanilla bean, split in half lengthwise


  1. Combine the water and spices in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  2. Gently peel the pears and remove the core. Drop the pears into the hot water and cook them on low heat for 30 minutes or more, depending on their side and how firm they were.
  3. To check if they are done, insert a knife in one of them. If the knife goes through easily, they are done.
  4. Remove them from heat and let them cool down in the syrup then drain well.
  5. Cut the poached pears into cubes and place the cubes over the hazelnut biscuit. Don’t discard the poaching syrup! I used it to make a refreshing drink by adding more lemon juice and plenty of ice cubes.
  6. Refrigerate the cake until the caramel mousse is ready.

 Caramel and dark rum mousse


  • 250g sugar
  • 60ml water
  • 5ml lemon juice
  • 100ml warm water
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 9g gelatin (plus 45ml water)
  • 40ml dark rum
  • 550ml heavy cream, whipped


  1. Mix the gelatin with 45ml cold water and let it bloom 10 minutes at least.
  2. Combine the sugar, 60ml water and lemon juice in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook this syrup until it begins to caramelize, washing the sides of the pan with a brush soaked in cold water to prevent crystals from forming.
  3. When the caramel has a nice amber color, add 100ml warm water. Be careful because it will splash out! Continue cooking this syrup until all the sugar is melted and the caramel is smooth. This is what we call a clear caramel sauce or syrup.
  4. Mix the egg yolks with a pinch of salt until creamy, then gradually add the caramel syrup you just made. Be careful because it is extremely hot, work with care. Continue mixing until the egg yolks triple their volume and you’ve incorporated all the caramel syrup.
  5. Add the bloomed gelatin and mix until melted then allow the mixture to come to room temperature.
  6. Stir in the dark rum then fold in the whipped cream.
  7. Carefully pour the mousse into the cake ring and refrigerate at least 4 hours, preferably over night.
  8. The next day, remove the cake from the ring and get ready to glaze it.

 Caramel glaze


  • 200g sugar
  • 50ml water
  • 170g liquid glucose
  • 4ml lemon juice
  • 250ml heavy cream
  • 13g gelatin (plus 65ml cold water)
  • 80g milk chocolate, chopped


  1. Mix the gelatin with 65ml water and let it bloom at least 10 minutes.
  2. Bring the heavy cream to the boiling point in a saucepan.
  3. Combine the sugar, water, glucose and lemon juice in a heavy saucepan and bring to a boil. Cook this syrup for a few minutes, washing the sides of the pan with a brush soaked in cold water to prevent crystals from forming.
  4. Keep cooking the syrup until it has an amber color then add the hot heavy cream and keep on heat until the sauce is smooth.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin then add the chocolate.
  6. Mix until melted and smooth then allow the glaze to come to room temperature before using it.
  7. To glaze the cake, place the cake on a wire rack over a platter. Begin pouring the glaze from the center of the cake to the edges, pouring more on the edges to cover them well. You might need to pour the glaze twice to get a full coverage. As a tip to the perfect glazed cake, freeze the cake a few hours before glazing it. This way the glaze will set faster and thicker on the cake and might not need a second coating after all.
  8. Serve the cake chilled.

 Caramel decoration

To decorate the cake, melt 100g sugar until it has an amber color then remove from heat and allow to cool down for a few minutes.

Dip a fork into the melted sugar and quickly move it over a baking sheet to form fine strands of caramel. Dip again and form strands until you are happy with the result then gather the strands into a cone or a ball and finish the decoration with a few hazelnuts.

spiced caramel entremet
spiced caramel entremet

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  1. Hi. Thanx for sharing such a beautiful and fabulous recipe. My question is that in white mousse recipe you mixed the gelatin in the warm pate a bomb, wouldn’t that deflate the pat a bomb mixture? i ask you this bcoz once while making strawberry mousse i used italian meringue and when i added liquified, room temperature gelatin to it the meringue deflated considerably.

    your reply will be of great help.

    best regards

  2. Buna seara!
    V-as ruga sa imi spuneti daca poate fi inlocuita glucoza lichida din glazura de caramel si daca da, cu ce anume.

        1. Da. E de preferabil sa folosesti glucoza, dar merge si cu miere. Doar ca mierea, prin caramelizare, isi pierde valorile nutritionale si e pacat. Glucoza, in schimb, are un gust neutru si permite o caramelizare uniforma. Gasesti glucoza in unele magazine online.

  3. Olga te felicit pentru blogg, e superb.
    o intrebare: cit rezista decorul din caramela acum vara?
    si la ce diametru sunt prevazute proportiile?

    1. Multumesc mult, Elena!
      Decorul rezista daca nu e umiditate, nu conteaza cat de cald e atata timp cat il tii la loc uscat si ferit de soare direct. Insa umiditatea e cel mai mare dusman al caramelului de felul acesta.
      Nu mai stiu exact diametrul, undeva intre 24 si 28cm.

  4. Buna Olguta! Felicitari pentru tort, arata extraordinar 🙂 Voiam sa te intreb despre decoratiile de pe margine.. Sunt bucati de ciocolata „copsite” cu ceva auriu?

  5. Multumesc, Olguta! Am mers pe mana ta si de data asta si nu am dat gres!!!! Minunat!!! Bifat si reteta asta!?

  6. Can I ask what sort of gelatine is used in this recipe? I have platinum leaf gelatine, are the weights quoted for Knox powdered gelatine?

    1. Jason, you need to check the bloom of the gelatin you are used. My recipes are designed for 200-230 bloom. If your is weaker, you will need to use more gelatin. From what I can find online, Knox has 225 so it’s ok.

  7. Buna,
    . Reteta aceasta cere glucoza, care este destul de greu de manevrat, pot incalzi borcanul la bain- marie pt a o face mai maleabila? Se intinde, e lipicioasa si dificil de lucrat cu ea. Ce pot face? Mi s-a indoit si lingura :))
    Multumesc pentru retetele minunate,

  8. Buna! Vreau sa vad daca am inteles cum ar trebui montate starturile :

    peste blatul de cacao ungem mousse ul de ciocolata alba pe toata suprafata tortului sau urmam suprafata biscuitelui? (18 cm)

    iar dupa ce punem acel disc, punem restul de pere si peste toata suprafata, cel de al doilea mousse?
    practic, nu inteleg cum se asambleaza primul mousse. cel de al doilea imi este clar ca se pune pe toata suprafata. multumesc anticipat, sunt incepatoare si as vrea sa fac tortul acesta pentru ziua mamei mele <3

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