Tarta cu tonka si caise

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O fi sezonul caiselor gata, dar al tartelor nu! Mai ales cand ai o reteta atat de versatila, ce poate fi realizata si cu o multime de alte fructe: pere, mere, piersici, nectarine si chiar citrice. Crusta crocanta, crema aromata cu incredibila tonka si fructele proaspete fac din aceasta tarta o mica minune dulce.

tarta cu tonka si caise

Vremea se raceste usor, toamna a venit peste noi, dar e tocmai sezonul potrivit pentru a ne ascunde in bucatarie si a coace bunatati! Ca sunt tarte, gogosi sau torturi, jucati-va, indrazniti, rasfatati-va!

Tarta cu tonka si caise

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceasta tarta cu tonka si caise reuseste sa combine aceste fructe delicate cu o serie de ingrediente ce le pun in valoare cum nu se poate mai bine, astfel incat desertul final este maginific!
Rezultat –2 tarte
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


Pate sucree – aluat fraged:

  • 140 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 70 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 50 g ou intreg
  • 30 g faina de migdale
  • 280 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
  • 2 g sare

Crema de migdale:

  • 75 g unt 82% grasime (temperatura camerei)
  • 75 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 75 g pudra de migdale
  • 40 g galbenus
  • 15 g amidon de porumb
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • ¼ pastaie de tonka rasa

Veti mai avea nevoie si de 80g gem de caise si o mana de migdale felii

Caise sotate:

  • 8-10 caise intregi (injumatatite)
  • 15 g zeama de lamaie
  • 30 g zeama de portocala
  • 40 g zahar alb granulat
  • ½ pastaie de vanilie
Makes: 18cm round


Pate sucree – aluat fraged:

  • Mixati untul cu zaharul intr-un bol pentru aproximativ 1-2 minute.
  • Adaugati vanilia si oul si mixati bine.
  • Incorporati faina de migdale, apoi faina alba si sarea si framantati scurt pana obtineti un aluat omogen.
  • Formati o bila si infoliati apoi dati la frigider cateva ore.
  • Scoateti de la rece si intindeti o foaie subtire apoi taiati cercuri suficient de mari incat sa va incapa in inelele de tarte de 18cm Ø. Veti avea nevoie de 2 bucati.
  • Formati tartele in inele, apoi dati la frigider 30 minute.
  • Coaceti cojile in cuptorul preincalzit la 170°C pentru 15-20 minute sau pana devin usor aurii.
  • Lasati la racit apoi intindeti un strat uniform de gem de caise in fiecare coaja de tarta. Dati deoparte.

Crema de migdale:

  • Mixati untul si zaharul pudra pana devin cremoase.
  • Adaugati pudra de migdale, apoi incorporati galbenusul si amidonul.
  • Incorporati vanilia si tonka si mixati bine.
  • Puneti crema intr-un pos apoi umpleti cojile de tarta cu aceasta crema, avand grija sa nu depasiti marginea cojilor caci crema creste la cuptor.
  • Presarati cu cateva felii de migdale si continuati sa coaceti la 170C inca 15 minute sau pana tartele devin aurii.
  • Lasati la racit in tava, afara din cuptor.

Caise sotate:

  • Combinati zeama de lamaie, sucul de portocale, zaharul si vanilia intr-o tigaie. Dati in clocot.
  • Adaugati caisele si sotati 2 minute.
  • Luati de pe foc si folositi pentru a acoperi tartele.
  • Dati la rece 1 ora inainte de a servi tartele.
Keyword Caise, Tonka
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


The season of apricots may be over, but not the season of tarts. I mean, look at this beauty! One can always find an excuse to bake such a delicious dessert! This tonka apricot tart is anything you’ve ever dreamed of in terms of how a tart should be: crisp pate sucree, moist and fragrant filling and a topping that is fresh and vibrant. The star of this tart is definitely the tonka beans added to the frangipane. So much aroma in those tiny dark beans!

tonka apricot tart

The good news is that you can replace the apricots with other fruits, even pears or apples or perhaps peaches or nectarines. I’m also thinking citrus fruits, they would be delicious combined with the moist frangipane!

tonka apricot tart

Tonka Apricot Tart

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This tonka apricot tart manages to use the delicate apricots in a dessert that lets them shine, especially combined with the tonka bean which is an amazing spice to use in desserts.
Rezultat –2 pieces
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


Pate sucree:

  • 140 g butter (softened)
  • 70 g powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 50 g egg
  • 30 g almond flour
  • 280 g all-purpose white flour (sifted)
  • 2 g salt

Almond cream:

  • 75 g butter (softened)
  • 75 g powdered sugar
  • 75 g almond flour
  • 40 g egg yolks
  • 15 g cornstarch
  • 1/4 grated tonka bean
  • 5 g vanilla extract

You will also need 80g apricot jam for the first layer and a handful of almond slices for topping

Vanilla sauteed apricots:

  • 8-10 apricots (halved, pits removed)
  • 15 g lemon juice
  • 30 g orange juice
  • 40 g white sugar
  • 1/2 vanilla bean (seeds removed)
Makes: 18cm round


Pate sucree:

  • Mix the butter with the sugar in a bowl for 1-2 minutes.
  • Add the vanilla and egg and give it a good mix.
  • Stir in the almond flour, followed by the all-purpose flour and salt and mix just until the dough looks even.
  • Shape it into a ball then wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours, preferably over night to set.
  • Once chilled, roll the dough into a thin sheet then cut small pieces and use them to make your tartlet shells by placing the dough into tartlet rings.
  • Work the dough quickly to prevent it from warming up. If it’s too warm, keep it in the fridge then work it again.
  • Once your shells are ready, place them in the fridge for 30 minutes to set.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 170°C for 12-15 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
  • Allow to cool down in the tray then remove the rings and place aside until needed.
  • Allow the crust to cool down then spread a thin layer of apricot jam on the bottom of the crust and place in a pan lined with baking paper.

Almond cream:

  • Mix the butter with the sugar for 2 minutes until slightly pale.
  • Stir in the egg yolks and mix well, then add the almond flour, followed by the cornstarch, tonka beans and vanilla extract. Mix well.
  • Transfer the cream in a pastry bag fitted with a round nozzle then pipe it into the tart crust/shell, over the layer of apricot jam. Don't overfill the crust as the almond cream tends to rise as it bakes.
  • Sprinkle a few almond slices on top and continue to bake the tart at 170°C for 15 minutes or until golden brown.
  • Allow to cool down in the tray.

Vanilla sauteed apricots:

  • Combine the lemon juice, orange juice, sugar and vanilla in a saucepan. Bring to a boil.
  • Add the apricots and cook for 2 minutes, making sure to coat the apricots evenly in the syrup.
  • Remove from heat and use them to finish off the tart, arranging them over the almond cream.
  • Place in the fridge for 1 hour before serving.
Keyword Almonds, Apricots, Tonka
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
tarta cu caise si tonka

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  1. This looks so nice!
    I don’t have any 18cm pie tins but I have got a 23cm one do you think it would be ok to make a bigger one?
    Thanks x

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