Banana Bread De post

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E post si parca nu v-as mai ispiti cu dulciuri decadente si torturi ciocolatose. Am inceput saptamana cu un chec cu nuca de cocos, fara lapte, oua, unt sau smantana si o continuam in acelasi ritm cu inca un chec pe care il ador – banana bread de post, cu banane si stafide, plus multa nuca deasupra pentru un plus de gust si textura.

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E o banana bread de post extrem de aromat, poate si pentru ca nu are oua ori unt care sa-l mai dilueze, asa incat ingredientul de baza ramane banana, care leaga aluatul, il pastreaza proaspat si ii da o aroma aparte. Stafidele au fost o idee de ultim moment – tocmai primisem o punga de stafide de la Lidl si parca imi facea cu ochiul, dar nu e obligatoriu sa le puneti in compozitie.

banana bread de post

Banana Bread de Post

Acest banana bread de post nu contine ou sau lapte, asa incat este potrivit pentru o dieta vegana, dar si pentru cei care tin post!
Rezultat –1 chec
Dimensiuni: 20 x 6cm rectangle



  • 280 g faina alba (sau un amestec de alba cu integrala)
  • 2 g praf de copt
  • 2 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 2 g lingurita sare
  • 1 g scortisoara pudra
  • 125 g ulei vegetal neutru
  • 50 g zahar brun deschis
  • 100 g zahar alb granulat
  • 4 banane mici (piure)
  • 80 g lapte vegetal (nuca de cocos, soia, migdale, orez)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 5 g otet de mere
  • 80 g stafide (optional)

Glazura si topping:

  • 2 linguri lapte vegetal
  • 100 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 1 mana miez de nuca (tocat)
Makes: 20 x 6cm rectangle



  • Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati o forma de chec cu hartie de copt.
  • Amestecati ingredientele uscate intr-un bol si cele umede in alt bol.
  • Combinati cele doua mixuri si amestecati scurt doar pana la omogenizare.
  • Turnati amestecul in tava pregatita si coaceti pentru 35-40 minute sau pana trece testul scobitorii.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi transferati pe un platou.


  • Amestecati laptele cu zaharul pudra pana obtineti o glazura groasa, dar care curge, adaugand zahar sau lapte daca mai e nevoie, pana obtineti consistenta dorita.
  • Turnati glazura uniform peste chec si acoperiti imediat cu miez de nuca.
  • Lasati glazura sa se intareasca si feliati checul.
  • Sa aveti pofta!
Keyword Banane, De post, Miez de nuca, Vegan
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


I get asked a lot about vegan recipes lately – do I make vegan cakes, are they tasty, are they healthy seem to be some of the questions that I got quite often over the past few weeks. The answer is yes to all of them! Vegan cakes are not guilt free, but they surely are healthier and just as delicious as other cakes. Surprising, right?! Especially coming from a butter addict like myself. But hey, your taste buds can be thought to love things, they can be educated into enjoying certain foods and that’s what I’m doing with vegan desserts. So yes, I like them more and more and I find them to be part of a market that is expanding every day – people choose wisely what they eat nowadays and veganism is becoming more than a trend if you ask me, a no expert.

banana bread de post

So today I have for you the best banana bread I ever made! Yes, it’s vegan, yes, it’s delicious, yes, it’s moist and fluffy, yes, it’s packed with flavor. In fact, it has more flavor than any other butter and eggs version I ever tried. That might be the key actually – there’s no extra ingredient to wash away the banana flavor – it’s just pure banana! This vegan banana bread is perfect with a mug of hot tea or just on its own, as a sweet snack for those times you need an energy boost. Isn’t that great?! Also, check out this vegan coconut loaf cake as well – these two make a wonderful team!

Vegan Sultanas Banana Bread

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This vegan banana bread is so moist and delicious! You cannot go wrong with a banana bread, that's for sure!
Rezultat –1 loaf
Dimensiuni: 20 x 9cm rectangle



  • 280 g all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 125 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 g light brown sugar
  • 100 g white sugar
  • 4 bananas (mashed)
  • 80 g vegan milk (coconut, soy, almond or rice)
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 80 g sultanas

Glaze and topping:

  • 2 tablespoons vegan milk
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 1 handful walnuts (chopped)
Makes: 20 x 9cm rectangle



  • Preheat the oven to 350°F – 180°C and line a bread pan with baking paper.
  • Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.
  • Combine the wet ingredients in another bowl and mix well. Pour this mixture over the dry ingredients and mix quickly just until combined.
  • Spoon the batter in your prepared pan and bake for 35-40 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  • Allow the bread to cool in the pan then transfer on a platter.


  • Mix the milk and sugar in a bowl until well combined. If the glaze is too thin, add more powdered sugar. If it’s too thick, add a few drops of milk and mix.
  • Drizzle the glaze over the cooled bread and top with walnuts.
  • Serve right away.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
vegan banana bread3c

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