Tarta cu vanilie si Amaretto

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Amaretto mousseline tart

Ador tartele, dar cateodata sa fac aluatul fraged si sa coc crustele nu e tocmai cea mai placuta ocupatie. Asa ca in ultimul timp am tot cautat variante prin care sa scap de acest pas. Si am gasit varianta de mai sus – aceasta tarta eleganta, mult mai rapida si mai simpla, aromata si cremoasa, colorata si plina de texturi.

In plus, aceasta tarta mi-a oferit sansa sa incerc reteta unui blat caruia ii dadeam tarcoale de mult – biscuite cu martipan. E un blat crescut, dar textura lui merge mai mult spre un biscuite. Nu are agenti de crestere, se bazeaza pe aerul incorporat in oua si e absolut delicios. Se potriveste perfect cu vanilie, ciocolata, practic orice crema ori fructe la care va puteti gandi.

E tarta care mi-a ridicat increderea in mine si m-a facut sa realizez, din nou, cat de frumoasa e cofetaria si cat de simple pot fi ingredientele cu care lucrezi!

Amaretto diplomat tart

Tarta cu vanilie si Amaretto

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
O tarta moderne ce iese din clasicul crustei de tarta, dar absolut delicioasa datorita aromelor folosite.
Rezultat –2
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


Blat cu martipan:

  • 138 g martipan 50%
  • 40 g zahar alb granulat
  • 65 g galbenus
  • 50 g oua intregi
  • 80 g albus
  • 40 g zahar alb granulat
  • 15 g cacao
  • 35 g faina alba 000
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 35 g ciocolata neagra
  • 35 g unt 82% grasime

Crema diplomat cu vanilie:

  • 250 g lapte integral
  • 3 galbenus
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 80 g zahar alb granulat
  • 25 g amidon
  • 3 g gelatina + 15ml apa
  • 1 ½ lingurite extract de vanilie
  • 150 g smantana pentru frisca (spumata ferm)

Gel de Amaretto:

  • 200 ml sirop simplu
  • 80 ml Amaretto
  • 2 g agar agar

Veti mai avea nevoie si de:

  • Fructe rosii
  • 40 ml Amaretto pentru insiropat
Makes: 18cm round


Biscuite cu martipan:

  • Combinati martipanul, 40g zahar, galbenusul si ouale intregi intr-un robot de bucatarie si pulsate cateva minute pana obtineti un amestec spumos, deshis la culoare. Transferati compozitia intr-un bol.
  • Topiti ciocolata si untul intr-un vas pe baie de aburi.
  • Mixati albusurile cu un praf de sare pana devin spuma. Adaugati 40g zahar si continuati sa mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
  • Combinati 2-3 linguri de bezea cu ciocolata topita, apoi adaugati-o peste amestecul de martipan.
  • Incorporati cacaoa si faina, apoi adaugati restul de bezea.
  • Turnati blatul in 2 tavi rotunde de 18cm si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 20-25 minute.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi transferati pe un platou. Veti folosi doar un blat pentru aceasta tarta, insa il puteti congela pe cel de-al doilea.

Crema diplomat cu vanilie:

  • Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Mixati galbenusurile cu zaharul, sarea si amidonul. Turnati laptele fierbinte peste acest amestec, apoi intoarceti pe foc si gatiti pana se ingroase complet.
  • Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi acoperiti cu folie la suprafata si lasati sa se raceasca complet.
  • Mixati pana redevine cremoasa apoi adaugati vanilia si smantana batuta. Dati la rece.

Gel de Amaretto:

  • Incalziti siropul simplu pe foc (siropul simplu e un amestec din cantitati egale de apa si zahar, fierte cateva minute la foc mic).
  • Adaugati Amaretto si agar agar si fierbeti 30 secunde.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca complet timp de 3 ore, apoi omogenizati cu un blender si puneti intr-un pos.

Pentru a asambla tarta:

  • Umeziti blatul cu cele 40g Amaretto.
  • Puneti crema de vanilie intr-un pos cu dui (rotund) si puneti-o peste blat.
  • Acoperiti cu fructe rosii si cateva picaturi de gel de Amaretto.
  • Pentru mai mult efect, umpleti doua pipete cu Amaretto si asezati-le in blat.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Amaretto diplomat tart


I love tarts and tartelettes, but there’s one thing I’m not too fond of – making the crusts. I’m usually a very patient person, I like to work slowly and do the job well, but when it comes to these crusts, I’m a totally different pastry chef. So I’ve been looking for options and found this beautiful version of a tart that uses a sponge as a base and constructs the dessert by topping the cake with the cream then decorate with plenty of fruits. It’s a gorgeous version of a tart if you ask me, one that’s easier to make, one that offers countless possibilities of cakes, creams and décor.

This Amaretto diplomat tart has given me the opportunity to try a sponge recipe I was eager to try. The marzipan biscuit that I used as a base is soft, rises beautifully and tastes great combined with pretty much any topping you may think of. My choice for this particular tart was a fragrant Amaretto syrup, the silkiest diplomat vanilla cream and plenty of red fruits. To top it all off, I added tiny drops of Amaretto fluid gel into the fruits and on the diplomat. I loved the look of the final tart – it’s just so stylish, somehow fancy and elegant. I just love it! It managed to rise my spirit and trust in my skills so much!

Amaretto Diplomat Tart

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This tartlette is far from the classic crunchy crust filled with delicious cream. Instead, it uses a fluffy sponge as a base, but it is still delicious and just great to make!
Rezultat –1 tart
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


Marzipan Biscuit:

  • 138 g marzipan 50%
  • 40 g granulated sugar
  • 65 g egg yolk
  • 50 g whole eggs
  • 80 g egg whites
  • 40 g white sugar
  • 35 g all-purpose white flour
  • 15 g cocoa powder
  • 1 g salt
  • 35 g dark chocolate
  • 35 g butter

Vanilla Diplomat Cream:

  • 250 g whole milk
  • 90 g egg yolks
  • 1 g salt
  • 80 g white granulated sugar
  • 25 g cornstarch
  • 3 g gelatin + 15g water
  • 8 g vanilla extract
  • 150 g heavy cream (whipped to stiff peaks)

Amaretto fluid gel:

  • 200 g simple syrup
  • 80 g Amaretto
  • 2 g agar agar

You will also need:

  • Fresh red fruits
  • 40 g Amaretto
Makes: 18cm round


Marzipan Biscuit:

  • Combine the marzipan, 40g white sugar, the egg yolk and whole egg in a food processor and pulse for 5 minutes until the mixture looks pale and smooth, double in volume.
  • Transfer the mixture in a bowl and place aside.
  • Melt the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl over a hot water bath.
  • Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until foamy. Add 40g sugar and whip for a few more minutes until stiff and glossy.
  • Combine 2-3 tablespoons of meringue with the chocolate mixture then stir it into the marzipan mixture.
  • Add the flour into the marzipan mixture as well, then fold in the remaining meringue.
  • Pour the batter in 2 round cake pans and bake in the preheated oven at 350°F for 20-25 minutes.
  • Allow to cool down in the pan then carefully remove it and place on a platter. You will only need one sponge cake for this recipe.

Vanilla Diplomat Cream:

  • Heat the milk in a saucepan.
  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
  • Mix the egg yolks with salt, sugar and cornstarch in a bowl. Pour the hot milk over and mix well then return on heat and cook until thickened.
  • Remove off heat and stir in the gelatin.
  • Place plastic wrap on the surface and allow to cool down.
  • When chilled, mix until creamy then fold in the whipped cream.
  • Add the vanilla and mix well.

Amaretto Fluid Gel:

  • Heat the simple syrup in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Add the Amaretto and agar agar and cook for 30 seconds.
  • Remove off heat and allow to cool down for at least 3 hours.
  • When chilled and set, transfer it in a pastry bag.

To assemble the crust:

  • Place a sponge cake on a platter and brush it with Amaretto.
  • Spoon the pastry cream in a pastry bag with a round tip and pipe it on the biscuit.
  • Top the cream with red fruits and pipe the fluid gel over the fruits.
  • Fill 2 pipettes with Amaretto and decorate.
  • Serve chilled.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Amaretto diplomat tart
Amaretto mousseline tart

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  1. Buna Olguta,
    Spune-mi te rog cat este de mare dui-ul rotund ? Am si eu unul si nu-mi place cum iese. Eventual daca este scris vreun cod. Multumesc,

  2. Olguta, ce inseamna martipan 50%? Cel de la Dr Oetker pe care scrie martipan-pasta de migdale, e potrivit blatului acesta? Ca de fiecare data, intai lesin, abia apoi citesc reteta:) Azi il incerc pe momofuku, saptamana viitoare as folosi blatul cu martipan la un cheesecake cu pepene galben pentru tortul bunicii de aniversat 92 🙂

    1. Maria, martipan 50% inseamna martipan care are 50% migdale, ar trebui sa scrie pe pachet.
      Dar nu as folosi acest blat pentru cheesecake, decat daca e fara coacere 🙂

      1. Multumesc, Olguta! E fara coacere, da. Doar ca mi-o ramas blat de la Momofuku si ăsta cu migdale îl testez cu altă ocazie :))) Nu ma mai plimb cu_comentatu, las aci: Momofuku ăla cu lemon curd și zmeura e unul dintre cele mai delicioase torturi de le-am mancat vrodata. Si cel mai dulce, dar asta nu mai zic :))) Inca o data vreau sa te felicit pentru toata bucuria pe care o daruiesti prin munca ta.

  3. Olguta this looks so good – I am so impressed. The piping is lovely and I completely agree – I really don’t like baking the pastry cases for the fillings! This is a great idea, I also like the pate sable idea as a base for tarts as well.

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