Brownies cu bere neagra

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double chocolate stout brownies

Poate ati observat pe blog cateva trenduri, unul dintre ele fiind folosirea bauturilor in prajituri. Un trend a mult spus totusi, dar recunosc ca imi place mult cum se comporta alcoolul in prajituri. Ma refer in special la vin ori bere, desi folosesc des si rom si Amaretto, acestea din urma avand scopul de a aromatiza creme mai degraba decat blaturi.

Aroma bruta pe care o adauga vinul sau berea unui tort/blat/chec este inconfundabila. In plus, si textura este mult imbunatatita, asa incat nu ma dau in laturi de la a folosi un vin rosu intens ori o bere neagra in prajituri. Nu pe principiul Juliei Child insa: „imi place sa folosesc vin in bucatarie; cateodata il pun si in mancare”!

brownies cu bere neagra

Va ziceam acum ceva timp, la reteta de brownies a lui Pierre Herme, ca am gasit reteta perfecta, ca o ador. Si inca o fac, insa aceste brownies cu bere neagra au o cu totul alta textura si un alt gust, mult mai intens, merg pe o tehnica de preparare clasica, iar rezultatul final e o prajitura umeda, densa dar nu tare, care se pastreaza bine destul de mult timp si care merge perfect cu o cupa de inghetata si un sos matasos de ciocolata!

Brownies cu bere neagra

Olguta – Pastry Workshop


  • 200 g ciocolata neagra 70%
  • 200 g unt 82% grasime (cuburi)
  • 4 oua (medii)
  • 200 g zahar alb granulat
  • 50 g zahar brun deschis
  • 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
  • 120 g bere neagra
  • 100 g faina alba 000
  • 30 g cacao
  • 2 g sare


  • Cerneti faina cu cacaoa si sarea.
  • Topiti ciocolata cu untul intr-un bol pe baie de aburi apoi dati deoparte.
  • Combinati ouale, cele doua tipuri de zahar si vanilia intr-un bol si mixati pana obtineti o compozitie pufoasa, deschisa la culoare, care si-a triplat volumul.
  • Adaugati ciocolata topita si mixati scurt, apoi incorporati berea neagra.
  • Adaugati faina si amestecati scurt cu mixerul la viteza mica.
  • Turnati aluatul intr-o tava de 25x25cm si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pntru 25-30 minute sau pana centrul arata copt, usor crescut. Nu depasiti 30 minute intrucat se vor usca mult prea mult.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi taiati cuburi.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


You may have noticed a few trends on my blog, but one of them definitely is using booze in my desserts. And not just any drinks, but the ones that can print a certain earthiness on my desserts, ones that don’t yell „look at me, I’m here”, just those that support the other flavors or enhance them. So it was the case with my Chocolate Bacon Cake or Red Wine Chocolate Cake and the list can easily go on. The funny thing is I don’t even really like drinks like wine, beer or stout if I were to just drink them. Mind you, I just had to google the difference between beer and stout. But in desserts is a whole different story!

If there’s one thing the stout does for these brownies, that’s enhancing the flavor of the chocolate to the point where the deep, intense taste of chocolate swipes off you feet. It does have a double dose of chocolate though! And a good dose of dark, intense stout – any brand will do, but make sure it’s rich and strong.

double chocolate stout brownies

These double chocolate stout brownies don’t taste like beer though. They’ve got a certain bitterness and an earthiness coming from it, but the focal point surely is the chocolate….and the fudgy, silky inside. Biting into these brownies is heaven on earth for each of your taste buds – it tastes like all the chocolate is flooding your senses and making you reach for a second serving.

The recipe starts off as a classical brownie – chocolate and butter, melted together, then eggs and sugar whipped to double volume, followed by folding in the flour and cocoa powder. Nothing new here – until you pour in the dark stout and end up with a quite liquid mix, but one that will bake to perfection in the oven!

double chocolate stout brownies

Double Chocolate Stout Brownies

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
These double chocolate stout brownies make use of both the flavor of chocolate and the flavor of stout and the result is so delicious and moist. These brownies are definitely not your usual brownies!
Dimensiuni: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • 200 g dark chocolate (70%)
  • 200 g butter (cubed)
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 g white sugar
  • 50 g dark brown sugar
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 120 g dark stout
  • 100 g all-purpose white flour
  • 30 g cocoa powder
  • 2 g salt
Makes: 25 x 25cm rectangle


  • Sift the flour, cocoa and salt together in a bowl.
  • Melt the chocolate and butter in a bowl over a hot water bath.
  • Combine the eggs, sugars and vanilla in a bowl and whip for 5-7 minutes until triple in volume.
  • Stir in the melted chocolate and mix quickly just until incorporated.
  • Pour in the stout and mix quickly then add the flour mix and fold it in.
  • Pour the batter into a 25x25cm square pan lined with baking paper.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 350°F for 25-30 minutes or until the center looks almost set. Don't bake more than 30 minutes as it will dry out too much.
  • Allow to cool completely in the pan then slice and serve.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
double chocolate stout brownies
double chocolate stout brownies

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