Baba cu rom si iasomie – Jasmine Baba au Rhum
Cred ca suntem toti familiari cu savarinele romanesti, imbibate in sos lipicios, imbracate cu frisca vegetala si decorate cu o pensula de jeleu rosu. Sigur, aveau un farmec aparte cand eram copil si nu stiam prea multe despre deserturi – nu-mi dau seama exact ce ma atragea, poate norul acela pufos de frisca vegetala, poate cantitatea generoasa de blat si crema. Cert e ca de cate ori paseam intr-o cofetarie, savarina era prima care imi atreagea atentia si care sfarsea inevitabil in farfurie. Optiunile erau oricum extrem de limitate in cofetariile din acea perioada, nu prea aveai ce alege. Dar era buna pentru o papila de copil care isi dorea doar sa fie dulce dulce dulce.

Intre timp insa, m-am mai scolit putin, am incercat tot felul de retete si papilele mele au devenit mult mult mai selective cu ceea ce mananc. Asa se face ca nu am mai mancat o savarina de la cofetarie de ani buni. M-am orientat in schimb spre a mi le face eu acasa si am avut de-a lungul timpului cateva incercari, care mai de mare mai mult sau mai putin reusite. Am ajuns intr-un final la concluzia ca savarina adevarata se face cu aluat dospit si ca o savarina asa cum o fac francezii nu are nicio legatura cu cea pe care o facem noi, romanii. In plus, nici nu sunt asa de greu de facut de fapt. Sa fiu sincera, partea cea mai grea mi s-a parut spalatul tavilor de mini guguluf!
Dupa ceva munca de cercetare, m-am lovit de doi termeni: savarina si baba cu rom. Concluzia a fost ca cele doua produse sunt oricum foarte similare, diferentele fiind in special de forma: savarina se coace intr-o forma de inel, in timp ce baba se coace fie intr-o forma rotunda, foarte inalta, fie intr-o forma de guguluf in miniatura. O alta diferenta ar fi faptul ca aluatul de baba se imbogateste cu fructe uscate, desi nu e obligatoriu. Eu am optat sa nu pun fructe uscate din simplul motiv ca nu prea imi plac adaugate in creme sau aluaturi, dar e vorba strict de gustul personal, nu de o practica obligatorie.

Ce m-a inspirat pe mine in realizarea acestor mici prajituri a fost un desert apartinand lui Cristophe Adam – reprezenta o baba cu rom, servita intr-un pahar inalt, scaldata in sirop si acoperita cu chantilly din belsug. Mi-a placut mult ideea asa ca am pus mana pe prima carte pe care am vazut-o (Wayne Gisslen) si m-am pus pe treaba. Mi se pare oricum ca acest aluat si prajitura in sine sunt o baza extraordinara si iti permit sa modifici aromele ori forma. Pentru siropul care de fapt da gustul si aroma prajiturii, am ales iasomia si vanilia, insa voi puteti ramane pe clasica vanilie ori puteti plusa cu scortisoara, anason stelat, lamaie, portocala, lime ori cuisoare. Aici aveti cu adevarat libertate!
Nu sunt cel mai mare fan al aluaturilor dospite – framantatul nu e o activitate care sa-mi placa foarte mult – dar acest aluat e foarte hidratat si merge mixat cu orice mixer de mana pe care il aveti acasa. Si asta mi-a usurat mult munca pentru ca prin mixare obtineti un aluat omogen si elastic mult mai repede decat daca l-ati framanta. In plus, aluatul mixat astfel e atat de fin si elastic incat se si lucreaza foarte usor mai apoi.
Partea pe care o asteptati cu totii este insiroparea – fara acest sirop, babas ar fi destul de banale, simple brioche prea putin dulci. Siropul pentru savarine ori baba are procentaje destul de fixe de zahar si apa – de obicei in cantitati egale pentru a obtine un sirop gros, fluid. Eu insa prefer sa reduc zaharul cat de mult posibil, aducand un plus de aroma prin alte ingrediente. In plus, nu mi-am dorit un sirop lipicios, ci unul care doar sa-mi indulceasca usor desertul, pastrand iasomia, vanilia si romul in prim-plan.

Babas cu rom si iasomie
Aluat baba:
- 200 g faina alba pentru paine
- 2 g sare
- 4 g drojdie instant
- 5 galbenusuri
- 100 g lapte
- 15 g miere
- 70 g unt (topit si racit)
- 5 g extract de vanilie
Sirop cu iasomie:
- 300 g zahar alb granulat
- 500 g apa
- 1 lingura flori de iasomie
- 1 pastaie de vanilie (taiata in jumatate pe lungime)
- 40 g rom alb
Sos de zmeura:
- 100 g zmeura congelata
- 20 g zahar alb granulat
- 20 g apa
Crema chantilly:
- 400 g smantana pentru frisca
- 60 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
- Combinati drojdia, galbenusurile, laptele, mierea, untul si vanilia in bolul mixerului electric.
- Adaugati faina si sarea si mixati 10 minute cel putin, pana obtineti un aluat elastic si fin.
- Ungeti-va mainile si masa de lucru cu ulei apoi impartiti aluatul in 6-8 bucati si puneti-le in forme de guguluf in miniatura, unse cu unt in prealabil.
- Lasati la crescut pentru aproximativ doua ore apoi coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pana devin aurii (undeva la 15-20 minute ca timp de coacere aproximativ).
- Lasati sa se raceasca in forma apoi dati deoparte.
Sirop cu iasomie:
- Combinati zaharul, pastaia de vanilie si apa intr-un vas si puneti pe foc.
- Dati in clocot apoi adaugati florile de iasomie. Fierbeti 2-3 minute pana zaharul se topeste complet apoi dati deoparte si lasati sa infuzeze 10 minute. Treceti siropul printr-o sita fina si dati deoparte.
- Adaugati si romul alb.
Sos de zmeura:
- Combinati ingredientele intr-un vas mic si dati in clocot.
- Gatiti pentru 2 minute apoi treceti sosul printr-o sita fina pentru a inlatura semintele.
- Lasati sa se raceasca apoi umpleti pipetele cu acest sos.
Crema chantilly:
- Combinati smantana, zaharul si semintele pastaii de vanilie intr-un bol.
- Mixati pana obtineti o frisca bine batuta.
- Puneti frisca intr-un pos cu dui stea si dati la rece pana o veti folosi.
Pentru a asambla baba:
- Incalziti siropul cu iasomie intr-un vas – nu-l dati in clocot, trebuie sa fie cald, dar nu sa clocoteasca.
- Puneti prajiturile in sirop si lasati-le sa absoarba sirop cel putin 10 minute, asigurandu-va ca sunt inundate in sirop in permanenta.
- Luati cu grija prajiturile apoi umpleti-le si decorati-le cu chantilly, finisand cu o pipeta plina cu sos de zmeura.
- Si pentru ca mi-am dorit mult sa ma apriopii de varianta lui Cristophe Adam, am pus o baba intr-un pahar cu picior inalt – mi se pare o prezentare extrem de eleganta si classy!
Baba au rhum or savarin are two pastry products that are best sellers in Romania – every pastry store features them in a way or another. I do remember eating them as a kid, they were incredibly sweet and had a cloud of whipped cream on top, decorated with a red jelly – quite appealing for a kid attracted to contrasts and anything fluffy, right?!
But as I grew up and began baking, I realized that what I used to eat as a kid has nothing to do with the real baba au rhum or savarin. They were merely trying to copy the shape, but the taste wasn’t there – how could it be when you use ready made mixes and vegetable whipping cream?! For years, I ignored these little beauties, but a few days ago, as I was browsing Pinterest, I stumbled upon a picture of Christophe Adam’s Rum Baba – he served it in a glass and it was floating in syrup, topped with a cloud of natural freshly whipped cream. I resonated with the picture right away and my mind was set – I was going to bake a rum baba and flood it with raspberry sauce, combining the taste of raspberry with a delicate jasmine flower aroma.

I’m not usually a fan of yeasted dough, but this particular recipe yields a very soft, almost runny dough which can be kneaded in pretty much any mixer you have on hand. That surely simplified my job! Once mixed and the gluten properly developed, the dough is very easy to handle, especially with the help of vegetable oil. After shaping, the dough is left to rise and then baked – pretty simple, right?!
The fun part is soaking the baked babas in syrup – the options are endless. You can go for a simple vanilla syrup or be more adventurous and pick a flavor that brings everything to a whole new level. Star anise, lemon, orange, lime, cinnamon, cloves, rose or your favorite tea – how delicious all of these sound?! The baba au rhum itself is a base, while the syrup is the element that brings flavor, being well balanced by the topping – either chantilly or pastry cream.

Baba au rhum is a classic dessert with East European origins, the one product that stood at the base of creating the more famous savarin. The two of them are very similar though, the recipe is pretty much the same, the main difference being their distinctive shape – savarin is round, baked in a ring mold, while baba is either baked in a small, tall, round mold or in a miniature Bundt cake mold. Baba sometimes includes dried fruits in the dough as well, but they’re not compulsory. Both these desserts are baked until golden brown, then soaked in syrup and topped with whipped cream flavored with vanilla, also known as chantilly. Some sources quote vanilla pastry cream as option for filling the babas or savarins, while others indicate any cream that has a mousse like consistency.

Jasmine Raspberry Baba au Rhum
Enriched yeasted dough:
- 200 g white bread flour
- 2 g salt
- 4 g dried instant yeast
- 5 egg yolks
- 100 g milk (slightly warm)
- 15 g honey
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 70 g butter (melted and cooled)
Jasmine syrup:
- 300 g white sugar
- 500 g water
- 1 tablespoon jasmine flower buds (culinary use)
- 1 vanilla bean (split legthwise)
- 40 g white rum
Raspberry sauce:
- 100 g frozen raspberries
- 20 g white sugar
- 20 g water
Chantilly cream:
- 400 mlg heavy cream
- 60 g powdered sugar
- 1 vanilla bean (split legthwise)
Enriched yeast dough:
- Combine the yeast, egg yolks, milk, honey, butter and vanilla in the bowl of your electric mixer.
- Add the flour and salt and mix well for 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
- Split the dough into 6-8 pieces and place them all into greased miniature Bundt pans.
- Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rise at room temperature for 2 hours.
- Bake the babas in the preheated oven at 350°F – 180°C for 20-25 minutes or until well risen, golden brown and slightly crusty.
- Remove from the oven and from the pans and place aside to cool down completely
Jasmine syrup:
- Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan.
- Bring to a boil then add the jasmine buds, as well as the vanilla pod.
- Cook for 2-3 minutes then remove from heat and place aside to infuse for 10 minutes. Drain through a fine sieve and place aside.
- Add the white rum as well.
Raspberry sauce:
- Combine the ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
- Cook for 2 minutes then pass the sauce through a fine sieve.
- Allow it to cool down then fill the pipettes.
Chantilly cream:
- Combine the cream, sugar and the seeds of the vanilla bean in a cold bowl.
- Whip with an electric mixer until fluffy and stiff.
- Spoon the cream into a pastry bag fitted with a star nozzle.
To assemble the baba au rhum:
- Heat up the jasmine syrup just until it’s warm – don’t boil it once more, it has to be hot, but not steaming hot.
- Place the babas in the syrup and allow them to soak up for 10 minutes, making sure they are covered in the syrup all the time.
- Carefully transfer the babas on a platter.
- Top each of them with chantilly cream and finish with one or two pipettes filled with sauce.

In aceasta perioada a anului nu pot gasi flori de iasomie.Cu ce o pot inlocui,puteti sa imi spuneti,va rog?
Am scris in articol toate detaliile de acest gen 🙂
Looks delicious, especially with the raspberry sauce, thanks for sharing