Tarte cu mango si kalamansi

Cand cumpar ingrediente pentru prajituri se pot intampla doua situatii: fie plec cu lista de acasa si stiu exact unde trebuie sa ajung si ce am de luat, fie cumpar ingrediente care imi fac cu ochiul, de preferabil care sunt rare sau au un gust unic. Cam asa s-a intamplat si cu acest piure de kalamansi care a venit la pachet cu un alt preferat al meu – mango. Mango face echipa foarte buna cu citricele acrisoare – a se vedea tortul cu mango si lamaie, o adevarata legenda printre familie, prieteni si cunoscuti – dar combinat cu dulcele acrisor kalamansi, obtineti poate cea mai fina, racoritoare, aromata combinatie de gusturi.
As vrea sa va povestesc cate in luna si in stele despre acest desert, as vrea sa pot spune ca are o poveste emotionanta in spate, ca are la baza trairi si sentimente, ca imi aminteste de copilarie, dar nu pot. Nu pot pentru ca e un desert care s-a nascut in urma unui studiu atent a ceea ce inseamna kalamansi, a aromelor cu care se potriveste, un studiu a ceea ce inseamna fiecare componenta a acestui desert. Mi-am dorit enorm sa revin asupra mini tartelor, a tehnicii realizarii acestora. De aici a pornit totul – peste crusta crocanta, usor nisipoasa de tarta am adaugat intai de toate un cremeux fin de mango, apoi cel mai bun curd de kalamansi si am finisat tartele cu bezea caramelizata, sos de fructe de padure, firimituri crocante cu beurre noisette si picaturi de cremeux si curd pentru decor.

Tarte cu mango si kalamansi
Aluat fraged:
- 140 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 70 g zahar pudra
- 1 ou (temperatura camerei)
- 30 g faina de migdale
- 280 g faina alba (cernuta)
- 1 praf de sare
Cremeux de mango:
- 125 g piure de mango
- 3 galbenusuri
- 30 g zahar alb granulat
- 2 g gelatina + 10g apa rece
- 80 g unt (temperatura camerei)
Curd de kalamansi:
- 70 g piure de kalamansi
- 20 ml suc de lime
- 1 lingurita coaja de lime
- 180 g zahar alb
- 110 g unt (cuburi)
- 1 praf de sare
- 5 galbenusuri
Firimituri crocante:
- 50 g unt
- 100 g faina alba
- 10 g zahar pudra
- 1 praf de sare
Sos de fructe de padure:
- 100 g piure de fructe de padure
- 20 g zahar alb
- 1 g agar agar
Bezea elvetiana:
- 4 albusuri
- 180 g zahar alb
- 1 praf de sare
Aluat fraged:
- Mixati untul cu zaharul pentru cateva minute pana devi cremoase.
- Adaugati oul si mixati bine, apoi incorporati faina de migdale, urmata de faina si sare si framantati doar pana obtineti un aluat omogen.
- Infasurati aluatul in folie alimentara si dati la rece macar 30 minute.
- Puneti aluatul pe masa de lucru infainata apoi intindeti-l intr-o foaie subtire si taiati suficient cat sa va incapa in formele de mini tarte. Daca folositi forme de 8-9cm, veti obtine aproximativ 10 cruste.
- Faceti mici gauri in fiecare crusta folosind o furculita apoi coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 15 minute sau pana devin aurii.
- Lasati-le sa se raceasca in forme.
Cremeux de mango:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti piureul de mango pe foc mic – aveti grija caci tinde sa se lipeasca usor de fundul vasului, mai ales daca nu sunteti atenti la temperatura.
- Intre timp, mixati galbenusurile cu zaharul pana se deschid la culoare. Turnati piureul fierbinte peste si amestecati bine.
- Puneti iar pe foc mic si gatiti pana la 82C sau pana se ingroase usor. Cand e gata, dati deoparte si adaugati gelatina.
- Lasati sa se raceasca la 40C apoi incorporati untul.
- Turnati cremeux-ul in crustele reci, umplandu-le doar pe jumatate. Pastrati 1-2 linguri de cremeux intr-un pos pentru decor.
- Dati crustele la rece pana se incheaga cremeux-ul bine.
Curd de kalamansi:
- Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un bol termorezistent si gatiti 20-25 minute, amestecand continuu, pana amestecul atinge 80-85C si devine gros, usor gelatinos.
- Luati de pe foc si treceti printr-o sita fina.
- Lasati sa se raceasca apoi turnati in crustele de mini tarte, peste crema de mango.
- Dati din nou la rece.
- Combinati faina, zaharul si sarea intr-un bol.
- Turnati untul topit peste si amestecati bine.
- Intindeti firimiturile obtinute intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pana devin aurii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca.
Gel de fructe de padure:
- Combinati piureul, zaharul si agar agar intr-un vas.
- Gatiti 2 minute apoi luati de pe fic si dati la rece cateva ore.
- Puneti intr-un blender si pulsati pana obtineti un amestec fin.
- Turnati sosul intr-un pos mic si dati deoparte.
Bezea elvetiana:
- Combinati ingredientele intr-un bol termorezistent si puneti pe baie de aburi.
- Gatiti pana zaharul se dizolva complet, cateva minute, apoi mixati cu un mixer electric pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
- Puneti bezeaua intr-un pos cu dui rotund.
Pentru a asambla tartele:
- Decorati tartele deja umplute cu bezea pe care apoi flambati-o/caramelizati-o usor cu o torta. Cotinuati sa adaugati celelalte elemente: firimiturile de crumble, sosul de fructe de padure si cremeux-ul pastrat mai devreme. Finisati cu o frunzulita de menta.
Kalamansi, also known under the name of Golden lime or calamansi, is a mix between lime, kumquat and mandarin and it grows mostly in the Philippines and Malayasia, which makes them incredibly hard to source in Romania. But once in a blue moon, I do get the chance of finding them – either fresh or puree – and it’s pure joy! I’m a huge fan of citrus fruits as they are, but this mix of lime, orange, mandarin it has me all hooked up! I absolutely love the sweet and sour flavor, it’s truly unique and so versatile when it comes to dessert making. As a side note, kalamansi can be replaced with 1 part mandarin juice, 2 parts lime plus a bit of zest from each to boost the taste and flavor.

Imagine my happiness when I found frozen kalamansi puree! It wasn’t even in my freezer that I was planning desserts, searching recipes and imagining the final taste. I do love this bit of prepping before the actual recipe – it’s exciting because it involves lots of research about the actual ingredients, it involves sketches over sketches and simply imagining desserts over and over until I come up with a version that complies to my terms. It’s a fairly laborious work, it takes time and patience, but that’s one of the reasons I love it so much.

Not every dessert has an emotional story behind it – mines often don’t because they are designed just a few days prior to making them, they are well thought through and well planned and I believe they don’t need an emotional story to do with, but they do need precision, flavor, color, texture and taste. And that’s what I’m guiding myself after!
Kalamansi Mango Tartlettes
- 140 g butter (softened)
- 70 g powdered sugar
- 1 egg (room temperature)
- 30 g almond flour
- 280 g all-purpose flour
- 1 pinch salt
Mango cremeux:
- 125 ml mango puree
- 3 egg yolks
- 30 g white sugar
- 2 g gelatin + 10ml cold water
- 80 g butter (softened)
Kalamansi curd:
- 70 g kalamansi puree (or juice)
- 20 ml lime juice
- 1 teaspoon lime zest
- 180 g white sugar
- 110 g butter (cubed)
- 1 pinch salt
- 5 egg yolks
- 50 g butter (melted)
- 100 g all-purpose flour
- 10 g powdered sugar
- 1 pinch salt
Fluid berry gel:
- 100 g mixed berry puree
- 20 g white sugar
- 1 g agar agar
Swiss meringue:
- 4 egg whites
- 180 g white sugar
- 1 pinch salt
- Mix the butter with the sugar for a few minutes until creamy.
- Add the egg and mix well, then stir in the almond flour and give it a good mix.
- Add the flour and salt and mix to form a dough.
- Wrap the dough into plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 30 minutes.
- Place the dough on a floured working surface and roll it into a thin sheet.
- Cut small pieces of dough and use them to line your tartlette molds – 8cm diameter are mine.
- Prick the dough with a fork and bake in the preheated oven at 350F -180C for 15-17 minutes until golden brown and crispy.
- Allow to cool down in the molds then carefully remove and place aside.
Mango cremeux:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Bring the mango puree to the boiling point over low heat – be careful as it tends to stick to the bottom of the pan, especially if it’s a thick puree.
- In the meantime, mix the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl until pale. Pour the mango puree over the egg yolks and mix well.
- Return to the pot and place over low heat – cook until it reaches 82C and it looks thickened.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Allow to cool down to 40C then add the butter, mixing well to incorporate it.
- Pour about 1 tablespoon of mango cremeux in each tart shell/crust and refrigerate to set.
Kalamansi curd:
- Combine all the ingredients in a heatproof bowl and place over a hot water bath.
- Cook, stirring often, until the mixture reaches 80C and it looks thickened.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool down to room temperature then pour over the mango cremeux, filling the shells to the top.
- Refrigerate until set once again.
- Combine the flour, sugar and salt in a bowl.
- Pour the melted butter over and mix well.
- Spread the crumble in a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 350F – 180C for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and crispy.
- Place aside until needed.
Fluid berry gel:
- Combine the berry puree, sugar and agar agar in a saucepan.
- Place over low heat and cook for about 2 minutes.
- Remove from heat and allow to cool down then transfer in a blender and pulse until smooth.
- Spoon into a pastry bag and place aside.
Swiss meringue:
- Combine all the ingredients in a heatproof bowl and place over a hot water bath.
- Keep on heat until the sugar has fully dissolved then remove and mix with an electric mixer until it’s stiff and glossy.
- Spoon the meringue into a pastry bag fitted with a round tip.
To assemble the tartlettes:
- Decorate the mango kalamansi filled tartlettes with whipped meringue, crumble, drops of berry fluid gel, fruits, mint leaves and chocolate shards.

Kalamansi, cunoscut si sub numele de calamansi e un fruct care aduce mult a lime combinat cu mandarina si portocala. Are o aroma de care eu una m-am indragostit iremediabil. Din pacate, fructul nu prea se gaseste in Romania – eu il cumpar sub forma de piure destinat bucatariilor profesionale. Insa din cercetarile mele poate fi inlocuit cu un suc de lime combinat cu suc de mandarine (1 parte mandarina, 2 parti lime). Ce obtineti e un suc dulce acrisor, insa nu uitati si de coaja celor doua fructe – e indispensabila pentru a obtine un gust echilibrat.

Ce bine arata!
Ar fi ceva nou pentru mine, nu-mi dau seama cat de dificil este de facut aceasta reteta, dar sunt foarte tentata sa o incerc. Multumesc!
These are as pretty as they sound delicious! Love mangoes and this is like a beautiful celebration of summer.
Ce brand e piureul de kalamasi? 🙂 Eu mai folosesc paste/piureuri sau extracte se la Fabri si Aromitalia. La nevoie pot comanda prin tine? 🙂
Buna am si eu o intrebare ,cu ce as putea inlocui kalamasi ,sincer nu am vazut pe aici fructul asta si nu stiu ce gust are ,ca sa pot sa compar cu ce ar putea fi inlocuit . Multumesc.
Scrie si in articol – 1 parte mandarina, 2 parti lime si daca doresti, putina zeama de grapefruit.