Cupcakes cu morcov si unt caramelizat

Trebuie sa recunosc ca de cand am facut prima data beurre noisette, continuu sa-l fac in mod constant, gasindu-i diverse utilizari in retete. Insa gustul lui usor caramelizat se potriveste cu atatea alte ingrediente, incat e greu sa-l ignori, mai ales cand el, de sine statator, e atat de delicios! De aceasta data l-am adaugat intr-un aluat de cupcakes cu morcov, combindandu-l cu portocale, scortisoara si cardamom, condimente a caror substrat merge de minune cu aroma subtila a acestui unt caramelizat.
Tehnica in sine a usoara si partea buna e ca puteti face cantitate mai mare o data si pastra in frigider intr-un borcan exact ca pe orice alt unt. Incepeti prin a topi untul, orice cantitate, intr-un vas pus pe foc mic spre mediu. Pe masura ce se topeste veti observa ca pe fundul vasului incep sa se adune niste resturi, un lichid albicios, ceea ce e normal, untul nu e grasime pura ci mai contine si lapte sau apa. Daca va opriti in acest punct si decantati untul, obtineti unt clarifiat. Insa haideti sa mergem un pas mai departe! Continuati sa gatiti untul – la inceput va fierbe deoarece contine si alte lichide cum spuneam mai sus, dar pe masura ce acestea se evapora, incepe sa sfaraie si sa devina auriu. In momentul in care resturile din unt devin aurii si mirosul de unt e puternic, aducand usor cu alunele de padure, luati de pe foc. Aveti grija caci in acest punct se arde foarte repede! Lasati cateva minute sa se raceasca apoi folositi in reteta.

Cupcakes cu morcovi si unt caramelizat
- 50 g unt caramelizat (vedeti mai sus cum se face)
- 70 g ulei vegetal
- 200 g zahar alb granulat
- 100 g zahar brun deschis
- 3 oua
- 8 g coaja rasa de portocala
- 200 g faina alba 000
- 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
- 2 g praf de copt
- 2 g sare
- 1 g scortisoara
- 1 g ghimbir macinat
- 30 g fulgi de ovaz
- 30 g nuca de cocos maruntita
- 100 g miez de nuca maruntit
- 300 g morcovi rasi
Crema de unt cu ciocolata alba:
- 4 albusuri
- 1 g sare
- 200 g zahar alb granulat
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 250 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 150 g ciocolata alba (topita si racita)
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 180C si tapetati o forma de muffins cu hartiute speciale.
- Cerneti faina, sarea, bicarbonatul, praful de copt si condimentele intr-un bol.
- Mixati ouale cu cele doua tipuri de zahar pana devin cremoase si deschise la culoare.
- Adaugati untul caramelizat si uleiul in fir subtire, mixand bine.
- Incorporati amestecul de faina, apoi adaugati celelalte ingrediente, mixand cu o spatula, usor, de jos in sus. Aveti grija sa nu amestecati prea mult, doar pana la incorporare e suficient.
- Puneti aluatul in forma pregatita si coaceti 15-20 minute pana devin aurii si trec testul scobitorii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava.
Crema de unt cu ciocolata alba:
- Combinati albusurile cu zaharul si sarea intr-un bol. Puneti pe baie de aburi si gatiti 3-4 minute pana albusurile devin fierbinti si zaharul e topit complet.
- Luati de pe foc si mixati albusurile cu un mixer electric cel putin 10 minute pana bolul se raceste complet si obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa. Adaugati vanilia.
- Adaugati untul, tot o data, si mixati pana obtineti o crema fina, lucioasa. La inceput se va taia, dar continuati sa mixati pana isi revine.
- Adaugati si ciocolata alba si mixati scurt doar pana la incorporare. Puteti face acest pas cu o spatula.
- Puneti crema intr-un pos si decorati cupcakes dupa preferinta. In functie de felul decorului, s-ar putea sa aveti nevoie de mai multa sau mai putina crema de unt.
- Sa aveti pofta!
I admit it – I’m in love with brown butter. After using it for the first time in these cookies, I just fell in love with its fragrance and taste and the aroma it adds to baked goods. Also known as beurre noisette, brown butter is not a hard thing to cook – what’s hard is resisting the urge of dipping some bread in it (I’m a „love butter” kind of girl). The roasty, nutty flavor brown butter brings to desserts is well worth the messy stove! The technique itself is pretty straight-forward: heat the butter in a saucepan placed over low to medium heat. As the butter melts, you will notice the milk solids at the bottom of the pan – they are white-ish and liquidy. At this point, if you stop and drain out the clear butter, you get clarified butter. But let’s take it one step further! Keep cooking the butter until the milk solids begin to look golden brown and the butter itself looks clean and golden as well. Keep an eye on it as at this point, since there’s no liquid left in the butter to cook out, the fat tends to burn easily. Another way to know it’s done is to breathe in its distinctive nutty, buttery aroma. At this point, remove the saucepan from the heat and allow it to rest for 10 minutes then pour it in a desired container or use it in your recipe.

As for the flavors I chose for these cupcakes, here they are: carrots and cinnamon, walnuts and coconut, orange and brown butter and in the batter. The cherry on top is the white chocolate buttercream – this silky goodness was just perfect for this particular flavor combo, although a cream cheese buttercream would work just as good!
{Brown Butter Carrot Cupcakes} – Cupcakes cu morcov
- 50 g brown butter
- 70 ml vegetable oil
- 200 g white sugar
- 100 g brown sugar
- 3 eggs
- 1 tablespoon grated orange zest
- 200 g all-purpose flour
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 30 g rolled oats
- 30 g shredded coconut
- 100 g walnuts (finely chopped)
- 300 g grated carrots
White chocolate buttercream:
- 4 egg whites
- 1 pinch salt
- 200 g white sugar
- 250 g butter (softened)
- 150 g white chocolate (melted and cooled)
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- Pre-heat your oven to 350F – 180C and line a muffin tin with muffin papers.
- Sift the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and spices in a bowl.
- Combine the sugars and eggs in a bowl and mix with an electric mixer for 2-3 minutes until pale and creamy.
- Drizzle in gradually the butter and oil, mixing well. Add the orange zest as well.
- Stir in the flour mixture and give it a quick mix just until incorporated.
- Add the oats, coconut, walnuts and carrots as well and mix them in with a spatula.
- Spoon the batter in your muffin cups and bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown and fragrant.
- Allow the cupcakes to cool down in the pan.
White chocolate buttercream:
- Combine the egg whites, salt and sugar in a heatproof bowl and place over a hot water bath, making sure the bowl doesn’t touch the boiling water.
- Keep over medium heat, stirring all the time with a whisk, until the egg whites are hot and the sugar has dissolved.
- Remove the bowl from heat and begin whipping the whites with a mixer until glossy, firm and stiff and the bowl is completely cold. It will take about 10 minutes. Stir in the vanilla as well.
- Add the butter, all at once, and mix on low speed for 2-3 minutes. At first it will curdle up, but then it comes back together, don’t give up!
- Stir in the melted chocolate as well, mixing with a spatula just until incorporated.
- Spoon the buttercream in a pastry bag fitted with your favorite nozzle and decorate the cupcakes. Depending on the ype of decoration you make, you may need more or less buttercream than just a batch.

Arata foarte bine,interesanta combinatia plus aroma de beurre noisette,o sa incerc reteta dar cu o cantitate mai mica de zahar (pare cam mult in cupcakes) avand in vedere ca si morcovul(prin coacere) este un pic dulce
Poti sa reduci, dar si zaharul are rolul lui intr-o reteta, dincolo de gust.
Da,asa este,multumesc
Your piping always looks so perfect Oana! I haven’t made cupcakes for ages but I am intrigued your use of brown butter, these sound delicious! x