Mini Guguluf cu trandafir si zmeura

Mergi direct la reteta Guguluf cu zmeura si trandafir
rose velvet bundt cakes

Cu toate ca nu sarbatoresc de fel astfel de zile importate, febra rozului si a inimioarelor te prinde repede. Asa ca astazi am pentru voi o postare nu tocmai programata, dar zic eu binevenita luand in considerare ocazia. Aceste mici tortulete cu apa de trandafiri si crema de unt pe baza de zmeura sunt fine, delicioase, au un gust intens si fac un desert perfect pentru indragostiti.

Guguluf cu zmeura si trandafir

Aceste checuri guguluf in forma mini cu zmeura si trandafir sunt atat de dragute si parfumate!


Guguluf cu apa de trandafir

  • 350 g faina alba
  • 2 g sare
  • 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 200 g ulei cu gust neutru
  • 100 g unt topit
  • 250 g zahar alb granulat
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 5 g apa de trandafiri
  • 250 g lapte batut
  • Colorant rosu hidrosolubil
  • 5 g otet de mere
  • 2 oua medii

Crema de unt cu bezea si zmeura:

  • 4 albusuri
  • 200 g zahar alb granulat
  • 1 g sare
  • 3 gextract de vanilie
  • 250 g unt la temperatura camerei
  • 80 g piure de zmeura (gatit, nu crud)

Glazura de ciocolata alba:

  • 90 g ciocolata alba topita
  • 200 g zahar pudra
  • 40 g glucoza lichida (sau miere)
  • 40 ml apa fierbinte
  • 3 g extract de vanilie


Guguluf cu apa de trandafir:

  • Ungeti tavile de mini guguluf cu unt si pudrati-le usor cu faina.
  • Cerneti faina cu sarea si bicarbonatul intr-un bol.
  • In alt bol, amestecati laptele batut cu vanilia, apa de trandafiri, colorantul si otetul.
  • Intr-un bol mai mare, combinati uleiul, untul topit si zaharul si mixati 1 minut.
  • Adaugati amestecul de lapte batut apoi incorporati ouale.
  • Adaugati faina si mixati doar pana la incorporare.
  • Turnati aluatul in tavile pregatite si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 15-17 minute.
  • Lasati tavile sa se raceasca 10 minute apoi transferati torturile pe un gratar si lasati-le sa se raceasca complet.

Crema de unt cu bezea si zmeura:

  • Incepeti prin a combina albusurile cu zaharul, sarea si vanilia intr-un bol curat si rezistent la caldura.
  • Puneti pe baie de aburi si gatiti amestecul pana devine fierbinte si zaharul se topeste complet.
  • Luati de pe foc si mixati pana bolul se raceste complet si obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
  • Adaugati untul, tot odata, si mixati 2-3 minute la viteza mica pana obtineti o crema fina, lucioasa.
  • Adaugati piureul de zmeura, cate o lingura o data, amestecand cu o spatula sau un tel.
  • Puneti crema intr-un pos cu dui stea si dati deoparte.

Glazura de ciocolata alba:

  • Combinati toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecati bine. Daca glazura e prea groasa, adaugati 1 lingurita apa fierbinte. Daca e prea subtire, mai adaugati putin zahar pudra.

Pentru a asambla checurile:

  • Glazurati fiecare guguluf cu glazura de ciocolata alba si puneti-le pe gratar pentru a scurge excesul de glazura.
  • Umpleti si decorati fiecare tort cu crema de unt si zmeura.
  • Decorati cu zmeura, capsune, ciocolata si chiar sos de zmeura.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
rose velvet bundt cakes


rose velvet bundt cakes

This post wasn’t necessarily planned. But it happened that I wanted to try adding fruit puree to my usual Swiss Meringue Buttercream recipe, frosting that needed to be used on something. So I just went with the flow and came up with these Rose Velvet Bundt Cakes – not only they have the most beautiful pink color I can imagine, but they’re also incredibly moist and rich, perfect with the white chocolate glaze and the raspberry Swiss meringue buttercream. The chocolate heart and strawberry just felt like the best options for decor!

rose velvet bundt cakes-1b

Rose Velvet Bundt Cakes

Olguta – Pastry Workshop


Rose Velvet Bundt Cakes:

  • 350 g all-purpose flour
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 100 g butter (melted)
  • 250 g white sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon rose water
  • 250 ml buttermilk
  • ½ teaspoon red food coloring
  • 1 teaspoon white wine vinegar
  • 2 eggs

Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 200 g white sugar
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 250 g butter (room temperature)
  • 80 g raspberry puree (cooked, not raw)

White Chocolate Glaze:

  • 90 g white chocolate (melted)
  • 200 g powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 40 g liquid glucose (replace with honey)
  • 40 ml hot water
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


Rose Velvet Bundt Cakes:

  • Grease your miniature Bundt cake pans with butter and sprinkle with a thin layer of flour.
  • Sift the flour, salt and baking soda in a bowl.
  • Mix the buttermilk, food coloring, vanilla, rose water and vinegar in another bowl.
  • Combine the oil, butter and sugar in a bowl and mix well for 1 minute. Add the buttermilk and mix well then stir in the eggs and give it a good mix.
  • Fold in the flour and mix just until incorporated.
  • Spoon the batter into the prepared Bundt cake pans and bake in the preheated oven at 350F – 180C for 15-17 minutes.
  • Remove from the oven and allow the pans to cool down for 10 mintues then remvoe the cakes from the pan, placing them on a wire rack to cool down.

Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

  • Combine the egg whites, sugar, salt and vanilla in a clean heatproof bowl.
  • Place the bowl over a hot water bath and cook, mixing all the time with a whisk, until the sugar dissolves completely and the mixture is hot.
  • Remove from heat and start mixing the egg whites with a mixer until it becomes a glossy, stiff meringue. It may take about 10 minutes.
  • When the meringue is done, add the butter, all at once and mix on low speed for 2-3 minutes. At first, the mixture will curdle up, but keep mixing until it comes together into a silky, glossy cream.
  • Stir in the raspberry puree, 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing with a spatula or whisk until well incorporated.
  • Spoon the buttercream in a pastry bag fitted with a star nozzle and place aside.

White Chocolate Glaze:

  • Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix until smooth and glossy. If the glaze is too thick, add 1 more teaspoon of water. If the glaze is too thin, add more powdered sugar.

To assemble the dessert:

  • Dip each Bundt cake into the white chocolate glaze and place on a wire rack to drip off.
  • Pipe the buttercrea into each Bundt cake.
  • Decorate with fresh strawberries, raspberries or chocolate.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
rose velvet bundt cakes
rose velvet bundt cakes

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  1. When making the Raspberry Swiss Meringue Buttercream, step four states to, „When the meringue is done, add the butter, all at once and mix on low heat for 2-3 minutes”. I followed this even though it didn’t feel right. After a second attempt and instead of mixing on low heat, I mixed on low speed, it turned out wonderfully! Very delicious!

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