Tort cu bombonele colorate

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funfetti cake
tort cu bombonele colorate

Funfetti e un trend care a inflorit mult in ultimii ani, dar care nu m-a prins pana recent. Acest trend sa-i spunem, presupune folosirea multor bombonele colorate, fie pentru decor, fie in interiorul tortului. Incercand sa-mi dau seama cum sa fac acest tort cu bombonele colorate sa iasa in evidenta dincolo de decorul sau, m-am orientat putin si spre interior si am ales un blat usor acrisor datorita continutului de lapte batut, pe care l-am combinat cu o crema de unt cu branza. Odata asamblat tortul, l-am imbracat in crema de unt si l-am acoperit aproape complet cu bombonele colorate. Si imi place maxim ce a iesit!

Tortul in sine este super umed – ador blaturile care contin lapte batut, iaurt sau smantana fermentata – aroma pe care o dezvolta in timpul coptului este incredibila!

Tort cu bombonele colorate

Funfetti este un trend care nu m-a prins decat recent, dar tare mult imi place ce a iesit! E un tort super aromat si umed, a carui punct forte il reprezinta insa partea estetica.
Rezultat –1 tort
Dimensiuni: 10cm round


Blat cu lapte batut

  • 345 g faina alba 000
  • 8 g praf de copt
  • 2 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 2 g sare
  • 345 g zahar alb granulat
  • 200 g unt rece (cuburi)
  • 200 g lapte batut
  • 10 g extract de vanilie
  • 3 oua + 100g lapte batut

Crema de unt cu bezea elvetiana

  • 4 albusuri ~ aprox. 120g
  • 200 g zahar alb granulat
  • 1 g sare
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 250 g unt (temperatura camerei)

Umplutura tort

  • 150 g crema de unt cu bezea elvetiana (reteta mai sus)
  • 300 g crema de branza (temperatura camerei)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie

Veti mai avea nevoie si de bombonele colorate pentru decor

Makes: 10cm round


Blat cu lapte batut

  • Combinati ouale si 100g lapte batut, plus vanilia intr-un bol.
  • Cerneti faina, praful de copt, bicarbonatul si sarea intr-un bol.
  • Adaugati zaharul apoi untul rece si mixati pana devine un amestec nisipos.
  • Incorporati laptele batut, apoi adaugati amestecul de oua si lapte batut. Mixati la viteza mare pentru un minut apoi impartiti aluatul in mod egal intre doua tavi de 18cm tapetate cu hartie de copt.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 40-45 minute.
  • Cand sunt gata, lasati-le sa se raceasca apoi nivelati partea de sus si taiati blaturile in jumatate pentru a obtine un total de 4 discuri. Dati deoparte.

Crema de unt cu bezea elvetiana

  • Combinati albusurile, zaharul, sarea si vanilia intr-un bol si puneti pe baie de aburi, gatindu-le pana zaharul se topeste complet si amestecul atinge 75℃..
  • Mixati pentru 8-10 minute pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa, iar bolul este rece.
  • Adaugati untul si mixati cateva minute pana obtineti o crema fina. Este posibil ca la inceput amestecul sa arate taiat – continuati sa mixati, isi va reveni!


  • Mixati crema de branza cu vanilia apoi adaugati untul si amestecati cu o spatula doar pana la incorporare.
  • Puneti crema intr-un pos si dati deoparte.

Pentru a asamblat tortul

  • Puneti un disc de blat pe un platou. Acoperiti cu crema de branza cu unt, apoi inca un disc de blat, crema si tot asa.
  • Colorati restul de crema de unt cu verde, albastru sau roz, nivelati marginile si partea de sus a tortului apoi decorati cu bombonele colorate.
Keyword Bombonele colorate, Lapte batut, Vanilie
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Funfetti is a whole new experience for me. It’s been a few years since I started baking, but never really gave funfetti a chance until a few days ago. Don’t get me wrong, I do love sprinkles, but they’re not suited for every cake or dessert and there was a time when you could literally see them everywhere. So now that the trend is over, here I am with my own version of funfetti cake. I’ve always tried to detach myself from the world and what better way to do that than a colorful cake?! Let the sprinkles party begin!

felie tort cu bombonele colorate
funfetti cake
tort cu bombonele colorate

There are so many version of funfetti out there that I kept wondering how to make my cake stand out – I decided to bet my money on the taste of the cake and keep the exterior plain and simple, colorful and cheerful. And this is how this Funfetti Buttermilk Cake was born – the buttermilk sponge cake has that distinctive buttermilk, slightly sour flavor, while the cream cheese buttercream filling is just what the cake needs to balance itself out. In addition to this, I like to use a cream cheese that it’s slightly salty so the final filling is sweet with a kick of salty, perfectly combined with the sweet and sour sponge cake, well balanced by the buttercream glazing and a plethora of sprinkles. A beautiful cake with a delicious flavor combo is pure heaven on earth if you ask me!

funfetti cake

Funfetti Buttermilk Cake

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Funfetti is a new concept to me, but one that I got to actually enjoy as the process of making funfetti desserts is… well, fun (doh, the name says it all!). But this cake is actually so soft and delicious! Well worth trying it!
Rezultat –1 cake
Dimensiuni: 18cm round


Buttermilk Sponge Cake:

  • 345 g all-purpose white flour
  • 8 g baking powder
  • 2 g baking soda
  • 2 g salt
  • 345 g white granulated sugar
  • 200 g cold butter (cubed)
  • 200 gl buttermilk
  • 10 g vanilla extract
  • 3 eggs + 100g buttermilk

Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 200 g white sugar
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 250 g butter (softened)


  • 150 g buttercream
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 5 g vanilla extract


  • Colorful sprinkles
Makes: 18cm round


Buttermilk Sponge Cake:

  • Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt in a bowl.
  • Mix the eggs and 100ml buttermilk, as well as vanilla in a bowl.
  • Add the sugar and mix well then stir in the butter and mix with an electric mixer until sandy.
  • Stir in the buttermilk, then add the egg mixture, gradually.
  • Mix on high speed for 1 minute then divide the batter between two 18cm cake pans lined with baking paper.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 180℃ for 40-45 minutes or until the cakes pass the toothpick test.
  • Cool down then level the cakes and cut in half to obtain 4 discs.

Swiss Meringue Buttercream:

  • Combine the egg whites, sugar, salt and vanilla in a heatproof bowl and place over a hot water bath.
  • Heat up the mixture until the sugar is completely melted and the mixture has reached 75℃ then remove from heat and mix the whites for 8-10 minutes until stiff and glossy and the bowl is cold.
  • Add the butter and mix well until the cream is silky and smooth. It may look curdled at first, but keep mixing as it will eventually come back together.


  • Mix the cream cheese and vanilla in a bowl.
  • Add the buttercream and mix quickly just until incorporated.
  • Spoon the filling into a pastry bag and place aside.

To assemble the cake:

  • Level the cakes and cut them in half to obtain two discs of sponge cake.
  • Place one disc on a platter. Add a layer of cream cheese filling and continue with another disc of sponge cake. Carry on until you finish with the cake and filling.
  • Use the remaining Swiss meringue buttercream to cover the cake.
  • Decrate with sprinkles and serve the cake chilled.
Keyword Buttercream, Buttermilk, Sprinkles, Vanilla
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
funfetti cake

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