Anzac Biscuits

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Nowadays served during the Anzac Day (25th April) in Australia and New Zealand, Anzac biscuits are said to have been shipped to the ANZAC soldiers (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) by their wives or mothers during the war because the biscuits could last for weeks without spoiling. Moreover, they were fairly cheap to make, filling and nutritious, just what a soldier needed for an energy boost. True or not, it’s this piece of history that makes these biscuits so special. And beyond that, it’s their amazing taste, crumbly bite and chewy texture that made me bake them.

anzac cookies

Truth to be told, this is my third try at Anzac biscuits – the first two were different recipes and a total fail. I would have given up on them if they didn’t have one of my favorite  biscuits ingredients – oats. I don’t normally eat oats in cereals or otherwise, but I love them in biscuits and a boost of fibers in a diet is always welcomed, isn’t it?! Especially when it comes from such a delicious source as these biscuits!

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