Tarta cu banane si caramel

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tarta cu banane si pretzel

In ultimul timp am fost putin (putin mai mult) obsedata de combinatia de dulce si sarat, dar mai ales de ideea de a folosi pretzels – covrigei sarati in deserturi. Si cum necum, de la fursecurile astea nemaipomenite cu unt de arahide si pretzels, am ajuns la o tarta atat de aromata si delicioasa ca inca ma gandesc la ea. Este, sa zicem, o banoffee pie usor modificata – pentru cei care se intreaba, banoffee pie e o tarta englezeasca cu banane si dulce de leche/caramel. De fapt, singura mare diferenta e crusta care include covrigei sarati, cu toate ca am simtit nevoia sa adaug si un element extra – un strat de ganache de ciocolata care mi s-a parut mie ca a echilibrat foarte placut celelelate componente. Multa frisca deasupra si un decor simplu din aschii de ciocolata si pretzels sunt tot ce aceasta tarta mai are nevoie.

Tarta cu banane si pretzel

Aceasta tarta cu banane si pretzel este minunata datorita contrastului dulce-sarat!
Rezultat –1 tarta
Dimensiuni: 20cm round



  • 150 g pretzels/covrigei sarati
  • 100 g biscuiti graham
  • 100 g unt topit


  • 2 banane bine coapte
  • 1 conserva lapte condensat sau dulce de leche


  • 100 g frisca lichida
  • 100 g ciocolata neagra
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 1 lingurita rom
  • +200ml smantana pentru frisca (spumata)

Ciocolata si pretzels pentru decor

Makes: 20cm round



  • Combinati pretzels si biscuitii intr-un robot si pulsati pana se macina fin.
  • Adaugati untul topit si pulsati din nou apoi transferati amestecul intr-o tava de aprox 20cm diametru si presati bine pe fundul si peretii formei.
  • Coaceti crusta la 180C pentru 10-15 minute pana devine usor aurie apoi lasati sa se raceasca si dati la rece pana va ocupati de celelalte elemente.


  • Daca aveti dulce de leche gata facut, asezati feliile de banana peste crusta si acoperiti cu dulce de leche.
  • Daca nu aveti dulce de leche, veti avea nevoie de o conserva de lapte condensat. Faceti o gaura in partea de sus a conservei si asezati conserva intr-un vas cu apa fierbinte, suficient cat sa-l acopere pana la marginea de sus. Puneti vasul pe foc mic si fierbeti 3-4 ore pana lichidul care iese prin gaura din conserva e de culoarea caramelului. Aveti grija sa mai completati apa din vas pe masura ce se evapora. Dupa ce ati facut dulce de leche, asezati feliile de banana in crusta si acoperiti cu dulce de leche.


  • Incalziti 100ml frisca pana la punctul de fierbere. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amestecati bine pana se topeste complet apoi incorporati vanilia si romul si turnati ganache-ul peste dulce de leche si dati la rece.
  • Decorati cu frisca batuta, ciocolata si pretzels maruntiti.
  • Sa aveti pofta!
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


It seems that I’m not yet over my salty-sweet combination of tastes and I keep finding excuses to try these new ideas I keep getting. Although this tart is not something I invented, rather something I craved for and since I had all the ingredients on hand, here it is – a rich, buttery, packed with flavor tart that combines the most amazing caramel with some over-ripe bananas, plenty of chocolate and a delicate cloud of whipped cream.

tarta cu banane si pretzel

This caramel banana pretzel tart is sweet, fragrant, rich, creamy, silky and yet texturized, it’s basically all you ever wanted from a tart and much more. It’s a banoffee pie brought to a whole new level with the addition of a rich chocolate ganache and a salty, crunchy pretzel tart and it’s absolutely perfect if you like bananas, pretzels, chocolate and the mix of silky and crunchy in the same bite.

Caramel Banana Pretzel Tart

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –8 servings



  • 150 g pretzels
  • 100 g graham crackers
  • 100 g butter (melted)


  • 2 ripe bananas (sliced)
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (or dulce de leche)


  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 100 g dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon dark rum
  • 200 ml heavy cream (whipped)



  • Combine the pretzels and crackers in a food processor and pulse until fine and ground.
  • Add the melted butter and mix well then transfer into a round tart pan (20cm diameter). Press the crust well on the bottom and sides of the pan and bake in the pre-heated oven at 350F for 10 minutes until golden brown.
  • Remove from heat and allow to cool.


  • If you have dulce de leche, things are very straight forward – arrange the banana slices in the crust and pour the dulce de leche over the bananas.
  • If you don’t have dulce de leche, make a whole in the top of your condensed milk can and place the can in a pot. Fill the pot with water until it reaches the top, then place over low heat and cook for 3-4 hours until caramel begins to show through the hole you made in the can. Remove from heat and allow to cool then cut open the can and use.


  • Bring 100ml cream to the boiling point in a saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate.
  • Mix until melted and smooth then stir in the vanilla and rum. ALlow to cool then pour the chocolate over the dulce de leche and place in the fridge.
  • Allow to set then top with whipped cream.
  • Decorate with chocolate and pretzels and serve chilled.
Keyword Banana, Caramel
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
tarta cu banane si pretzel

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