Chec simplu cu ciocolata neagra

Am zile cand nici nu vreau sa ma apropii de bucatarie, zile cand viata trece ca tavalucul si nu mai apuc sa fac mare lucru, insa ies repede din starea aia si imi amintesc ca sa fiu in bucatarie e ceea ce imi place, cofetaria e nu doar o meserie, ci si o mare pasiune. Si imi fac curaj si ma indrept spre bucatarie, unde, cel mai adesea in astfel de situatii, fac ceva rapid – stiti voi, genul de reteta care se face in doi timpi si trei miscari si are un gust super fara prea mult efort. Pana la urma, cate napolitane din comert poate manca omul?! Si acest chec cu ciocolata neagra e exact genul ala de reteta – e atat de simplu incat nici vase de spalat nu veti avea prea multe!

Chec umed cu ciocolata neagra
- 225 g zahar alb granulat
- 110 g faina alba
- 45 g cacao neagra
- 4 g bicarbonat
- 2 g praf de copt
- 1 g sare
- 1 ou
- 125 g smantana acra
- 110 g apa fierbinte/cafea
- 65 g ulei vegetal
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 170-180°C si tapetati o forma mica de chec – 20x10cm aproximativ – cu hartie de copt.
- Amestecati faina si restul ingredientelor uscate apoi adaugati in acelasi bol si ingredientele umede.
- Mixati cu un tel doar pana la incorporarea completa apoi turnati blatul in forma de chec pregatita.
- Coaceti pentru 30-35 minute pana checul a crescut frumos si isi revine la forma initiala daca apasati usor la suprafata.
- Lasati checul sa se raceasca in tava inainte de a-l felia.
And there are days when I don’t feel like stepping in the kitchen at all, there are days when I feel like chewing on a store-bought dessert and don’t even look at my baking pans or ingredients… but then I snap out of this mood and remind myself the baking, and cooking for that matter, is fun, is my passion, the one thing I have motivation and calling for. I mean, yes, baking can be that scary, complex and difficult to master thing, but luckily not every aspect of it comes with too many ingredients or far too complicated directions. And this fudgy chocolate loaf cake is precisely that – easy recipe that tastes amazing, definitely better and healthier than any store-bought dessert you can think of and so simple that even a child could master it. It’s the kind of recipe that you mix in one bowl and bake quickly then enjoy simple or with ice cream or with fruits or in a trifle or a pudding – it’s versatile so let your imagination go wild when it comes to toppings or garnishes!

Fudgy Chocolate Loaf Cake
- Fudgy Chocolate Loaf Cake
- 225 g sugar
- 110 g all-purpose white flour
- 45 g Dutch processed cocoa powder
- 4 g baking soda
- 2 g baking powder
- 1 g salt
- 1 egg
- 125 g sour cream
- 110 g hot water/coffee
- 65 g vegetable oil
- Pre-heat your oven to 350°F and line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
- Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.
- Add the wet ingredients and give it a quick mix just until combined – don’t overmix the batter.
- Pour the batter in the prepared pan and bake for 30-35 minutes or until well risen and it springs back if pressed gently on its surface.
- Remove from the oven and let it cool in the pan – as it cools it will slightly deflate.
- Notes
- These quantities are enough for a small loaf cake – 20x10cm – for bigger pans make 1½, up to 2 portions of batter and increase the baking time accordingly.

Wow, this looks delicious. I wish I could have had this for breakfast! Pinning for later :).
Thank you! THis must be one of the easiest recipes ever posted on my blog, but also one of the best. I layered the last slice of this with whipped cream and strawberries – what a delicious treat!
Buna Olguta,
Vroiam sa-ti spun ca in wee-kend am facut tortul Padurea Neagra si a iesit super bun!Nu ma asteptam la un gust asa divin,singurul lucru ce am schimbat la reteta a fost ciresele le-am inlocuit cu visine ca nu am avut cirese la congelator.
Super, ma bucur ca ti-a iesit bine, Alina. Multumesc pentru incredere.
This looks so delicious, I love gooey fudgey cake like this. I will certainly have to make this recipe.
I completely agree with you about finding time for baking, sometimes a major patisserie project is so daunting, but a nice simple bake can be therapeutic.
Indeed, like takes over sometimes, but I just have to remind myself why I am doing this and how much I enjoy it.
Do give it a try, it’s so easy and tasty!
That cake looks SO incredible! Super chocolatey and moist – yummy!! Pinned 🙂
Thank you, Christina!
if I’m going to use 23 x 13 x 8 cm loaf pan do i need to double the portions of batter ? even the baking powder, the baking soda and salt ! many thanks
I would double the recipe, yes.
Oh this looks so moist and yummy – great cake Olguta.
Thank you, Angela!