Tarta cu banane caramelizate

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caramelized banana tart

I have a thing for tarts and tartlettes lately – maybe it’s their shape, maybe their versatility or maybe just their amazing taste, I can’t pinpoint it. But there’s a huge interest for these beautiful, delicious tarts, baked in tiny metallic molds, either round or square, filled with silky vanilla pastry creams, plenty of fruits and even more chocolate. All the possibilities and very little time!

caramelized banana tart

Just think about it – you have one crumbly crust that melts in your mouth, you have a pure white vanilla pastry cream upgraded to the level of Mousseline by adding whipped cream, caramelized bananas for flavor and chocolate cremeux for even more creamy texture and for tase. what’s not to love about all these components?! Even taken individually, these elements are delicious and can be included in other desserts as well! In fact, this must be one of my favorite things about being a pastry chef – you get to play around with ingredients, elements and there’s always a new way of doing so, there’s always a bit of creativity left to mix them up in a whole new dessert.

Years back, when I was just starting to understand what pastry is and what I could do with it, I thought tarts were not worth my time. I didn’t see them as versatile as they are and I surely didn’t think it was possible to use the tart crust as a black canva for anything I can imagine as a filling and decoration. Back then, tart meant a random shell, the classic vanilla pastry cream and some fruits on top, that’s all! But years went by and I’m no longer the girl I used to be and surely not the novice I was. And even though I’m still far far away from the level I’d like to be, I’ve evolved quite a lot over the past years and I will keep doing so because I absolutely love it. Pastry is healing for my soul!

{Caramelized Banana Tart}

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –1 20-cm tart



  • 70 g butter (softened)
  • 35 g powdered sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 20 g almond flour
  • 150 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 pinch salt

Dark Chocolate Cremeux:

  • 125 ml heavy cream
  • 80 ml whole milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 whole egg
  • 30 g sugar
  • 140 g dark chocolate
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Vanilla Mousseline Cream:

  • 250 ml whole milk
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 70 g sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 20 g cornstarch
  • 2 g gelatin + 10ml cold water
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 100 ml heavy cream (whipped)

Caramelized Bananas:

  • 2 bananas (sliced)
  • 50 g white sugar
  • 10 g brown sugar
  • 30 ml water
  • 50 ml fresh orange juice
  • 15 g butter
  • 1 tablespoon dark rum



  • Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl until creamy.
  • Add the egg yolk and almond flour and mix well.
  • Stir in the flour and salt and mix well then form a ball and wrap in plastic wrap.
  • Place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before using.
  • Place the dough on a floured working surface and roll into a thin sheet, 3-4mm thickeness.
  • Transfer the dough in a tart pan of about 18-20cm diameter.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown and crisp.
  • Allow to cool down completely before serving.

Dark Chocolate Cremeux:

  • Combine the cream and milk in a pot and place over low heat.
  • Mix the egg yolks, egg and sugar in a bowl.
  • Pour the hot milk over the eggs and mix well.
  • Transfer back on heat and cook on low heat for 1-2 minutes, until thickened and the temperature reaches 82C.
  • Remove from heat and pour the mixture over the chocolate.
  • Allow to rest for 5 minutes then mix well until smooth and creamy.
  • Place in the fridge for a few hours, preferably overnight.

Vanilla Mousseline Cream:

  • Heat up the milk in a pot.
  • Mix the egg yolks, sugar and salt in a bowl. Add the cornstarch and mix well then pour the hot milk over the mixture.
  • Place back on heat and cook until thickened.
  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes then melt it and stir it into the cream.
  • Place plastic wrap on the surface and allow to cool down completely.
  • Fold in the whipped cream and spoon the cream in a pastry bag fitted with a round nozzle.

Caramelized Bananas:

  • Combine the sugars and water in a saucepan and place over low heat.
  • Cook until it starts to turn golden brown.
  • Add the orange juice and butter and cook for 1 additional minute.
  • Add the banana slices and cook for 1-2 minutes, making sure they are well covered in the caramel sauce.
  • Add the rum and keep on heat just until well combined.
  • Allow to cool down completely before using.

To assemble the tart:

  • Fill the crust with vanilla mousseline cream. Top with chocolate cremeux and caramelized bananas. Finish off with a few chopped walnuts for texture.
  • Serve the tart chilled.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
caramelized banana tart

Acuma cativa ani cand m-am apucat de prajituri mai serios, tartele erau poate pe ultimul loc al favoritelor mele, putin inaintea fursecurilor. Poate si pentru ca pe atunci, cand ma gandeam la tarta, imi imaginam o crusta simpla, o crema de vanilie si cateva fructe deasupra. Ceea ce nu e rau, dar nu e nici bine! Tarta cu vanilie si fructe e poate una dintre cele mai cunoscute tarte in intreaga lume, dar nu as putea zice ca e si cea mai gustoasa, cel putin nu pentru papilele mele. Sigur, e un inceput excelent, mai ales daca o faci ca la carte, dar eu zic sa nu ne oprim acolo. Motiv pentru care astazi am pentru voi o tarta cu banane caramelizate, crema de vanilie si ciocolata plus o crusta crocanta, nisipoasa, din care poti musca usor si care se topeste in gura.

Daca ar fi sa descriu tarta perfecta ar incepe in mod cert cu o crusta nisipoasa, din care sa nu te chinui sa musti, care se se sparga usor intre dinti si sa se contopeasca in gura impreuna cu celelalte ingrediente. Si acest lucru nu poate fi obtinut decat prin folosirea unui pate sucree sau pate sablee, ambele fiind perfecte pentru o astfel de tarta. Reteta mea de pate sucree vine de la Pierre Herme si e o reteta pe care o fac de ani de zile probabil – e prima mea alegere oricand am nevoie de un aluat fraged, usor crocant, fie pentru tarte, fie pentru biscuiti. E un aluat care se face usor si se lucreaza si mai usor, are un gust intens de unt si o textura extraordinara!

Tarta cu banane caramelizate

Crusta crocanta si crema fina de ciocolata neagra se combina minunat cu feliile de banana caramelizata.
Rezultat –1 tarta
Dimensiuni: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • 70 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 35 g zahar pudra (cernuta)
  • 1 galbenus
  • 20 g pudra de migdale
  • 150 g faina alba 000
  • 1 g sare

Cremeux de ciocolata neagra:

  • 125 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 80 g lapte integral
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 1 ou intreg
  • 30 g zahar alb granulat
  • 140 g ciocolata neagra
  • 5 g extract de vanilie

Crema de vanilie diplomat:

  • 250 g lapte integral
  • 2 oua intregi
  • 70 g zahar alb granulat
  • 20 g amidon de porumb
  • 1 g sare
  • 2 g gelatina + 10ml apa rece
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 100 g smantana pentru frisca (batuta)

Banane caramelizate:

  • 2 banane (feliate)
  • 50 g zahar alb granulat
  • 10 g zahar brun deschus
  • 30 g apa
  • 50 g suc de portocale
  • 15 g unt
  • 1 lingura rom brun
Makes: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • Mixati untul cu zaharul pana devine cremos.
  • Adaugati galbenusul si mixati bine apoi incorporati migdalele pudra, faina si sarea.
  • Amestecati pana formati un aluat omogen apoi infasurati aluatul in folie alimentara si dati la rece pentru 30 minute cel putin.
  • Puneti aluatul pe masa infainata si intindeti intr-o foaie subtire de 3-4mm grosime.
  • Puneti aluatul in tava de tarta (20-22cm diametru) apoi faceti cateva gauri mici pe fundul tartei pentru a permite aburilor sa iasa, impiedicand fundul aluatului sa se deformeze.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 15-20 minute pana devine usor aurie.
  • Dati crusta deoparte.

Cremeux de ciocolata:

  • Combinati smantana si laptele intr-un vas si puneti pe foc mic pentru a le infierbanta.
  • Intr-un bol, amestecati oul, galbenusurile si zaharul pana devine cremoase. Turnati laptele fierbinte peste oua apoi puneti amestecul din nou pe foc mic si gatiti pana se ingroase usor si atinge aproximativ 82C.
  • Luati de pe foc si turnati amestecul peste ciocolata intr-un al bol. Lasati 5 minute apoi amestecati cu o spatula pana obtineti un amestec cremos. Adaugati extractul de vanilie.
  • Acoperiti cu folie la suprafata si dati la rece cateva ore, preferabil peste noapte.
  • Crema de vanilie diplomat:
  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Incalziti laptele intr-un vas pe foc mic.
  • Mixati galbenusurile, sarea si zaharul intr-un bol. Adaugati amidonul si amestecati bine.
  • Turnati laptele fierbinte peste amestecul de ou si amidon apoi puneti iar pe foc si gatiti pana se ingroase.
  • Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina topita.
  • Acoperiti cu folie la suprafata si lasati sa se raceasca complet.
  • Cand e rece, mixati usor cu un mixer pana redevine cremoasa, apoi adaugati vanilia.
  • Incorporati si smantana pentru frisca apoi puneti crema intr-un pos si dati deoparte.

Banane caramelizate:

  • Combinati cele doua tipuri de zahar si apa intr-un vas cu fundul gros.
  • Fierbeti pana obtineti un caramel auriu, apoi adaugati untul si sucul de portocale.
  • Fierbati 1 minut apoi adaugati feliile de banane si gatiti 2-3 minute.
  • Adaugati si romul si luati de pe foc. Lasati sa se raceasca complet.

Pentru a asambla tarta:

  • Puneti crema diplomat in coaja de tarta.
  • Puneti cremeux-ul intr-un pos si acoperiti crema de vanilie.
  • Finisati cu felii de banana caramelizate si cateva nuci prajite si tocate.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
tarta cu banane caramelizate

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