Tort Riviera – cu ciocolata neagra si lamaie

Ciocolata si lamaia nu sunt ingrediente care pot fi combinate usor – si recunosc ca eram una din acele persoane care nu agrea aceasta combinatie, dar banuiesc ca nu gustasem ce trebuie inainte. Ori acest tort mi-a dat peste cap toate asteptarile prin gustul sau divin. E genul de tort care e mai bun dupa o zi, doua, aromele sunt mai armonioase, gusturile sunt absolut perfecte dupa ce are timp sa „respire”.

chocolate lemon cake

Tortul are la baza o reteta a marelui Pierre Herme, maestrul cofetarie moderne, cel care chiar nu mai are nevoie de nicio introducere. Insa mi-am pus si eu amprenta asupra tortului modificand putin mousse-ul de ciocolata si adaugand in plus un strat de ganache infuzat cu lamaie pe care mi l-am imginat ca fiind liantul dintre ciocolata amaruie si crema de lamaie acrisoara.

Straturile tortului sunt: blat de ciocolata fara faina, crema de lamaie (care seamana cu un lemon curd, dar e mai aerat, aproape ca un mousse sau o crema mousseline), mousse de ciocolata, ganache si decor dupa preferinta.

Tort Riviera

Acest tort Riviera este delicios, desi combina doua ingrediente care la prima vedere par ca nu s-ar combina bine impreuna: ciocolata si lamaia. Reuseste insa sa le "imblanzeasca" pe amandoua!
Rezultat –1 tort
Dimensiuni: 22cm round


Blat de ciocolata fara faina:

  • 120 g ciocolata neagra (tocata (70% cacao))
  • 85 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 110 g zahar alb granulat (impartit in 2 portii egale)
  • 10 g cacao neagra
  • 2 galbenusuri
  • 1 ou intreg
  • 6 albusuri
  • 1 g sare

Crema de lamaie:

  • 110 g zahar alb granulat
  • Coaja si sucul de la 2 lamai medii
  • 2 oua intregi
  • 150 g unt (temperatura camerei)

Mousse de ciocolata:

  • 4 galbenusuri
  • 70 g zahar alb granulat
  • 35 g apa
  • 3 g gelatina + 18g apa rece
  • 250 g ciocolata neagra (topita (60g cacao))
  • 300 g smantana pentru frisca (spumata lejer)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie

Ganache infuzat cu lamaie:

  • 100 g ciocolata neagra (tocata (60% cacao))
  • 100 g smantana pentru frisca
  • Coaja de la 1 lamaie
  • 30 g unt (temperatura camerei)
Makes: 22cm round


Blat de ciocolata fara faina:

  • Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati 2 tavi de 22cm Ø cu hartie de copt.
  • Mixati untul cu jumatate din zahar si cacao pana obtineti o crema pufoasa.
  • Adaugati galbenusurile si oul, unul cate unul, si mixati bine, apoi incorporati ciocolata topita si racita. Dati deoparte.
  • Mixati albusurile cu un praf de sare pana obtineti o spuma ferma. Adaugati zaharul treptat si mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
  • Incorporati bezeaua in amestecul de ciocolata si impartiti aluatul in mod egal intre cele 2 tavi pregatite.
  • Coaceti pentru 20-25 minute apoi lasati sa se raceasca complet.

Crema de lamaie:

  • Combinati zaharul si coaja de lamaie intr-un bol si amestecati-le cu degetelor pentru a elibera aroma cojii de lamaie.
  • Adaugati sucul de lamaie si ouale si puneti bolul pe baie de aburi.
  • Tineti pe baie de aburi, amestecand continuu, pana compozitia incepe sa se lege, sa se ingroase.
  • Luati de pe foc si lasati sa se raceasca 10 minute apoi strecurati amestecul in alt bol si incepeti sa mixati cu un mixer electric in timp ce adaugati untul, lingura dupa lingura.
  • Cand ati terminat de adaugat untul, mai mixati 2 minute la viteza mare si dati bolul la rece.

Mousse de ciocolata:

  • Amestecati gelatina cu apa rece si dati deoparte.
  • Amestecati zaharul si apa si puneti pe foc pana obtineti un sirop gros.
  • Mixati galbenusurile putin pana devin cremoase si adaugati gradual siropul de zahar fierbinte, mixand continuu cateva minute pana obtineti o spuma.
  • Incorporati gelatina topita, vanilia si ciocolata topita apoi lasati amestecul sa se racoreasca.
  • La final, incorporati smantana pentru frisca spumata.

Ganache infuzat cu lamaie:

  • Infierbantati frisca si coaja de lamaie intr-un vas. Luati de pe foc si lasati sa infuzeze 10 minute.
  • Scurgeti frisca bine si puneti inapoi pe foc, dar nu o dati in clocot.
  • Adaugati ciocolata si amestecati bine pana obtineti o compozitie omogena.
  • Incorporati untul si lasati ganache-ul sa se raceasca.

Pentru a asambla tortul:

  • Montati unul dintre blaturi intr-un inel de tort. Acoperiti blatul cu o treime din mousse-ul de ciocolata si dati la congelator 15 minute.
  • Puneti crema de lamaie peste mousse si acoperiti cu cel de-al doilea blat.
  • Turnati restul de mousse peste blat si dati din nou la congelator.
  • Ultimul strat e cel de ganache.
  • Dati tortul la frigider peste noapte si decorati dupa bunul plac.
Keyword Ciocolata neagra, Ganache, Ganache de ciocolata neagra, Lamaie, Lime
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate lemon cake


Inspired by the master of modern patisserie, Pierre Herme, this chocolate lemon cake must be the best I have made in 2015, if not the best I have ever made. Needless to say that Pierre Herme fascinates me, he is the Picasso of modern pastry after all and his desserts need no introduction. So when the thought of making this cake was born in my mind, I felt like I had a goal to achieve. The Riviera Cake has layers of flourless chocolate cake, chocolate mousse and a very special lemon curd to which I added a lemon infused ganache because I thought it would complement well the other layers and I believe I was right.

I have to admit I didn’t see chocolate and lemon as a combination I was eager to try before, but this cake proved me wrong. I love this mix, I love how the rich chocolate brings out the tanginess of the lemon and I love how the tangy curd tames down the bold chocolate. I love how they balance each other so well and redefine the definition of perfection in the world of desserts. Because this cake is perfect from start to finish – not to mention that it is also gluten-free. Just look at all those creamy layers – it’s pure perfection!

From the original recipe of Pierre Herme I kept only the flourless chocolate cake and lemon cream and decided to change the chocolate mousse slightly and add an extra layer of chocolate because, well, you can never have enough chocolate, right?! So let’s begin!

Riviera Chocolate Cake (inspired by Pierre Herme)

Riviera cake is a deliciousness of pastry, created by by the famous Pierre Herme. It combines chocolate with lemon into a perfect dessert for your taste buds.
Rezultat –1 cake
Dimensiuni: 22cm round


Flourless chocolate cake:

  • 120 g dark chocolate (chopped (70%cocoa content))
  • 85 g butter (softened)
  • 110 g sugar (divided)
  • 10 g Dutch processed cocoa powder
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 whole egg
  • 6 egg whites
  • 1 pinch salt

Lemon cream:

  • 110 g sugar
  • Zest and juice from 2 medium-size lemons
  • 2 whole eggs
  • 150 g butter (softened)

Chocolate mousse:

  • 4 egg yolks
  • 70 g sugar
  • 35 g water
  • 3 g gelatin + 20ml cold water
  • 250 g dark chocolate (melted (60% cocoa content))
  • 300 g heavy cream (whipped)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Lemon infused ganache:

  • 100 g dark chocolate (chopped (60% cocoa content))
  • 100 g heavy cream
  • Zest from 1 lemon
  • 30 g butter
Makes: 22cm round


Flourless chocolate cake:

  • Preheat your oven to 350°F and line 2 round cake pans (22cm) with baking paper.
  • Mix the butter with half of the sugar and cocoa powder for a few minutes until creamy.
  • Stir in the ehh yolks, one by one, then add the whole egg and mix well.
  • Stir in the melted and cooled chocolate and place aside.
  • Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Gradually stir in the remaining sugar and continue whipping until stiff and glossy.
  • Fold the meringue into the chocolate mixture then pour the batter into the 2 prepared pans.
  • Bake for 20-25 minutes until set and well risen.
  • Remove from the oven and let them cool completely.

Lemon cream:

  • Combine the sugar with lemon zest and rub them together until fragrant.
  • Add the eggs and lemon juice and mix well then place the bowl over a hot water bath and continue cooking until the cream begins to thicken. (about 10 minutes, possibly more – mix all the time while cooking).
  • Remove the bowl from heat and allow the cream to cool for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the cream in the bowl of your mixer and turn the mixer on.
  • Start adding the softened butter to the warm curd, mixing all the time until you run out of butter.
  • Turn the mixer on high and whip for 2 minutes then place the cream in the fridge to set.

Chocolate mousse:

  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
  • Mix the water and sugar in a saucepan and cook over low heat until the sugar is dissolved and the syrup begins to thicken.
  • Mix the egg yolks until creamy then gradually add the sugar syrup, mixing all the time until the egg yolks are double in volume and thick.
  • Stir in the melted gelatin and vanilla extract then fold in the chocolate.
  • Allow the mixture to cool slightly then fold in the whipped cream.

Lemon infused ganache:

  • Heat the cream in a saucepan and stir in the lemon zest.
  • Remove from heat and let it infuse for 10 minutes.
  • Strain through a fine sieve then bring the cream back to the boiling point.
  • Add the chocolate into the heated cream and mix until melted.
  • Stir in the butter and mix well.

To assemble the cake:

  • Place one layer of flourless chocolate cake in a cake ring.
  • Top with ⅓ of the chocolate mousse and place in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Spoon the lemon cream over the mousse and cover with the 2nd flourless chocolate sponge.
  • Spoon the remaining chocolate mousse over the sponge and place back in the freezer.
  • Top the mousse with lemon infused ganache and refrigerate the cake over night.
  • To decorate the cake I used 100g melted dark chocolate.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate lemon cake

riviera cake

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  1. Stunning cake! I have recently become a fan of the chocolate-lemon combo and I can imagine this is out of the world. Pierre Herme is a pastry God and you have done absolute justice to the cake if not more. Everything about it is so beautiful.

    1. Thank you. He is amazing and his recipes are out of this world. I chose a pretty simple recipe this time, but I will surely do something more complicated next time.

  2. This cake is beautiful. You’re right I’ve never really thought of chocolate and lemon as a combination either.

    I love the chocolate decorations, did you do them with a palette knife and chocolate acetate? They’re so neat and precise.

    Lovely looking cake!

    1. Thank you, Angela!
      I made the decorations on acetate sheets and spread the chocolate with the back of a teaspoon.
      Ah they only look precise, I was rather messy when making them, kept hurrying to finish the cake as it was getting cloudy and my pictures would have been ruined 😀

  3. Olguta, am pregatit acest tort pentru weekend, e minunat, ca de altfel toate retetele pe care le-am incercat de pe acest site. Eu la mousse am inlocuit 100g cu ciocolata de lapte si l-am imbracat in plastelina de ciocolata neagra si alba pe margini. Poti, te rog, sa imi spui daca aceasta compozitie suporta un tort supraetajat, bineinteles cu blat la final, vreau sa ii fac fetitei mele care l-a adorat, un tort castel de ziua ei, in aprilie. Ideea ar fi de un tort dreptunghiular (25/35) la baza, cu turnulete, urmat de altul rotund (diametrul 25) si iarasi turnulete. Si bineinteles nelipsitele printese. Da, am inceput planificarea deja. Ai idee cam de cata ciocolata plastica as avea nevoie pentru cele doua torturi supraetajate, ma gandesc inaltimea va fi undeva la 10cm iar grosimea pastei aprox 1.5mm. Turnuletele probabil le imbrac in pasta de zahar (vor fi „fake cake” din carton). Eu nu sunt in domeniu, fac doar din placere pentru familie. Iti multumesc mult pentru ajutorul de a crea torturi de vis (ca arome si aspect) si sper sa reusesti sa vezi mesajul meu in timp pentru a-mi da ceva sfaturi. Claudia

    1. Claudia, nu cred ca rezista compozitia asta pentru un tort supraetajat. Poate sa mai adaugi un blat extra, ceva cu faina.
      Nu as sti sa-ti spun cata ciocolata plastica iti trebuie, nu am experienta pe partea asta. 🙂

      1. Olguta, iti multumesc mult de raspunsul prompt. Voi pastra compozitia cremelor (fiind de ciocolata si de unt, sper sa reziste la greutate) si voi face 3 blaturi de ciocolata cu faina si probabil unt, gen Victoria sponge (desi imi place foarte mult gustul si ideea blatului fara faina). O sa ma mai documentez despre torturi supraetajate. In privinta plastelinei o sa calculez aprox tinand cont cata mi-a trebuit la acest tort (a fost prima data cand am lucrat cu ea, ca exercitiu, dar mi-a placut gustul si textura). Multumesc inca o data si te tin la curent cu ce blat ma gotarasc, daca nu te deranjez, bineinteles. Claudia

  4. Arata minunat!!! O intrebare: cand facem crema de lamaie, adaugam pur si simplu ouale fara sa le batem inainte?

  5. Senzational!!!!! si se face si repede! Multumesc, olguta, si pentru aceasta reteta minunata care a avut un succes nebun!!!

  6. Buna Olguta ,
    Am inceput sa pregatesc acest tort , am facut blatul care mi-a crescut foarte frumos in cuptor ( eu am turnat toata compozitia in tava, deorece nu am spatiu in cuptor sa coc doua blaturi odata ) si dupa ce l-am scos din cuptor s-a lasat …Am gresit cumva sau asa e normal? Multumesc anticipat !!!

    1. Claudia, e un blat fara faina, se lasa inevitabil dupa copt. Si pentru ca se lasa si e foarte delicat, nu poti taia doua discuri din el. De aceea se coace in doua transe diferite 🙂 Poti sa lasi aluatul in bol si sa coci dupa ce il faci pe primul, nu e problema.

      1. Multumesc tare mult Olguta , mi-a iesit un tort super delicios .Combinatia este de vis , nu am mai gustat vreodata asa ceva … Abia astept sa repet acest tort pentru ziua mamei mele…Iti multumesc mult pentru retetele foarte bune.

  7. Buna, nu am in casa decat ciocolata de maxim 52%, o pot folosi si sa mai reduc din cantitatea de zahar? cam cu cat as putea sa o reduc? Iti multumesc pentru raspuns.

    1. Cand se fac modificari de genul asta, nu e suficient doar sa inclouiesti. Pentru a avea parte de puterea de inchegare a ciocolatei negre, va trebui sa folosesti mai multa ciocolata de 52%, poate cu 20-30% mai multa.

  8. Yum yum! Unul din preferatele mele.
    Noi insa suntem doar 2 si am adaptat reteta la nevoile noastre facand monoportii si cate un strat din fiecare.
    Am facut 1/3 din blat si am turnat in ramekinuri, folosind Valrhona Caraibe.
    Apoi 1/2 din crema de unt.
    Apoi 1/2 din mousse, cu Valrhona Jivara.
    Si ganacheul l-am facut din Valrhona Ivoire cu lamaie.
    A iesit foarte bun, vreo 8-9 ramekinuri (sau care le-o fi pluralul 🙂 )

    Multumim pt reteta!

    1. Yes, Sammy! It is a mousse and ganache based cake, so it can be glaze any way you want. Just make sure it is frozen completely before glazing.

  9. I’m making this for the third time – my family loves it!!! Thanks for sharing such an amazing recipe 🙂

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