Tort cu ciocolata neagra si bacon

Daca ma urmariti de mai mult timp, stiti bine ca nu ma dau inlaturi de la combinatii iesite din comun si nu e prima data cand folosesc bacon in deserturi – aceste fursecuri sunt inca vii in memoria papilelor mele gustative. E ceva in gustul baconului combinat cu ceva dulce care imi face papilele sa tresalte de bucurie.
Baconul usor sarat si afumat si ciocolata dulce amaruie fac din acest tort o delicatesa. E si foarte usor de facut pe deasupra! Straturile tortului sunt: blat cu ciocolata si bere neagra, crema de unt cu ciocolata (Chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream), bacon crocant si un strat de miez de nuca pentru textura si gust. Sunt putine elemente, dar toate au o aroma intensa, reusind cumva sa se echilibreze una pe cealalta intr-un tort care impresioneaza nu doar prin combinatia de gusturi, ci si prin aspect.

Tort cu ciocolata neagra si bacon
Blat cu ciocolata si bere neagra:
- 250 g faina alba 000
- 300 g zahar alb granulat
- 75 g cacao
- 4 g praf de copt
- 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
- 2 g sare
- 2 oua
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 250 g lapte batut
- 125 g ulei vegetal
- 250 g bere neagra
- 100 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
Crema de unt cu ciocolata:
- 4 albusuri
- 200 g zahar alb 000
- 1 g sare
- 250 g unt la temperatura camerei
- 250 g ciocolata neagra (topita si racita)
In plus, veti mai avea nevoie de 10 felii bacon, prajite pana devin crocante si o mana de miez de nuca, tocat.
Blat cu ciocolata si bere neagra:
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati 2 tavi de 18cm Ø cu hartie de copt.
- Amestecati ingredientele uscate intr-un bol.
- Incalziti berea neagra intr-un vas apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Amestecati pana ciocolata se topeste.
- Amestecati ouale, vanilia, uleiul si laptele batut intr-un bol. Adaugati amestecul de bere si ciocolata apoi turnati lichidul peste ingredientele uscate.
- Amestecati rapid doar pana la incorporare. E crucial sa nu amestecati prea mult in aluat altfel veti obtine un blat cu gauri, cleios si nu unul pufos, umed cum e acest blat de fapt.
- Turnati aluatul in mod egal in cele doua tavi pregatite si coaceti pentru 30-35 minute sau pana blaturile trec testul scobitorii.
- Lasati blaturile sa se raceasca in tavi apoi nivelati-le si taiati-le in jumatate, astfel incat sa obtineti 4 discuri de blat in total.
Crema de unt cu ciocolata:
- Combinati albusurile cu zaharul, sarea si vanilia intr-un bol si puneti pe baie de aburi. Tineti pe foc, amestecand continuu in albusuri cu un tel, pana cand compozitia e fierbinte si zaharul e topit.
- Luati de pe foc si mixati albusurile cu un mixer electric pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa si bolul s-a racit. De obicei dureaza intre 5 si 8 minute.
- Cand bolul si bezeaua sunt reci, adaugati untul, tot o data, si mixati la viteza mica. La inceput compozitia se va taia, apoi va arata ca o supa, iar dupa 2-3 minute va deveni o crema fina, delicioasa.
- Adaugati ciocolata topita si racita si amestecati doar pana la incorporare.
- Impartiti crema de unt in 4 parti cat de cat egale si incepeti sa asamblati tortul astfel: un strat de blat, un strat de crema de unt, bacon rupt bucati mici, alt blat, din nou crema si bacon si tot asa. Incheiati asamblarea cu un strat de crema de unt peste care presarati miez de nuca si bucati de bacon.
- Sa aveti pofta!
If you’ve been following this blog for a longer period of time, you know that I like flavor combinations that step out of the ordinary and it’s not the first time I’m using bacon in desserts – these cookies were delicious too! But there’s something about the idea of a chocolate bacon cake that made my taste buds tingle. The sweetness and chocolatiness of the cake and the salty, smoky aroma of the bacon are a match made in heaven in my opinion. I was a bit skeptical at first, but couldn’t stop eating the cake once it was assembled. What a great flavor and such a beautiful cake! A showstopper indeed!
The layers of the cake are quite simple: black stout chocolate sponge cake (the same I made for my red wine cake, but with stout replacing the red wine), Swiss meringue chocolate buttercream, crispy bacon and a touch of walnuts for taste and flavor. So simple and yet so good! This chocolate bacon cake is my idea of perfection – simple ingredients, well mixed together, well balanced, intense, yet not overpowering. The wholesome, hearty stout chocolate cake is moist and incredibly tasty with its chocolate taste and stout bitterness and aroma. When I first opened the black stout bottle, the first thing I thought about was chocolate.. somehow, the flavor made me think of chocolate, caramel and overall thick, rich flavors.

I’m not normally a huge fan of buttercream, but there’s just one that I honestly don’t mind making and eating – Swiss meringue buttercream. It’s so much lighter and creamier, it has a better taste and an amazing texture, it holds its shape well and it’s perfect for cakes, cupcakes, brownies or just anything you might consider needing a dollop of rich, delicious cream on top. The great thing about this meringue though is that it can easily be combined with chocolate or even cream cheese and turned into amazing fillings for your cakes.

Chocolate Bacon Cake
Black stout cake:
- 250 g all-purpose white flour
- 300 g white sugar
- 75 g cocoa powder
- 4 g baking powder
- 4 g baking soda
- 2 g salt
- 2 eggs
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 250 g buttermilk
- 125 g vegetable oil
- 250 g dark stout
- 100 g dark chocolate (chopped)
Chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream:
- 4 egg whites
- 200 g white sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 g salt
- 250 g butter (softened)
- 250 g dark chocolate (melted and chilled)
You will also need:
- 10 bacon slices (cooked until crisp and golden brown)
- A handful of walnuts (chopped)
Black stout cake:
- Preheat your oven to 350F and line 2 round cake pans (18cm diameter) with baking paper.
- Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.
- Bring the sout to the boiling point in a saucepan. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until melted and smooth and allow to cool down.
- Combine the eggs, vanilla, buttermilk and oil in a bowl. Stir in the stout mixture.
- Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ones and mix quickly just until combined. Don’t over mix the batter!
- Pour the batter evenly between the two prepared cake pans and bake for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.
- Allow the cakes to cool in the pan then level them up and cut them in half lengthwise, thus obtaining 4 discs of sponge cake. Place aside.
Chocolate Swiss meringue buttercream:
- Combine the egg whites, vanilla, salt and sugar in a heatproof bowl and place over a hot water bath. Keep over steams, whisking all the time, until the mixture is hot and the sugar is melted.
- Remove from heat and begin whipping with an electric mixer until glossy and stiff and completely cooled down. it may take up to 7-8 minutes.
- When the meringue is stiff, add the softened butter, all at once and continue mixing on low speed. At first it will curdle up, then it will look like a soup and after 2-3 minutes, it will come back together, turning into a silky, smooth, fluffy buttercream.
- Add the chocolate, all at once and mix on low speed just until incorporated.
- Split the buttercream in 4 equal portions then assemble the cake: one layer of stout sponge, one layer of buttercream, a few bits of crushed bacon, another layer of sponge cake and so on.
- Finish the cake with a layer of buttercream, chopped walnuts and crispy bacon.
- Serve the cake right away or refrigerate until needed.

Wow, my boyfriend would LOVE this bacon cake! Pinned!
Thank you, Marsha!
Show stopping indeed! This cake is seriously gorgeous and the flavors sound amazingly delicious! Stout, chocolate and bacon? WOW! Your photography is absolutely beautiful as well, love your styling! Cheers and thanks for sharing the YUM!! 😉
Cheyanne, thank you.
Cum sa nu faci ceva atat de interesant!
Il voi „sarbatori”in 1o zile, odata cu ziua mea de nastere.
Felicitari pentru munca depusa,pentru rezultatele obtinute!
Multumesc, Elena. Te astept cu impresii 🙂
OMG two of my favourite things!! This cake is absolutely GORGEOUS!
WOW. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous. I would love to have a giant slice of this cake!
Thank you, Jessica. 🙂
OMG this cake!! Love that you have used more unusual flavours with the bacon here – it sounds gorgeous <3
Abia astept sa incerc acest tort! Vroiam sa intreb daca trebuie pastrat la frigider sau in cazul unei petreceri daca poate fi tinut afara?
OMG! Part of me is happy I found your website and the other half is in deep trouble. Do you need an apprentice …seriously I’d relocate just to train under you1
If I wanted to bake this into 4 small 9 inch cake pans, how long would I bake it for ?