Entremet cu lamaie si busuioc
Nu e niciun secret ca imi place busuiocul in prajituri. E posibil ca macaronsii cu busuioc si zmeura sau tortul cu mousse de busuioc sa ma fi dat de gol! Insa busuiocul este una dintre singurele arome care are capacitatea sa puna in priza din start, o aroma puternica, dar care se combina foarte armonios cu citrice, zmeura, menta. Ori imi place mult ideea ca as putea sa-l combin cu o multime de alte ingrediente fara sa ma plictisesc.
Entremet cu lamaie si busuioc
Aluat fraged cu lamaie:
- 70 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 1 lingurita coaja de lamaie
- 35 g zahar pudra
- 1 galbenus
- 20 g faina de migdale
- 140 g faina alba (cernuta)
- 1 praf de sare
Biscuite cu ulei de masline:
- 25 g unt (topit)
- 35 ml ulei de masline
- 1 ou
- 60 g zahar
- 10 ml lapte
- 60 g faina alba
- 1 g praf de copt
- 1 praf de sare
- 2 ml suc de lamaie
- 1 lingurita coaja de lamaie
Insert capsune:
- 150 g piure de capsune
- 35 g zahar alb
- 4 g pectina NH
- 2 ml zeama de lamaie
- 2 g foi gelatina
Mousse de lamaie si busuioc:
- 60 ml suc de lamaie
- 2 oua
- 2 lingurite coaja de lamaie
- 10 g busuioc (tocat)
- 100 g zahar alb
- 35 g unt
- 6 g foi de gelatina
- 300 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Glazura oglinda:
- 150 g glucoza lichida
- 150 g zahar alb
- 75 ml apa
- 100 ml lapte condensat
- 150 g ciocolata alba
- 10 g gelatina foi (hidratate in apa foarte rece)
- Colorant verde si galben
Aluat fraged cu lamaie:
- Mixati untul, coaja de lamaie si zaharul pudra pana devine pufos, dechis la culoare.
- Adaugati galbenusul si faina de migdale apoi faina si sarea. Framantati scurt apoi infasurati in folie alimentara si dati la rece 1 ora.
- Intindeti aluatul intr-un strat subtire apoi decupati discuri usor mai mari decat baza mini torturilor pe care le veti face.
- Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 10-12 minute sau pana devin aurii.
Biscuite cu ulei de masline:
- Amestecati untul topit cu uleiul de masline.
- Mixati oul cu zaharul pana devine pufos, deschis la culoare.
- Incorporati laptele apoi adaugati in fir subtire untul si uleiul. Adaugati zeama de lamaie si coaja de lamaie.
- Incorporati faina, praful de copt si sarea.
- Turnati aluatul intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si intindeti in strat subtire.
- Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180C pentru 10-15 minute sau pana devine usor auriu.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava apoi decupati discuri suficient de mari incat sa incapa in formele de silicon pe care le veti folosi.
Insert capsune:
- Incalziti piureul de capsune.
- Amestecati pectina cu zaharul apoi hidratati gelatina.
- Incorporati pectina si zaharul in piureul de capsune apoi gatiti 2-3 minute pana incepe sa se ingroase.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati zeama de lamaie apoi gelatina.
- Turnati compozitia in forme de silicon semisferice apoi congelati cateva ore.
Mousse de lamaie si busuioc:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Combinati sucul de lamaie, ouale, coaja de lamaie, busuiocul, zaharul alb si untul intr-un bol termorezistent.
- Puneti pe baie de aburi si gatiti pentru 15-20 minute, amestecand continuu, pana amestecul incepe sa se ingroase.
- Luati de pe foc, adaugati gelatina, apoi treceti amestecul printr-o sita fina.
- Lasati sa se racoreasca apoi incorporati smantana batuta.
- Umpleti formele de silicon pe jumatate cu mousse, apoi inserati amestecul de capsune congelat si continuati cu mousse. Finisati cu discurile de bisuicte cu ulei de masline.
- Congelati.
Glazura oglinda:
- Puneti ciocolata intr-un container inalt.
- Combinati glucoza, zaharul si apa intr-un vas. Puneti pe foc mic spre mediu si aduceti la 103C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati laptele condensate, apoi gelatina.
- Turnati acest amestec peste ciocolata.
- Lasati sa stea 1 minut, apoi amestecati cu un blender de mana pana obtineti o glazura cremoasa, fina.
- Luati deoparte cateva linguri de glazura si colorati-o cu verde.
- Colorati restul cu galben.
- Lasati sa vina la 35C inainte de folosire.
Pentru a finisa torturile:
- Scoateti-le din forme si asezati-le pe un gratar.
- Turnati deasupra glazura galbena, apoi veniti cu glazura verde si realizati cateva dungi.
- Asezati fiecare tort pe un disc de aluat fraged.
- Decorati dupa preferinta!
There’s no secret that I love basil in desserts! These basil macarons and basil mousse cake should have give you the hint by now! But really! The aroma of basil in a dessert is something that tingles my senses just by thinking of it! And it works so well with citrus fruits and berries! It’s comforting to know that basil could be combined with lemons, limes, raspberries, strawberries, limes, oranges, mint etc. You could never get bored of using it in desserts, that’s for sure!
This time I focused on three main ingredients: basil, lemon and strawberries. The basil and lemon mousse pairs so well with the strawberry insert that one tiny little cake is not enough for a strong sweet tooth! You know what they say: a well balanced diet is having one cake in each hand!
{Lemon Basil Entremet}
Lemon Pate Sucree:
- 70 g butter (softened)
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 35 g powdered sugar
- 1 egg yolk
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 20 g almond flour
- 140 g all-purpose flour (sifted)
Lemon Olive Oil Biscuit:
- 25 g butter (melted)
- 35 ml extra virgin olive oil
- 1 egg
- 60 g white sugar
- 10 ml whole milk
- 60 g all-purpose flour
- 1 g baking powder
- 1 pinch salt
- 2 ml lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
Strawberry Insert:
- 150 g strawberry puree
- 35 g white sugar
- 4 g pectin NH
- 2 ml lemon juice
- 2 g gelatin (sheets)
Lemon Basil Mousse:
- 60 ml lemon juice
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons lemon zest
- 10 g fresh basil (chopped)
- 100 g white sugar
- 35 g butter
- ––––––––
- 6 g gelatin (sheets)
- 300 ml heavy cream (lightly whipped)
Mirror Glaze:
- 150 g glucose syrup
- 150 g white sugar
- 75 ml water
- 100 ml sweetened condensed milk
- 150 g white chocolate
- 10 g gelatin (sheets, bloomed in cold water)
- Yellow and green food coloring
Lemon Pate Sucree:
- Mix the butter, lemon zest and sugar in a bowl for 5 minutes.
- Stir in the egg yolk and vanilla, as well as the almond flour and mix well.
- Add the flour and knead briefly then wrap it in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 1 hour.
- Roll out the dough into a thin sheet then cut small discs of dough using a cutter slightly bigger than the base of your small cakes.
- Place on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 10-14 minutes or until slightly golden brown on the edges.
- Allow to cool down in the pan.
Lemon Olive Oil Biscuit:
- Combine the butter and olive oil.
- Mix the egg and sugar and mix for a few minutes until airy.
- Stir in the milk, then add the butter and olive oil, followed by the lemon juice and lemon zest.
- Fold in the flour, baking powder and salt.
- Spread the batter in a thin sheet in a baking pan lined with parchment paper and bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 10-15 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
- When done, allow to cool down in the pan then cut small discs, big enough to fit your miniature silicone moulds.
- Place aside wrapped in plastic wrap.
Strawberry Insert:
- Combine the sugar and pectin.
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat up the puree in a saucepan.
- Stir in the sugar and pectin then cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened.
- Remove from heat and stir in the lemon juice.
- Add the gelatin and mix well.
- Pour the mixture into small silicone moulds – semispheres.
- Freeze for a few hours.
Lemon Basil Mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin sheets.
- Combine the lemon juice, eggs, lemon zest, basil, sugar and butter in a heatproof bowl.
- Place over a hot water bath and cook for 15-20 minutes or until slightly thickened.
- Remove from the water bath then stir in the gelatin.
- Allow to come to a neutral temperature then fold in the whipped cream.
- Fill your silicone moulds half way then place the strawberry inserts and pour more mousse on top. Finish with a disc of lemon olive oil biscuit then freeze.
Mirror Glaze:
- Place the chocolate in a tall container, fit for a hand blender.
- Combine the glucose, sugar and water in a saucepan and place over medium heat. Heat this syrup up until 103C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the condensed milk then add the gelatin.
- Pour this mixture over the chocolate.
- Allow to sit for 1 minute then blend with a hand blender until it becomes smooth.
- Reserve a few tablespoons of glaze in a different bowl. Color the larger quantity of glaze with yellow and the reserved one with green.
- Allow the glaze to cool down to 35C before using. You can make it a few hours ahead and re-heat in the microwave until the needed temperature.
To finish the cake:
- Remove the cakes from the freezers and place them on a grill.
- Evenly pour the yellow glaze over then decorate with a few strips of green glaze.
- Allow to drip off then transfer each cake on a disc of pate sucree.
- Decorate as you wish!
Pare a fi o combinatie apetisanta, atat vizual, cat si gustativ. Felicitari!
Imi spui te rog de unde cumperi glucoza lichida pentru glazura oglinda? Eu nu am reusit sa o gasesc.
Letitia, glucoza lichida o iau de la http://www.desertonline.ro
Buna Olguta,
Mai ai si alta sursa de glucoza lichida? Pe desertonline.ro stocul este zero.
Nu am stiut, pana de curand, ca busuiocul poate sa-mi placa intr-o prajitura. Acuma stiu, datorita cursului la Pastry-workshop. Cred ca acest entremet ar putea fi o idee foarte buna pentru Sarbatorile Pascale, atat ca si compozitie – usoara si florala – cat si coloristic. Am o intrebare: firele verzi bine definite – care pot sugera iarba – se traseaza in acelasi timp cu glazura galbena sau dupa un anumit timp (ca sa nu se intinda pe glazura)? Multumesc inca odata
Firele verzi se traseaza imediat dupa ce ati turnat glazura galbena ca sa se uniformizeze cele doua glazuri frumos.
Multumesc din suflet, doamna! 🙂
Arata fantastic, eu sunt fan al dumneavoastra! Va rog, imi puteti spune cat cantareste acest tort?
Multumesc, Brenda! Undeva intre 100 si 130g fiecare mini prajitura.
I doubled this recipeto make a larger version for a friend’s birthday and it turned out beautifully and I used fresh basil and strawberries from my own garden. A delicious recipe. Thank you!
Superba combinatie. Cred ca e o explozie de gusturi. Cati cm ati taiat aluatul fraged ?
How many cakes of what size do these cake quantities make? Can one use the same recipe and technique to make a single large cake of any shape? Would it be enough for a 28cm cake?
Hi where I live we do not get gelatin sheets. So if I was using gelatin powder how much would I need. Thanks
A very subtle explosion of flavours!
Tocmai am terminat de facut si de gustat aceste minunatii. Le foarte recomand tuturor ! 🙂
Multumim, Olguta ! Nu pot atasa fotografii, nu?
Multumesc! Ma bucur ca ti-a placut!
Nu se pot atasa fotografii aici, dar imi poti trimite pe email olguta.oana@gmail.com
As avea o intrebare
Puteti sa-mi spuneti pt un tort cu diametru de 22 -24 cm care cantitate o recomandati? (1x, 2x sau 3x)
Cred ca x2 sau x2.5 este suficient.
I just love the lemon & basil together, what a great tasting combo – who knew! However, I was really disappointed with the mousse, as there is far too much gelatine in the recipe & once set it was just rubbery. I did wonder when I read the recipe, but decided to be good & follow it to a tee & I did nothing wrong, as I am used to making Entremets – my favourite things to make. The taste of the mousse before it was set was just so lovely – basically lemon basil curd with cream (I did strain it before moulding though, otherwise green basil bits would be in the mousse!) Because I knew it tasted so yummy, it made the disappointment worse & I just hate wasting food ingredients. I used 3.5 gelatine leaves which is equivalent to 6g – so are you sure the recipe above does not need tweaking? I reckon 2 sheets would be enough. Well worth making again though with less gelatine.
Please read my article regarding gelatin here: http://pastry-workshop.com/introduction-to-pastry-gelatin-despre-gelatina/
6g of gelatin for that amount of mousse is ok, considering that we are talking about an acidic mousse and acid usually weakens the action of gelatin.
One sheet of gelatin usually has no more than 2g so 3.5 sheets/leaves is more than required in the recipe. I recommend scaling the gelatin sheets as well! Also, it really depends on what type of gelatin you used. It may be stronger than the one I find in Romania and this combined with the fact that you might have added at least 1g more than needed, might explain the rubbery feel of the mousse.