Bezele moi cu ceai verde
Pentru mult timp am evitat cu inversunare bezelele moi. Prima si singura data cand le-am facut, acum cativa ani, nu ma impresionasera atat de tare. Dar atunci cand m-am trezit cu un rest de pudra matcha intr-un borcanas in dulapul meu cu ingrediente, primul meu gand a mers spre marshmallows. Asa ca m-am hotarat sa le mai dau o sansa, nu doar pentru ca imi doream o baza neutra care sa ii permita pudrei de ceai verde sa straluceasca, ci si pentru ca vroiam un desert care sa pastreze culoarea verde incredibila pe care eu una o ador!
Si cu aceasta ocazie mi-am dat seama ca de fapt bezelele moi sunt chiar delicioase si merita facute mai des. Plus ca ele vin intr-o multime de posibile gusturi si forme ori culor! Ceea ce le face perfecte pentru petreceri ori candy bar!
Bezele moi cu ceai verde
- 500 g zahar alb granulat
- 30 g glucoza lichida
- 185 g apa
- 20 g gelatina + 100g apa
- 120 g albus
- 2 g sare
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 8 g pudra de matcha
- 30 g apa rece
- 50 g zahar pudra + 50g amidon
- Pregatiti o tava de 20x20cm – ungeti peretii cu ulei – si dati deoparte. Nu sariti acest pas daca doriti ca amestecul sa se desprinda de pe peretii formei!
- Amestecati pudra de matcha cu 30g apa rece si dati deoparte.
- Combinati zaharul, glucoza si apa intr-un vas suficient de mare. Puneti vasul pe foc mediu si gatiti pana siropul atinge 127°C.
- Hidatati gelatina in apa rece pana veti avea nevoie de ea.
- Cand siropul atinge 115°C, incepeti sa mixati albusurile pana devin spumoase. Adaugati sarea si mixati inca 1 minut la viteza medie.
- Cand siropul atinge 127°C, luati vasul de pe foc si adaugati gelatina. Amestecati pana la omogenizare, avand grija la spuma care se formeaza.
- Incepeti sa turnati siropul fierbinte peste albusurile spuma in fir subtire, mixand continuu.
- Continuati sa mixati 7-10 minute pana obtineti o bezea ferma, lucioasa si bolul e aproape racit.
- Adaugati extractul de vanilie si amestecati bine.
- Luati 4 linguri de amestec deoparte si incorporati amestecul de matcha. Incoarceti aceasta compozitie inapoi in bolul mare si amestecati usor cu o spatula doar pentru a o marmora in compozitia alba.
- Turnati amestecul in tava pregatita mai devreme si dati la rece cateva ore pentru a se inchega.
- Cerneti zaharul pudra cu amidonul intr-un bol.
- Taiati bezelele in cuburi mici – rulati-le prin amestecul de zahar si amidon. Puteti sa le rulati si prin nuca de cocos maruntita pentru a adauga putina textura si gust. Ori puteti adauga pudra de ceai verde in acest amestec.
For the longest of times I had this crazy and totally unrealistic idea about marshmallows – that they are empty calories without taste, that their texture is weird and they’re basically not worth making. My only time making marshmallows besides these was years ago and I clearly forgot all about the entire experience since then. Because otherwise I can’t explain why I’ve been missing out on such a treat! (Seriously, look at the picture below, see that gorgeous texture? Totally in love with it!)
The process of making these swirl matcha marshmallows is pretty easy, although not lacking risks. Afterall, you are going to be working with an extremely hot sugar syrup! Check out this article to learn more about working with heated sugar!
I only had a bit of matcha powder left (someone has to re-stock on green tea powder btw) so I thought I really needed a recipe that would emphasize this green valuable powder, not just in terms of taste, but also in terms of color. It happens that green is my favorite color and the matcha green is an absolute feast for the eyes! So I really wanted to preserve the color as it is. Marshmallows were the first and the best thought to come to my mind and I wasn’t wrong!
These fluffy cubes of deliciousness are easy to make, fairly quick if you have a stand mixer at your disposal and they are a great base for pretty much any flavor you can think of. Add dried fruits, fruit purees, melted chocolate and boom, there you have it, a whole new treat for the satisfaction of your sweet tooth!
Matcha Swirled Marshmallows
- 500 g white granulated sugar
- 30 g liquid glucose
- 185 g water
- 20 g gelatin + 100g water
- 120 g egg whites
- 2 g salt
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 8 g matcha powder
- 30 g cold water
- 50 g powdered sugar + 50g cornstarch
- Prepare a 20×20 square pan by greasing it slightly with oil. Place aside until needed.
- Mix the matcha powder and 30ml cold water in a small bowl and place aside.
- Combine the sugar, liquid glucose and water in a pot – choose a large one as it will foam up later on! Place on medium heat. And cook until it reaches 127°C.
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water until needed.
- When the syrup reaches 115°C, start whipping the egg whites in bowl of your stand mixer for a few minutes until foamy. Add the salt and whip 1 more minute.
- When the syrup reaches 127°C take the pot off heat and stir in the bloomed gelatin. Mix quickly, being careful as it tends to foam up.
- Start pouring the syrup over the whipped egg whites in a steady, low stream, whipping all the time.
- Once you’ve added all the syrup, continue mixing for 7-10 minutes until the meringue is glossy and stiff and the bowl is almost cold.
- Add the vanilla extract and mix well.
- Take 4 tablespoons of marshmallows mixture aside in a small bowl and mix it with the matcha syrup.
- Return the matcha marshmallow back to the bigger bowl and mix with a spatula a few times just to swirl it in.
- Pour the marshmallow batter in the pan you prepared earlier and place in the fridge for a few hours to set.
- Sift the powdered sugar and cornstarch in a bowl.
- Cut the marshmallows into small squares and roll them through the cornstarch mixture – optionally, you can roll them through shredded coconut to add not just texture, but also taste. You can also add a touch of matcha powder to this mixture.
I have never made marshmallows! I have no idea why, perhaps I am scared of turning my kitchen into a sticky mess! These look fabulous and I love your idea of using matcha, so I may have to give these a try Oana! xx
You have to make marshmallows, Louise. They are easy to make and so delicious! I tried toasting these and oh boy, I think I’ve got a new addiction! 😀
Am o intrebare:stiu ca gelatina nu se amesteca cu lichid fierbinte pentru ca miroase un pic mai altfel,e adevarat?