Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata

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fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata

Inca de cand m-am apucat de prajiturit am tot cautat o reteta perfecta de fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata. Imi doream sa ramana moi la interior, usor crocante la exterior, sa fie aromate si pline de ciocolata, sa poti musca usor din ele, sa se topeasca in gura uniform, iar astazi am gasit-o in final! Sigur, si incercarile precedente au fost reusite, dar aceste fursecuri sunt superioare. Poate si pentru ca au fost decretate de catre piciul meu drept cele mai bune fursecuri mancate vreodata, citez „prea bune!”

Reteta apartine lui Scott Green, pastry chef american al carui profil de Instagram il urmaresc cu frenezie. De obicei nu am incredere in orice retete de pe internet, dar cand acestea vin de la profesionisti, prefer sa le acord prezumtia de nevinovatie sa zic asa. Am trecut, ca si voi, sunt convinsa, printr-o multime de nereusite, bazate pe retete care nu aveau pic de echilibru. Am invatat in timp insa ca nu tot ce zboara se mananca si ca nu tot ce e pe internet e si bun, asa incat acum imi aleg cu grija retetele pe care sa le incerc. Pur si simplu nu mai sunt dispusa sa irosesc ingrediente pretioase, precum untul si ciocolata.

chocolate chip cookies

Si daca acele retete vin si cu o fotografie, cu atat mai bine! Dintr-o simpla fotografie iti poti da seama cum va arata rezultatul final, clar, dar poti vedea si greselile din timpul prepararii sau, cateodata, poti vedea dezechilibrul din reteta. Ma refer la blaturi dense, fursecuri necrescute sau prea intinse in tava, prajituri arse – toate aceste detalii, poate neimportante pentru unii – fac diferenta in ochiul meu!

Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceasta reteta de fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata este cea mai buna din cate am incercat! Sunt usor de facut, dar atat de moi la interior, atat de gustoase!
Rezultat –40


  • 285 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 180 g zahar alb granulat
  • 215 g zahar brun deschis
  • 2 oua medii
  • 1 galbenus
  • 10 g extract de vanilie
  • 445 g faina alba 000
  • 125 g faina pentru paine*
  • 10 g sare
  • 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 4 g praf de copt
  • 350 g picaturi de ciocolata neagra (usor tocate)


  • Cerneti cele doua tipuri de faina, sarea, praful de copt si bicarbonatul intr-un bol.
  • Combinati untul si cele doua tipuri de zahar intr-un bol si mixati timp de 2 minute pana devine deschis la culoare si omogen.
  • Adaugati ouale, unul cate unul, si galbenusul, apoi incorporati vanilia.
  • Adaugati jumatate din faina si amestecati pana la incorporare.
  • Amestecand cu o spatula, incorproati restul de faina si ciocolata in acelasi timp.
  • Formati fursecuri pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt – folositi o lingura de inghetata pentru a obtine fursecuri egale ca marime. Sau, cel mai bine, cantariti. Personal, prefer undeva la 40g aluat per cookie, dar puteti cantari si alta cantitate. In functie de greutatea fiecarui fursec, veti obtine un numar diferit de fursecuri la final!
  • Puneti tava in congelator pentru macar 1 ora, apoi coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 10-12 minute sau pana marginile devin usor aurii, dar centrul este inca usor moale.
  • Cand sunt gata, scoateti fursecurile din cuptor si presati-le usor cu o spatula – nu aplicati presiune mare, vrem doar sa devina uniforme, nu sa crape sau sa se destrame. Tot acum puteti presara putina sare deasupra daca doriti un contrast de gust mai mare.
  • Lasati fursecurile sa se raceasca in tava inainte de a servi.


* Faina de paine e o faina cu un continut ridicat de gluten, speciala pentru paine sau patiserie.
Keyword Ciocolata neagra
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


I’ve been on a very long and time consuming search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie since I started baking. I came very close with this recipe, but now I have one that takes the spotlight, one that shines and yields results like no others. The source of this recipe is chef Scott Green – check out his Instagram, it’s pretty delicious-looking!

chocolate chip cookies

I don’t trust recipes found online that easily, but years of experiments means that I now pretty much can tell if a recipe will turn out OK or not. Moreover, things get easier when there’s pictures involved. Little details like density in the sponge cake, uneven cookies or burnt bits can mean that either the recipe is bad or the way the recipe was made lacked technique and was just faulty over all. So I stay away from that kind of recipes – ingredients and time are precious and I’m not willing to waste loads of butter and chocolate just to take a chance on a recipe. But the first moment I read chef Scott’s recipe and saw a picture, I was sold! And boy, these cookies delivered the best chocolate chip cookies I ever tasted. Mind you, my son said „mum, they are just too good to be true!”. I think that was the first time he ever said anything like it! I have to admit it did impressed me – he’s not one to easily give away compliments, especially when it comes to desserts. He’s probably my most honest (and cutest) critic!

The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
No title is given to these cookies without reason! They truly are the best I have ever made – soft, fragrant, easy to make – what's not to love?!
Rezultat –40


  • 285 g butter (softened)
  • 180 g white sugar
  • 215 g dark brown sugar
  • 2 medium size eggs
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 10g vanilla extract
  • 445 g all-purpose flour
  • 125 g bread flour
  • 10 g salt
  • 4 g baking powder
  • 4 g baking soda
  • 350 g dark chocolate chips (slightly chopped)


  • Sift the flours, salt, baking powder and baking soda.
  • Combine the butter and sugars in a bowl and mix for 2 minutes on medium speed until pale and light.
  • Stir in the eggs, one by one, then add the egg yolk and vanilla and mix well.
  • Add half of the flour mixture and mix on low speed for 30 seconds until incorporated.
  • Add the rest of the flour and chocolate and mix with a spatula until incorporated.
  • Drop spoonfuls of dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper. I prefer scaling all my cookies. I usually scale around 40g. Depending on the size you choose, this recipe will yield a different number of cookies.
  • Freeze the cookies for 1 hour at least then bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 12-14 minutes or until the cookies turn slightly golden brown on the edges.
  • When done, remove from the oven and gently press the cookies with a potato masher to even them up. This step is not compulsory, but I do love having them all looking flat and pretty much the same.
  • Allow to cool completely in the pan before serving.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate chip cookies
chocolate chip cookies

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  1. Cred ca la reteta in engleza e vorba de brown sugar,nu de brown butter.Planuiesc sa le incerc cat mai curand,banuiesc ca faina manitoba ar fi buna pt aceste cookies .Felicitari pt blog,e superb,asemenea retetelor tale !

  2. You are a godsend Olguta . I made 3x recipe for boy scout fundraising and it was a big hit.
    If you ever want to come to Southern California, please give me a yell.

    Thanks so much,

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